Latest News – Page 133

  • Ireland’s seafood sector is committed to removing waste from the marine environment Photo: BIM

    Minister praises marine clean-up efforts


    Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD has paid tribute to Ireland’s seafood sector for its continued efforts to reduce the country’s marine waste as part of the Clean Oceans Initiative.

  • (l-r) Leandro Kwiczor, Beverley Renwick and Jim Welsh Photo: Oceanic Seafoods

    Oceanic Seafoods MD acquires 100% stake


    Managing director and founder of Oceanic Seafoods, Jim Welsh, has acquired a 100% stake in the business following a buy-out of 50% shareholder, Three Oceans.

  • Joint op nabs 19 illegal fishing vessels

    Joint op nabs 19 illegal fishing vessels


    In a two-week operation coinciding with the United Nations’ International Day for the Fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing earlier this month, a joint operation has cracked down Indonesian vessels fishing in Australian waters.

  • Tax relief on fuel for fishing vessels is necessary to ensure the competitiveness of the EU fleet, says Europêche

    Fears grow over fuel taxation


    The European fishing industry is urging the European Union to resist calls to remove tax relief on fuel for fishing vessels.

  • Satlink is advising on how best to install electronic monitoring solutions on board fishing vessels

    Satlink to advise on electronic monitoring


    Satlink is advising the first international working group made up of suppliers of electronic monitoring (EM) solutions for fishing vessels.

  • Blockchain technology can be used to ensure the traceability of seafood products

    Tracing Nueva Pescanova fish using blockchain


    The Nueva Pescanova Group and IBM are working together to trace all Nueva Pescanova seafood products on the IBM Food Trust platform, a blockchain network designed to help ensure traceability across the supply chain.

  • Genetic markers have been found in salmon fry which show resistance to bacterial infection Photo: SAIC

    Genes hold key to disease resistance


    A team of aquaculture researchers has made a significant breakthrough with the identification of two new genetic markers that show greater resistance to a bacterial infection in Atlantic salmon.

  • FWP

    Transforming the Blue Economy to 100% Green


    This year’s gathering of seafood industry expertise aims to examine how the industry is working towards full utilisation of fish by-products and taking steps forward in the use of green technology.

  • FWP

    Bláa hagkerfinu umbylt í grænt


    Helstu sérfræðingum í framleiðslu sjávarafurða er stefnt saman og leitast við að skoða hvernig greinin vinnur að því að fullvinna hliðarafurðir í sjávarútvegi og tekur stökkin fram á við með nýtingu grænnar tækni.

  • Susan Imende Photo: IPNLF

    IPNLF welcomes new trustees


    The International Pole and Line Foundation (IPNLF) has welcomed two new additions to its board of trustees.

  • American lobsters potentially pose a threat to European lobsters Photo: Marine Scotland

    American lobster identification campaign


    A campaign has launched in Scotland to help raise awareness of a non-native lobster species which is posing a threat to indigenous wildlife.

  • Twenty years of protecting Pacific waters

    Twenty years of protecting Pacific waters


    Operation Tui Moana, a regional fisheries surveillance operation covering the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of Cook Islands, Fiji, Niue, Samoa, Tokelau, Tonga and Tuvalu as well as associated high seas, marked twenty years protecting this important Pacific resource.

  • Mediterranean bluefin campaign kicks off

    Mediterranean bluefin campaign kicks off


    The European Fisheries Control Agency is co-ordinating the control campaign for the bluefin tuna fishery (BFT) in the Mediterranean Sea for 2021 in the framework of its Joint Deployment Plan (JDP).

  • Vaki1

    Vaki Provides Smart Monitoring Equipment and Technology to Customers Globally


    The company delivers a range of equipment, products and technology for fish counting and size estimation from freshwater to saltwater rearing, while collecting key data and analytics for each stage of fish production. Vaki is a recent addition to the MSD Animal Health portfolio of aquaculture solutions.

  • Vaki1

    Vaki útvegar snjallbúnað til eftirlits handa viðskiptavinum um heim allan


    Fyrirtækið útvegar ýmsan búnað, tæki og tækni fyrir fisktalningu og stærðarmat fyrir eldi jafnt í ferskvatni go sjó, ásamt því að safna lykilgögnum og gera greiningu á hverju stigi framleiðslunnar. Vaki hefur nýlega bæst í hóp þeirra fiskeldislausna sem eru á skrá hjá MSD Animal Health.

  • TersanNB1088-1

    Tersan delivers Live Fish Carriers to Nordlaks


    The 85 metre, 19 metre breadth Bjørg Pauline and sister vessel Harald Martin, due for delivery in September, are equipped with innovative LNG hybrid propulsion systems and technologically advanced fish handling, including lice treatment systems.

  • TersanNB1088-1

    Tersan útvegar brunnskip til Nordlaks


    Systurskipin Bjørg Pauline og Harald Martin eru 85 metra löng og 19 metra breið. Þau verða afhent í september og eru búin gasknúnum tvinnvélum af nýjustu gerð ásamt hátæknibúnaði til meðhöndlunar á fiski, þar á meðal lúsaböðunarkerfi.

  • Alfonso Paz-Andrade 1940-2021

    Alfonso Paz-Andrade 1940-2021


    The death earlier this week of businessman Alfonso Paz-Andrade has made headlines in his native Galicia.

  • Stepping up global action on IUU fishing

    Stepping up global action on IUU fishing


    More needs to be done to combat IUU fishing as consumer demand and fish production continue to rise, according to FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu.

  • India's exports

    India’s exports drop


    India has seen a drop and subsequent recovery in its seafood exports with a stronger aquaculture market.