Latest News – Page 135

  • Enhanced sea bream diet for deeper colour

    Enhanced sea bream diet for deeper colour


    ?A new feed launched by Aller Aqua has been developed for farmed sea bream to match the deep colouration found in wild sea bream, but which can be lacking in the farmed variety.

  • Wales is running a seafood week to promote its varied produce Photo: Atlantic Edge Oysters

    Welsh Seafood Week puts Wales on the map


    Wales is running a seafood week to help promote the country’s array of fish and shellfish from the Welsh coast.

  • Russian Crab Group has made its first delivery to a Spanish distributor Photo: Russian Crab Group

    Russian Crab Group makes first EU delivery


    The Russian Crab Group of companies has made its first crab delivery to the European Union.

  • sustainable algae

    EU consults on sustainable algae


    The European Commission has launched an open public consultation on the EU algae initiative.

  • Global Tuna Alliance joins GSSI

    Global Tuna Alliance joins GSSI


    The Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative has announced that the Global Tuna Alliance has joined GSSI as an Affiliated Partner.

  • Indonesia and Australia cooperate on Gannet 5

    Indonesia and Australia cooperate on Gannet 5


    Australia and Indonesia are currently engaged in a co-operative operation aimed at safeguarding territorial waters and deterring illegal activity that affects both nations.

  • Connectivity is king for DESS Aqua

    Connectivity is king for DESS Aqua


    When Norwegian fish farming support vessel operator DESS Aqua wanted to improve connectivity on its vessels early last year, it had some demanding criteria.

  • Thai Union now owns 100% of Rügen Fisch Photo: Rügen Fisch

    Thai Union acquires remainder of Rügen Fisch


    Thai Union Group has acquired the remaining 49% of shares of Rügen Fisch.

  • Founder and chairman, Thór Sigfússon Photo: IOC

    Iceland Ocean Cluster celebrates 10 years


    The Iceland Ocean Cluster celebrates its 10th anniversary today as it continues to build networks between industry, R&D and investors, adding value to the blue economy of Iceland.

  • Fleet Xpress lands Clearwater comms contract

    Fleet Xpress lands Clearwater comms contract


    An agreement with leading Canadian seafood company includes crew internet access and Fleet Care support to secure fishing fleet connectivity off Canada’s east coast

  • The Saltonstall-Kennedy program awards funding to improve fisheries in the US Photo: NOAA Fisheries

    NOAA announces US$11m in fisheries funding


    NOAA Fisheries has recommended more than US$11 million for 43 projects under the 2021 Saltonstall-Kennedy Competitive Grants Program.

  • Tube worms cause biofouling on the shells of mussels Photo: SAIC

    Researchers help tackle mussel tube worm pest


    In what is thought to be a global first for the sector, a team of aquaculture experts is exploring the development of a new rapid diagnostic method to support Scotland’s shellfish producers with the early identification of tube worms.

  • Increased protection for deep-sea species

    Increased protection for deep-sea species


    The ban on bottom trawling in deep waters, adopted by the EU in 2016,  has been effective in protecting deep-sea fish, according to an evaluation of the Deep-sea Access Regulation released by the European Commission.

  • An increasingly attractive proposition

    An increasingly attractive proposition


    Aquaculture is in the midst of a technological revolution, with investors identifying plenty of scope for further uptake and value creation

  • Seafood Scotland champions the best of the country’s seafood Photo: Seafood Scotland

    Competition to support Scottish hospitality


    Professional chefs from across Scotland are being invited to showcase their culinary expertise as they compete for the chance to have their outlet’s seafood bill covered for a month, as well as a tailored skills masterclass.

  • Collaboration is key

    Collaboration is key


    Speaking at IFFO’s recent seminar, the numbers mentioned by its director general Petter M. Johannessen underscore the need for collaboration between stakeholders from public and private sectors to be strengthened.

  • 2014 (2)

    IceFish looking positive


    “IceFish is looking really good, even with the problems of the pandemic,” she said, commenting that with four months to go, roughly 80% of space at the exhibition is reserved or confirmed.

  • 2014 (2)

    Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin á góðri siglingu


    „Horfur eru virkilega góðar með Íslensku sjávarútvegssýninguna, þrátt fyrir öll vandamálin í tengslum við heimsfaraldurinn,“ segir hún. Nú þegar mánuðir eru til sýningar þá hafi um 80% sýningarrýmisins verið pantað eða staðfest.

  • 2017 opening  ceremony

    Icefish 2021 - much more than an exhibition


    Held only once every three years the 13th Icefish will return, 15-17 September 2021, with 80% of the exhibition space already booked and still over four months to go.

  • 2017 opening  ceremony

    Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin 2021 - miklu meira en sýning


    Icefish er aðeins haldin á þriggja ára fresti og snýr nú aftur í þrettánda skipti dagana 15.-17. september 2021. Þegar er búið að bóka 80% af sýningarrýminu og eru þó enn fjórir mánuðir til stefnu.