Latest News – Page 127

  • Cemre delivers energy-efficient Hardhaus

    Cemre delivers energy-efficient Hardhaus


    The delivery of pelagic vessel Hardhaus to its Norwegian owners follows closely behind the completion of Libas earlier this year. Both have been built by the Cemre Shipyard, designed by Salt Ship Design.

  • Whole fleet gets grease-free bearings

    Whole fleet gets grease-free bearings


    In 2019 shrimp trawler Maros VII went to the Lighthouse Shipyard at Mazatlán in Mexico for a refit and an upgrade so successful that the rest of the company’s 50 vessels are getting the same treatment.

  • Scottish Sea Farms collecting awards

    Three awards for salmon farmer


    Scottish Sea Farms has won three awards for its sustained investment in jobs, training and employee wellbeing.

  • South Australia’s methane-busting seaweed

    South Australia’s methane-busting seaweed


    An emerging commercial seaweed industry is gaining pace in South Australia and it has the methane produced by cows firmly in its sights.

  • Improved Genetic Material for Salmon Farming

    Improved Genetic Material for Salmon Farming


    Benchmark Genetics Chile (BGCL) has successfully produced its first batch of locally produced ova known as SagaChile – a significant step in its improved genetic material

  • Ghost gear is a major cause of marine pollution

    Canada launches ghost gear reporting tool


    The Canadian government has launched a new online system that makes it easier for commercial harvesters to report their lost fishing gear.

  • The NOAA research ship, ‘Ronald H. Brown’, has been collecting samples to better understand hypoxia Photo: NOAA

    ‘Dead zones’ likely off US West Coast


    Data collected by NOAA has confirmed that a large area of poorly oxygenated water is growing off the coast of Washington and Oregon in the US, threatening to create ‘dead zones’ where bottom-dwelling species perish.

  • The EU and Cook Islands are continuing their successful fisheries partnership Photo: EC

    EU and Cook Islands continue partnership


    The European Union and the Cook Islands have agreed to continue their successful fisheries partnership as part of the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement, for a duration of three years.

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    The President of Iceland to visit Icefish


    Taking the tour of the exhibition on the morning of Thursday 16th September, the Icelandic President will be visiting a number of stands to meet exhibitors and to view some of the latest and most innovative products on show.

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    Forseti Íslands heimsækir Icefish


    Forsetinn fær sérstaka leiðsögn um sýninguna að morgni fimmtudagsins 16. september og heimsækir ýmsa sýningarbása til heilsa upp á sýnendur og skoða suma af nýjustu og frumlegustu vörum sem þar eru að finna.

  • Nothing dents the UK’s enthusiasm for fish and chips for long Photo: Seafish

    Fish and chips recover well from Covid


    Seafish has published its fourth and final review into the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the UK’s seafood supply chain, showing a strong recovery in the fish and chip retail sector.

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    Skráningin á Icefish 2021 nú opin


    Með því að skrá sig fyrirfram geta gestir komist fram fyrir í biðröðunum og sparað yfir 20%. Farið á vefsíðuna til að skrá ykkur og vera fremst í biðröðinni þegar Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin opnast.

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    Registration for Icefish 2021 now OPEN


    By registering in advance, visitors can beat the queues. Go to the website to register and be at the front of the queue as the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition opens.

  • Seagrove Kelp Co. located in Doyle Bay, Alaska Photo: Seagrove Kelp Co.

    Aquaculture can benefit local ecosystem


    The aquaculture industry in Alaska has welcomed recent research showing that farmed shellfish and seaweed can have a positive impact on the environment.

  • Multi-national Pacific partnership

    Multi-national Pacific partnership


    Operation Nasse 2021, an annual co-operative fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) operation involving Australia, France, New Zealand and the United States of America, ended on 23rd July.

  • GEA to design krill protein pilot plant

    GEA to design krill protein pilot plant


    GEA is to design and deliver the world’s first pilot plant for hydrolyzing krill protein for Norwegian biotechnology company Aker BioMarine which uses catches of Antarctic krill to develop ingredients for functional foods, aquaculture and animal feed.

  • MSC warns of tuna fisheries suspensions

    MSC warns of tuna fisheries suspensions


    Failure to reach agreement at a critical intergovernmental meeting in December could result Western Central Pacific tuna fisheries losing MSC status, the the Marine Stewardship Council warns.

  • Scottish seafood businesses will receive funding to help them recover from Brexit and Covid-19 Photo: Seafood Scotland

    £1.8m boost for Scottish seafood sector


    The Scottish seafood industry is to receive £1.8 million to help businesses recover from the economic ravages of Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • A marine crane is now operational at Milford Fish Docks Photo: Port of Milford Haven

    First marine crane for South Wales


    Work has completed at Milford Fish Docks to enhance health, safety and welfare facilities, including the installation of the only marine crane in south Wales.

  • President Putin attends RFC trawler launch

    President Putin attends RFC trawler launch


    The launching of the third in the series of new factory trawlers being built for the Russian Fishery Company was watched by Russian President Vladimir Putin as the new vessel was floated off at the Admiralty Shipyard in St Petersburg.