Latest News – Page 130

  • Farm manager Aisha Prohim harvesting oysters at Taylor Shellfish in Washington Photo: Aisha Prohim

    Growing diversity on shellfish farms


    A growing diversity of aquaculture producers is bringing knowledge of farming, farm practices and food cultures from around the world to help meet the growing demand for seafood.

  • Morgere Staff

    A year of big changes for Morgère


    This year Morgère is leaving the location at the quayside in Saint Malo that it has occupied for a almost a century, and on 1 September production starts at a new production facility a few kilometres away. The move also provides opportunities for manufacturing systems to be updated, with new CNC machinery currently being installed.

  • Morgere Staff

    Ár mikilla breytinga hjá Morgère


    Morgère er í ár að flytja frá hafnarbakkanum í Saint Malo þar sem fyrirtækið hefur haft aðsetur í nærri heila öld. Þann 1. september hefst framleiðsla í nýrri verksmiðju í nokkurra kílómetra fjarlægð. Flutningurinn gefur einnig tækifæri til þess að uppfæra framleiðslutækin, og nú er verið að setja upp nýjar CNC vélar.

  • Tek.Solberg_1

    The meeting point of the year


    Torfinn Torp manages the fisheries and marine refrigeration side of the company’s activities, and these encompass everything from plate and blast freezers to brine freezing systems and RSW installations for pelagic vessels.

  • Tek.Solberg_1

    Samkomustaður ársins


    Torfinn Torp stjórnar þeim hluta starfsemi fyrirtækisins sem snýr að frystibúnaði fyrir sjávarútveg. Þetta nær yfir allt frá plötufrystum og blástursfrystum yfir í pækilfrystingu og RSW-kerfi fyrir uppsjávarskip.

  • Oyster farmers in Brittany are trying to determine which factors affect the growth of spat Photo: Stephane Pouvreau

    Using data to improve oyster spat collection


    Oyster farmers in south Brittany have installed a high-frequency multi-sensing buoy to better understand spat settlement of the flat oyster, a key resource in the area.

  • The RFC and Alfa Laval are launching training for operating ship separators Photo: RFC

    RFC and Alfa Laval ship separator training


    The Russian Fishery Company (RFC) and Alfa Laval have launched a series of training seminars on the rules of operation of modern ship separators on a range of vessels including fishing vessels.

  • EJF evidence leads to fine and suspension

    EJF evidence leads to fine and suspension


    ?Taiwan’s Fisheries Agency has fined the owners of a distant water vessel 10.25 million New Taiwan Dollars (US$ 370,000) for illegal shark finning and catching prohibited species such as oceanic whitetip sharks.

  • Naust3.Bjarni Thor Gunnlaugsson copy

    Exciting times ahead for Naust Marine


    With so many new fishing vessels under construction, Naust’s design, production and testing divisions are working flat-out for a variety of customers

  • Naust3.Bjarni Thor Gunnlaugsson copy

    Spennandi tímar fyrir Naust Marine


    Þegar svo mörg ný fiskiskip eru í smíðum þá hafa hönnunar-, framleiðslu- og prófanadeildir Nausts haft feykinóg að gera fyrir fjölbreyttan hóp viðskiptavina. 

  • Western Bering Sea pollock MSC certified

    Western Bering Sea pollock MSC certified


    Following a nine-month assessment process, the Pollock Catchers Association (PCA) has been awarded MSC certification for its Russian Western Bering Sea pollock fishery.

  • Top official joins American Seafoods

    Top official joins American Seafoods


    Former top NOAA administrator Chris Oliver has joined US fishing company American Seafoods with a role in the company’s regulatory division as special advisor on government affairs.

  • Fishing in South Australia

    South Australia reform


    South Australia’s AUS$24.5m reform of the marine scalefish fishery has officially come into effect.

  • Marel set to acquire Valka

    Marel set to acquire Valka


    Icelandic tech leader Marel is ready to acquire seafood processing systems specialist Valka, having reached agreements to acquire 90% of Valka shares.

  • Arctic University orders new research vessel

    Arctic University orders new research vessel


    Vaagland Båtbyggeri AS has signed a contract for a new Skipskompetanse-designed research vessel for Uit Norges Arktiske Universitet.

  • Seafish researchers Juan Carlos Paredes Esclapez, Oscar Wilkie and Joe Cooper in Peterhead port during the 2019 fleet survey Photo: Seafish

    UK’s annual fleet survey returns face-to-face


    Fishing industry leaders are calling on owners and skippers to take part in the annual survey of the UK’s fleet.

  • Four events have been determined as fishery disasters by the Secretary of Commerce Photo: NOAA Fisheries

    US govt approves four fisheries disasters


    The US government has determined that fishery disasters occurred in four fisheries between 2018 and 2020.

  • More should be done by retailers to combat human rights abuses in the seafood supply chain, says SeaChoice Photo: SeaChoice

    Shops should do more about human rights abuse


    Most Canadian retailers are not doing enough to tackle human rights abuses in seafood supply chains, according to sustainability watchdog, SeaChoice.

  • Catch recommendations from ICES for North Sea cod do not reflect the position in fisheries, says SFF Photo: SFF

    SFF slams latest ICES advice for 2022


    The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation has reacted angrily to the latest advice from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea on catch opportunities for 2022, saying it is ‘dismayed’ with the advice to reduce limits of North Sea cod by 10%.

  • The Gael Force Group is investing in the future Photo: Gael Force Group

    Gael Force eyes global aquaculture growth


    The Gael Force Group is set to proceed with ambitious growth plans with support from the Royal Bank of Scotland, including a multi-million pound investment in research and development.