Latest News – Page 139

  • French fishermen threaten blockade

    French fishermen threaten blockade


    Fishermen in the Hauts-de-France region are threatening a series of actions on 22nd and 23rd April which could paralyse ports.

  • SEAPA is investing in promoting its products online Photo: SEAPA

    SEAPA expands online to attract customers


    In an attempt to mitigate losses caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, aquaculture system producer SEAPA is trying to attract international customers by promoting new products online.

  • ENTECCermaq-Forsan

    Smart systems for fisheries and aquaculture


    The group’s name is drawn from Environmental Technology, and the three partner companies, Evotec AS, Brimer AS and ServiTech AS, each have skills that range across the fisheries, aquaculture maritime sectors.

  • Garware is a great place to work according to Great Place to Work Institute India Photo: Garware Technical Fibres

    Garware certified as ‘great place to work’


    Garware Technical Fibres has achieved a confidence index score of 89/100, according to the recent Organisational Climate Survey conducted by the Great Place to Work Institute (GPTW).

  • ENTECCermaq-Forsan

    Snjallkerfi fyrir veiðar og eldi


    Nafn hópsins er dregið af Environmental Technology, eða umhverfistækni, og aðildarfyrirtækin þrjú, Evotec AS, Brimer AS og ServiTech AS, hafa hvert um sig sérhæft sig á sviðum sem ná yfir sjávarútvegsgeirana í bæði fiskveiðum og fiskeldi.

  • MMG.nord_fugloy_02b-1

    Shipbuilding for fishing and aquaculture


    Those within the Måløy Maritime Group (MMG), a cluster representing a variety of specialist suppliers, include ship designer Skipskompetanse, which has recently concluded contracts for new vessels to be built at Larsnes Mek Verksted, one of the busiest shipyards in the region.

  • MMG.nord_fugloy_02b-1

    Smíða skip fyrir veiðar og eldi


    Måløy Maritime Group (MMG) er fyrirtækjaklasi með ýmsum sérhæfðum framleiðendum innanborðs, þar á meðal skipahönnunarfyrirtækinu Skipskompetanse sem nýlega lauk samningum um ný skip sem verða smíðuð hjá Larsnes Mek Verksted, einni annasömustu skipasmíðastöð á svæðinu.

  • dipping experiment

    Dipping technology preserves side-streams


    Cost-effective stabilisation technology is enabling the upgrade of fish side-streams into food ingredients.

  • Kevin Bixler Photo: ISSF

    Seafood sector veteran to chair ISSF board


    The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has appointed Kevin Bixler, the global director of group fish procurement for Thai Union Group as chair of its board of directors, replacing Luciano Pirovano, director of sustainable development for Bolton Food.

  • The World Fisheries Congress is to be held this year in Adelaide

    Australia reels in World Fisheries Congress


    The eighth World Fisheries Congress, scheduled for September this year, will be held in Adelaide, South Australia, injecting AUS$2.7 million into the local economy

  • Taking the stress out of salmon transfers

    Taking the stress out of salmon transfers


    Through a new grant, Skaginn 3X and R&D partner Matís are evaluating the potential to improve fish well-being and productivity margins through a new ValuePump offering.

  • Understanding what toxins might play a role in the future is important in ensuring seafood is safe to eat Photo: The Marine Institute

    Marine toxin warning network


    The Marine Institute has collaborated with ten partners on a research project into developing a marine toxin warning network in European waters.

  • The Honourable Bernadette Jordan Photo: Fisheries & Oceans Canada

    More clean tech funding for Canada


    The Canadian government has pledged CAN$5.4 million from the Fisheries and Aquaculture Clean Technology Adoption Program to support projects contributing to clean economic growth in British Columbia.

  • The ‘Helga Maria’ Photo: Brim

    On the retreat from golden redfish


    Brim’s fresher trawler ‘Helga María’ is currently on the Eldey Bank and fishing well, according to skipper Friðleifur Einarsson.

  • Solar lights have been shown to increase yield by 10% at a tilapia farm in China Photo: Signify

    Solar lights trial shows 10% yield increase


    Signify has launched new Philips solar fish grow lights that help to optimise farming for ponds, relying solely on the power of the sun.

  • Skirting a bottleneck

    Skirting a bottleneck


    Aquaculture needs to overcome the potential growth limiting issue of feed ingredient constraints if it’s to fulfil its long-term potential

  • SeaBOS welcomes Japan’s stance in IUU fishing

    SeaBOS welcomes Japan’s stance on IUU fishing


    A coalition that brings together more than a hundred leading seafood companies has congratulated the Japanese government on the introduction of new fisheries legislation designed to prevent distribution in Japan of seafood from IUU fishing, form both domestic and imported sources.

  • Positive progress on new trawler series

    Positive progress on new trawler series


    The Severnaya (Northern) Shipyard in St Petersburg is making progress on the series of new trawlers for Russian fishing company Norebo.

  • Intelsat’s Compact FlexMaritime Antenna Class

    Intelsat’s Compact FlexMaritime Antenna Class


    Intelsat has released a smaller antenna class for its FlexMaritime service that will bring a new level of broadband connectivity performance and affordability to fishing and light commercial vessels around the world.

  • Damen’s new LUV 1908 support vessel for the aquaculture sector Photo: Damen

    Damen delivers new aquaculture support vessel


    Damen Shipyards has delivered the first of its new aquaculture support vessels to new company, Organic Sea Harvest, based on the Isle of Skye.