Latest News – Page 125

  • Small-scale tuna fishers in France have won a historic court victory over access to fishing rights Photo: LIFE

    Court victory for French small-scale fishers


    The French courts have ruled in favour of the Union of Small-Scale Fishers from the Occitan Region (SPMO) and three other stakeholders in their four-year-long battle over access to fishing rights.

  • Cod caught more than 12 miles out to sea in the North East Arctic has retained its MSC certification

    Offshore Arctic cod recertified by MSC


    Norwegian Offshore North East Arctic Cod will be recertified from 15 August 2021 while inshore North East Arctic cod will no longer be MSC certified, the Marine Stewardship Council has confirmed.

  • Trawler launch for Scottish skipper

    Trawler launch for Scottish skipper


    A new trawler has been launched at the Finomar Shipyard Szczecin and will be completed at Macduff Shipyards for a local owner.

  • Norwegian seiner from Turkish yard

    Norwegian seiner from Turkish yard


    The Özata shipyard in Turkey has delivered versatile purse seiner/seine netter Vikanøy to its Norwegian owners.

  • Cermaq fish farming operations

    Cermaq to cut emissions by 35%


    Cermaq aims to cut 35% its total greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

  • Understanding the nutritional composition of fish species can help improve the diet of malnourished communities Photo: WorldFish

    Determining the nutritional value of fish


    A new open-source tool is helping to increase the consumption of nutrient-rich fish species in malnourished communities.

  • Tuna fishers in the Azores will compete to collect ghost gear Photo: IPNLF

    Azores ghost gear removal competition


    Small-scale tuna fishers in the Azores are taking part in what is thought to be the world’s first competition to remove abandoned fishing gear at sea.

  • Chief Marilyn Slett Photo: Coastal First Nations

    Coastal First Nations fisheries agreement


    The Canadian Government has signed an amended Fisheries Resources Reconciliation Agreement (FRRA) committing to a respectful and cooperative partnership with Indigenous Peoples.

  • NOAA has released a report identifying countries with poor fisheries management

    NOAA takes strong stand against IUU fishing


    More than thirty nations lack effective regulation to protect marine life and combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, according to a recent report by NOAA.

  • (l-r) Alex Robertson-Jones and Prof Bill Sanderson inspect DEEP’s native European oysters from the Dornoch Firth.

    Oyster reef project returns 20,000th oyster


    Glenmorangie Distillery and scientists from Heriot-Watt University have reached a significant milestone in the Dornoch Environmental Enhancement Project (DEEP) which aims to restore a sustainable native oyster reef in the Dornoch Firth.

  • The IFFO has released its monthly report into marine ingredients market trends

    IFFO releases ingredient trends report


    The Marine Ingredients Organisation (IFFO) has released its latest analysis of marine ingredient market trends showing a 40% drop in use in June 2021 compared to the previous year.

  • Revitalising black tiger shrimp farming

    Revitalising black tiger shrimp farming


    The Global Seafood Alliance (GSA), formerly the Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA), has partnered with the Bangladesh Shrimp and Fish Foundation (BSFF) on a World Bank-funded project of the Bangladesh Department of Fisheries to uplift Bangladesh’s small-scale shrimp farmers and revitalise black tiger shrimp farming.

  • Helga María’s Westfjords summer

    Helga María’s Westfjords summer


    Brim’s fresher trawler Helga María has been fishing on Westfjords grounds all summer, and catches have been fine, according to skipper Friðleifur Einarsson.

  • New EU EHCs delayed to January

    New EU EHCs delayed to January


    The European Commission has voted to extend the transition period for the new format Export Health Certificates (EHCs) to 15th January 2022.

  • Trefjar delivers Lofoten netter

    Trefjar delivers Lofoten netter


    Icelandic boatbuilder Trefjar has delivered a new Cleopatra 50 to brothers Ørjan and Ketil Sandnes from Leknes in Norway.

  • A still from John West’s new ‘Girl on the Move’ advert Photo: John West

    John West revamps brand with new TV ad


    John West is revamping its brand identity to appeal to younger consumers and remind people of the benefits of a diet rich in seafood.

  • The ‘Stay Afloat’ programme helps break down the stigma of mental health problems within the seafood industry Photo: Seafood Industry Australia

    Help for Queensland’s commercial fishers


    The Queensland government is helping support the state’s commercial fishers with an AU$59,000 investment towards a nationally-recognised resilience and wellbeing programme.

  • sprat

    Return of the sprat


    Sprat fish that form a “vital” part of the marine food chain have returned in huge numbers to the River Clyde in Scotland, according to new research.

  • MMG.IMG_0411

    Folla builds on Loppa’s success


    A year of intensive development and testing has gone into preparing the prototype Folla, and this has worked so well that Havfront’s partner, Husøy company Br. Karlsen, who were instrumental in initiating the Folla’s development, has already taken it into regular use – and Havfront will be at this year’s Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition to showcase both Loppa and Folla machines.

  • MMG.IMG_0411

    Folla byggð á árangri Loppu


    Í heilt ár hefur mikil vinna verið lögð í þróun og prófun á frumgerð nýju vélarinnar, sem heitir Folla. Þetta hefur gengið svo vel að samstarfsaðili Havfronts, fyrirtækið Br. Karlsen í Husøy, hefur þegar tekið frumgerðina í notkun. Br. Karlsen átti stærstan þátt í að koma þróunarvinnunni af stað og hefur nú tekið vélina í notkun. Havfront tekur þátt í Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni í ár og sýnir þar báðar vélarnar, Loppu og Follu.