Latest News – Page 126

  • UltraguardA.Family 1

    Öryggið tryggt með Ultraguard


    Gavin Fisher hjá Ultraguard segir fyrirtækið hraðbyri stefna í að verða fyrsta val skipaeigenda sem vilja verjast óæskilegum lífverum á borð við skelfisk, hrúðurkarl og þörunga sem setjast á sjókistur, kælikassa, sjókælikerfi eða á skipsskrokkinn.

  • UltraguardA.Family 1

    Staying safe with Ultraguard


    According to the company’s Gavin Fisher, Ultraguard is fast becoming the preferred choice for vessel owners who want to combat marine growth such as mussels, barnacles and weed in their sea chests, box coolers, seawater cooling systems or on their hulls.

  • NauticA.

    Einstök hönnun


    Systurfyrirtækið Nautic Rus í Pétursborg hefur nú þegar hannað tíu 82 metra langa verksmiðjutogara fyrir rússneska útgerðarrisann Norebo. Severnaya skipasmíðastöðin er um það bil að fara að leggja lokahöndina á hið fyrsta þeirra, Kapitan Sokolov.

  • NauticA.

    Distinctive design


    Nautic’s St Petersburg-based partner company Nautic Rus has already designed a series of ten 82 metre factory trawlers for Russian fishing and seafood giant Norebo, and the first of these, Kapitan Sokolov, is approaching completion at the Severnaya Shipyard.

  • Complete packing for langoustines

    Complete packing for langoustines


    An integrated weighing and tray sealing solution from Ishida Europe has enabled one of Spain’s leading fish processors to double throughput on one of its most popular and important product lines.

  • The new chain conveyor uses bamboo plates instead of plastic ones Photo: Cimbria

    New bamboo chain conveyor from Cimbria


    Grain and seed processing solutions company, Cimbria, has unveiled a new eco-friendly product for the food industry.

  • Jane Roche of Catch of the Day fishmongers Photo: Cywain

    New group for women in Welsh seafood


    A new group is being formed to support women in the fishing industry, offering them the opportunity to network with their counterparts around the Welsh coast.

  • Garware V2 technology 100% antibacterial

    Garware V2 technology 100% antibacterial


    The copper microparticles incorporated in Garware’s V2 netting, used in fish tanks and cage nets, skirts and ropes, kill the bacteria responsible for Piscirickettsiosis (SRS) and Tenacibaculosis.

  • Securely and attractively packaged under MAP

    Securely and attractively packaged under MAP


    A resource-saving packaging alternative not only utilises a high proportion of renewable raw materials, it also offers plenty of space for communication. The striking and innovative look guarantee maximum attention on any retailer’s shelves.

  • Meat giant joins salmon business

    Meat giant joins the salmon business


    Meat producer JBS has formalised proposal to acquire 100% of shares in Huon Aquaculture, Australia’s second-largest salmon producer.

  • ‘Taste the Atlantic’ showcases the best of Irish seafood Photo: BIM

    Mentoring for BIM’s Young Chef ambassadors


    Five young chefs from Ireland are each being mentored by a knowledgeable seafood producer as part of the Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) Taste the Atlantic ambassador programme.

  • Thai Union’s SEALECT products are part of a government scheme to reduce food prices Photo: Thai Union

    Thai Union joins food price reduction scheme


    Thai Union Group is providing food products at reduced prices to local communities as part of a government scheme to support Thai people during the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Pandemic turns people onto pelagic fish

    Pandemic turns people onto pelagic fish


    Markets have upped their herring and mackerel consumption during the coronavirus crisis. But does the revival have staying power?

  • Barramundi Group has floated on the stock market Photo: Barramundi Group

    Barramundi Group floats on stock exchange


    Barramundi Group is offering shares in the company and listing them on Euronext Growth Oslo, the first Australasian company, as well as the first to specialise in a tropical species, to be listed on the exchange.

  • The new podcast will showcase the best of Scotland’s seafood sector

    Podcast showcases Scottish seafood sector


    Seafood Scotland has launched a podcast series highlighting the work and lives of those in the Scottish seafood industry.

  • Sail technology comes to fishing

    Sail technology comes to fishing


    The development of a 12-metre high rigid sail, installed on board longliner Balueiro Segundo, is intended to achieve greater energy efficiency, reducing consumption of fuel and consequently emissions.

  • Versatile trawler delivered to Swedish owners

    Versatile trawler delivered to Swedish owners


    Designed to alternate groundfish or shrimp fisheries, Vingaskär has been built for Swedish owners Vingaskär Fiskeri at the Karstensen yard in Skagen.

  • Shellfish spat from the Port Lincoln hatchery Photo: Yumbah Aquaculture

    Yumbah Aquaculture acquires Cameron


    Yumbah Aquaculture is acquiring family-run oyster farming business Cameron of Tasmania, creating one of Australia’s largest shellfish producers in doing so.

  • USV optimises the search for krill

    USV optimises the search for krill


    An unmanned surface vehicle (USV), packed with hydroacoustic mapping, positioning, communication, fish finding, and oceanographic research technology is being supplied to Aker BioMarine for its operations in the Southern Ocean.

  • Europe's largest shrimp farm

    Europe’s largest shrimp farm


    What is expected to become Europe’s largest shrimp farm, with a projected 500 tonne annual production, is under construction in Ukraine