Latest News – Page 128

  • Sustainable solutions for RAS aquaculture

    Sustainable solutions for RAS aquaculture


    Ideal Fish is proud to be the only US producer of branzino, otherwise known as sea bass and a niche product among American consumers, which Ideal Fish rears in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS).

  • NFI Crab Council

    Red crab sustainability


    Red crab sustainability efforts in China are being strengthened.

  • TIFSS 2021 has been postponed by two months

    Taiwan fisheries show 2021 postponed


    This year’s Taiwan International Fisheries and Seafood Show has been postponed as a result of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Thiraphong Chansiri, president & chief executive of Thai Union Photo: Thai Union

    Thai Union launches Thailand’s first SLB


    Thai Union Group has successfully priced a THB 5 billion (€130 million) seven-year senior, unsecured sustainability-linked bond (SLB) for institutional investors.

  • KSS2

    Busy Klaksvík yard - set to get busier


    “We are looking forward to the exhibition in September and we want to show what we can do,” said KSS’s head of sales Jógvan S Jacobsen.

  • KSS2

    Skipasmíðastöðin í Klaksvík býr sig undir meira annríki


    „Við hlökkum til sýningarinnar í september og ætlum að sýna hvað við getum gert,“ segir Jógvan S. Jacobsen, sölustjóri KSS.

  • Focus on emerging technologies in aquaculture

    Focus on emerging technologies in aquaculture


    Ireland’s fast emergence as an innovation and new technology hub for a pioneering generation of aquaculture entrepreneurs is the focus of an event being held by Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), Ireland’s Seafood Development Agency, on Tuesday, 27 July at 13:00 GMT.

  • Russian Crab Company sales are up 35% in a year

    Russian Crab Company sales up 35%


    The Russian Crab Company has released its 2021 half year performance results showing that it increased sales volumes by 35% over the same period last year.

  • A task force is being created to help eradicate IUU squid fishing

    Task force to tackle IUU squid fishing


    Squid producers and suppliers from the US are teaming up with European, Canadian and Australian companies to create a working group to combat illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing.

  • Cemre.Hardhaus

    Showcasing shipbuilding at IceFish


    Cemre’s track record includes a series of four innovative Skipatækni-designed trawlers that were built for Icelandic owners. Björg, Drangey, Björgúlfur and Kaldbakur were all delivered in 2017 and have fished very successfully since, confirming that the distinctive inverted bow arrangement provides a highly stable working platform.

  • Cemre.Hardhaus

    Skipasmíði til sýnis á Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni


    Meðal þeirra skipa sem Cemre hefur smíðað eru togararnir fjórir sem Skipatækni hannaði fyrir íslenskar útgerðir. Björg, Drangey, Björgúlfur og Kaldbakur voru öll afhent árið 2017 og hafa öll aflað sérlega vel síðan, sem staðfestir að hið óvenjulega stefni þeirra tryggir mjög stöðuga vinnuaðstöðu.

  • DK1.IMG_4895

    Bringing Danish expertise to IceFish


    Danish Export-Fish Tech is your access point to more than 100 Danish suppliers of equipment, solutions, technology, know-how and consultancy services. Danish Export-Fish Tech is organising the Pavilion of Denmark at Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition 2021, where participating Danish companies on Pavilion of Denmark will showcase their expertise, high quality and innovative equipment, solutions and technology to the fishing, aquaculture and fish/seafood processing industry.

  • DK1.IMG_4895

    Dönsk sérfræðikunnátta á Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni


    Danish Export-Fish Tech er staðurinn þar sem þið fáið aðgang að meira en 100 dönskum birgjum sem útvega búnað, lausnir, tækni, kunnáttu og ráðgjöf. Danish Export-Fish Tech skipuleggur Danska sýningarskálann á Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni 2021, þar sem dönsku þátttakendurnir sýna dæmi um sérþekkingu sína, gæði og nýsköpun í búnaði, lausnum og tækni fyrir fiskveiðar, fiskeldi og vinnslu fisks og sjávarafurða.

  • The government is failing to consider communities when selecting highly protected marine areas, says the NFFO

    HPMA selection process ‘rigged’ says NFFO


    The UK government’s process to select highly protected marine areas (HPMAs) is rigged against fishing communities, according to the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations.

  • Kvarøy Fiskeoppdrett’s investment in its Kvarøy Smolt facility has sustainability in mind Photo: Kvarøy Fiskeoppdrett

    US$16 million investment in Kvarøy Arctic


    Kvarøy Arctic’s parent company Kvarøy Fiskeoppdrett is investing US$16 million in the upgrade and expansion of its Kvarøy Smolt facility.

  • Tierra del Fuego bans salmonid farming

    Tierra del Fuego bans salmonid farming


    The southernmost Argentinian province of Tierra del Fuego established a law last month banning salmonid aquaculture in the region, after community activists and NGOs campaigned against fish farming in the Beagle Channel on environmental grounds, reports Eduardo Campos Lima.

  • Ensuring fisheries can manage climate change is key to ensuring the future supply of seafood

    Global approach to climate change resilience


    The All Party Parliamentary Group on Fisheries has heard about the ongoing work around the world to help make fisheries resilient in the face of climate change.

  • Responsibly sourced tuna is important to consumers Photo: OPAGAC

    Spanish seal certifies sustainable tuna


    Canning companies Bolton Food, Salica and Atunlo are now supplying consumers in the US and Italy with produce certified to the tuna from responsible fishing (APR) standard promoted by OPAGAC.

  • Ozone eliminates listeria at Norwegian plant

    Ozone eliminates listeria at Norwegian plant


    A Norwegian fish processing plant turned to Evoqua partner Naustor Technology to eliminate a persistent listeria problem in production.

  • Woman in fishing industry

    Norway’s fishing culture must change


    A new report on gender equality in Norway’s fisheries concludes that if the proportion of women in fisheries is to increase, culture and attitudes must change.