Latest News – Page 124

  • Researchers are trying to develop a simple tool that can detect heart disease in salmon Photo: SAIC

    Detecting heart disease in salmon


    A group of aquaculture researchers in Scotland is aiming to develop a simple mass testing tool that can detect heart conditions in salmon.

  • Brunvoll systems for six new fishing vessels

    Brunvoll systems for six new fishing vessels


    Brunvoll propulsion and manoeuvring systems have been selected for six new fishing vessels being built at Karstensens Skibsværft in Skagen for Norwegian, Swedish and Scottish companies, to be delivered over the coming two years.

  • FIA PNG is the latest organisation to join the 25PST Photo: FIA PNG

    Papua New Guinea pledges sustainable tuna


    Fishing Industry Association (PNG) has become the latest signatory to the 2025 Pledge towards Sustainable Tuna (25PST), a voluntary commitment convened by the World Economic Forum, Friends of Ocean Action and the Global Tuna Alliance (GTA).

  • Thai Union Group is meeting its tuna commitment pledge Photo: Thai Union Group

    Thai Union beats 2020 sustainable tuna pledge


    Thai Union Group has surpassed its sustainable tuna commitment for 2020 according to a newly published progress report.

  • contract signing

    Halibut feed contract


    The world’s largest producer of farmed halibut has signed a six-year feed contract with Aller Aqua.

  • Australian seafood’s bright future

    Australian seafood’s future looks bright


    Seafood Industry Australia (SIA) has welcomed the release of the Australian fisheries and aquaculture statistics 2020, which has shown aquaculture is now the largest sector of the domestic seafood industry.

  • Sterner selects PG’s pumps for smolt facility

    Sterner selects PG’s pumps for smolt facility


    Norwegian water treatment company Sterner AS has awarded PG Flow Solutions a contract to deliver 15 pump systems to the new smolt facility that Sterner is building for Sande Settefisk.

  • Restaurant chain Zhuge Legend will use BAP-certified seafood Photo: Yexiao Food & Catering

    Chinese restaurant chain prioritises BAP


    Yexiao Food & Catering Management is giving priority to seafood originating from Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certified facilities as part of a memorandum of understanding the company signed with the Global Aquaculture Alliance (now the Global Seafood Alliance).

  • Blue Unit’s Lab Station monitors the water quality on RAS farms Photo: Blue Unit

    New water monitoring system for RAS farms


    Blue Unit Solution will be showcasing its new water quality monitoring system as this year’s Aqua Nor in Trondheim.

  • P&P buys into Thunnus Overseas Group

    P and P buys into Thunnus Overseas Group


    Dutch fishing and processing group Parlevliet & Van der Plas has agreed with main shareholder Mohamad Khachab to acquire a significant shareholding in Thunnus Overseas Group (TOG).

  • Tenth Norebo trawler build underway

    Tenth Norebo trawler build underway


    The Northern Shipyard in St Petersburg has begun construction of the tenth vessel in the series of trawlers being built for Norebo Group.

  • Chicken of the Sea appoints EVP Commercial

    Chicken of the Sea appoints EVP Commercial


    Chicken of the Sea International (COSI) has announced the appointment of Andy Mecs to the role of Executive Vice President, Commercial.

  • Ace Aquatec’s newest recruit at Aqua Nor

    Ace Aquatec’s newest recruit at Aqua Nor


    Ace Aquatec, which opened its Norway office last year, will be represented by their growing Norwegian division at this year’s Aqua Nor, welcoming of its latest appointment, Unn Eilen Vik, who joins as the country’s sales manager.

  • Danfoss has expertise in reusing waste heat Photo: Danfoss

    Danes bring energy technology to Aqua Nor


    Representatives of the Danish aquaculture industry are gearing up to showcase their expertise in energy efficiency solutions at this year’s Aqua Nor in Trondheim Spektrum on 24 August 2021.

  • Fisheries and Seafood minister, Odd Emil Ingebritsen Photo: Havlandet Norcod

    New fry facility puts farmed cod on the menu


    Norcod and fry producer Havlandet Marin Yngel have created new company Havlandet Norcod to build a new cod fry facility in Florø.

  • New June 2022 dates for IceFish

    New 2022 dates for 13th Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition and Awards


    Mercator Media Ltd has confirmed that as a result of the Icelandic Government’s decision to extend the current restrictions on gatherings, the 13th Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition (Icefish) will now be rescheduled to 8-10th June 2022 – with the online IceFish Connect 16-18th November 2021.

  • A view of the pearl spot harvest in the cage fish farming venture of the SC families in Maradu Photo: CMFRI

    Fish farming in India brings relief from Covid


    A group of fish farmers from a marginalised community in India are enjoying a bumper harvest of pearl spot from their cage fish farming venture, bringing some relief from the difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Nutreco and Unga Group have joined forces to help meet east Africa’s growing need for high quality protein Photo: Skretting

    Nutreco helps meet east African protein needs


    Nutreco has formed two joint ventures with the largest animal feed producer in east Africa, Unga Group, to meet the growing demand for high quality protein within the region.

  • 21465-1027 (002)

    New 2022 dates for 13th Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition and Awards


    Marianne Rasmussen-Coulling, Events Director of Mercator Media Ltd, explained, “As it has become necessary for the Government to extend the COVID restrictions, we recognise this creates uncertainties and makes planning for our exhibitors and visitors extremely difficult. We would all prefer that this was not the case, and we were anticipating that the exhibition would be able to go ahead. Following consultation with our advisory board and stakeholders, we believe rescheduling to 2022 is the best decision for exhibitors, visitors, and for people’s safety in general.

  • 21465-1027 (002)

    Nýjar dagsetningar 2022 fyrir þrettándu Íslensku sjávarútvegssýninguna og Verðlaun Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningarinnar


    Marianne Rasmussen-Coulling, framkvæmdastjóri sýningarinnar hérlendis og viðburðastjóri Mercator Media, segir: „Ljóst er orðið að íslenska ríkisstjórnin telur nauðsynlegt að framlengja núverandi samkomutakmarkanir vegna baráttunnar við Covid-19. Samfara þeirri ákvörðun skapast óvissa sem við verðum að taka tillit til, óvissa sem torveldar verulega undirbúning bæði sýnenda okkar og gesta.