Latest News – Page 136

  • Siggi the Polar Bear’s ice-cold facts

    Siggi the Polar Bear’s ice-cold facts


    Icelandic tech provider Skaginn 3X has taken a new approach to promoting what the company has to offer, with an advertising campaign that moves away from brushed steel and glinting machinery to a string of adverts that include a series of quirky facts.

  • Six auctions in Brittany opt for Kosmos

    Six auctions in Brittany opt for Kosmos


    A group of auctions in Brittany which between them trade 50,000 tonnes of fish landed by 450 vessels are upgrading to an Aucxis Kosmos digital trading platform.

  • Sam Bowman Photo: Ace Aquatec

    Ace Aquatec boosts global presence


    Ace Aquatec has expanded its North America team with two new senior appointments making the new Canada office the company’s fourth international base outside the UK in addition to Australia, Chile and Norway.

  • Russia’s Far East is emerging as a region for MSC-certified salmon Photo: ForSea Solutions

    North America and Russia team up on salmon


    Seafood consultancy firm, ForSea Solutions, is teaming up with several major North American seafood companies, notably The Fishin’ Company and Gorton’s, to promote fishery improvement in Russian Far East salmon fisheries.

  • Aquaculture’s motor-driven potential

    Aquaculture’s motor-driven potential


    High-efficiency motors combined with variable speed drives hold the key to higher productivity, lower costs and sustainability for aquaculture plants. Torben Poulsen, Business Development Manager, Drives and Pumps, at ABB Motion, explains why.

  • JSC Okeanrybflot chooses Ibercisa deck setup

    JSC Okeanrybflot chooses Ibercisa deck setup


    Ibercisa Deck Machinery is supplying the deck hardware for JSC Okeanrybflot’s new trawler under construction at Tersan.

  • Viking165652496_1756005014573977_6221820458368817163_n

    Familiar name - new designs


    However, the current Viking designs are a long way from the original boats built back in the 1980s that established a reputation for strength and reliability. Today’s inshore fishing vessels are packed with sophisticated systems and have a carrying capacity far greater than the previous generation, as boatbuilders have responded to requirements for greater comfort and safety, more speed and higher fishing capacity.

  • Viking165652496_1756005014573977_6221820458368817163_n

    Vel þekkt nafn – ný hönnun


    Hönnun Víking-bátanna í dag er hins vegar afar frábrugðin upphaflegu bátunum sem smíðaðir voru á níunda áratug síðustu aldar og urðu þekktir fyrir að vera áreiðanlegir og sterkbyggðir.

  • RAS Connector Series teams up with Denmark

    RAS Connector Series teams up with Denmark


    Annex Business Media, host of the RAS Connector Series virtual events, has announced that Denmark has been selected as country partner. Through a strategic partnership with Danish Export Association, European land-based aquaculture will now be added to the upcoming RAS Connector Series.

  • Researching options for higher value products

    Researching options for higher value products


    As part of a drive to extend the scope of its activities, in line with Icelandic government guidelines, Matís is investing in a pelagic processing unit within Síldarvinnslan’s fishmeal plant in Neskaupstaður with the aim of increasing product values.

  • Samherji’s pelagic flagship

    Samherji’s pelagic flagship


    Only a couple of weeks after delivery by Karstensens Skibsværft, new Icelandic pelagic vessel Vilhelm Thorsteinsson was back alongside in Skagen, this time to land the catch from its first trip, 3400 tonnes of blue whiting caught in Faroese waters and landed to FF Skagen.

  • Naust systems for newbuilds and refits

    Naust systems for newbuilds and refits


    Norwegian fishing company Carl Aamodt & Co has opted for Naust Marine deck equipment for its new Havvon, under construction at Karstensens Skibsværft and due for delivery in July.

  • Canadian industry figures clash over salmon

    Canadian industry figures clash over salmon


    Responding to a call by John Risley for a moratorium on expansion of salmon aquaculture in Canada, the Atlantic Canada Fish Farmers Association’s executive director Susan Farquharson has accused the Clearwater Seafoods founder of failing to get his facts right.

  • Freezing their catch enables prawn harvesters to make it readily available for inspection Photo: Fisheries and Oceans Canada

    Canadian government supports ‘tubbing’


    Canada’s Fisheries minister has confirmed her support for an interim protocol allowing harvesters to freeze their Pacific prawn catch, helping ensure it is readily available for inspection and subsequent sale.

  • Dr Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted, 2021 World Food Prize Laureate Photo: WorldFish

    First Asian woman awarded World Food Prize


    Dr Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted, global lead for nutrition and public health at WorldFish, has been named the 2021 World Food Prize Laureate for her groundbreaking research, critical insights and landmark innovations in developing nutrition-sensitive approaches to aquatic food systems, including fisheries and aquaculture, and integrated food production from land and ...

  • Numbers of striped bass in Chesapeake Bay are declining Photo: NOAA Fisheries

    Using science to combat striped bass decline


    NOAA and its partners are using science to try to identify why the population of striped bass in Chesapeake Bay on the east coast of the US is declining.

  • Scottish Sea Farms used no antibiotics in 2020 Photo: Scottish Sea Farms

    Zero antibiotics – a first for farmed fish


    Scottish Sea Farms has achieved what is thought to be a first in farmed fish health – no antibiotics were used in any of its farming operations in 2020.

  • The eniferBio team (l-r) Anssi Rantasalo, Joosu Kuivanen, Simo Ellilä, Heikki Keskitalo and Ville Pihlajaniemi Photo: eniferBio

    New protein ingredient trialled by Skretting


    Skretting is one step closer to realising its sustainability ambitions with the trialling of a new ingredient made by Finnish biotech start-up, eniferBio.

  • Pelagic catcher’s long-life synthetic warps

    Pelagic catcher’s long-life synthetic warps


    The owners of Faroese pelagic vessel Finnur Friði, Gøta-based fishing and processing company Varðin, were early adopters when it came to synthetic trawl warps.

  • Record April for Iceland’s seafood exports

    Record April for Iceland’s seafood exports


    Seafood exports last month from Iceland were up 54% compared to April 2020, reflecting the seriousness a year ago of the situation due to the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, but also highlighting the importance of capelin to Iceland’s fisheries.