Latest News – Page 141

  • Anne Anderson, Scottish Sea Farms new head of sustainability and development Photo: Scottish Sea Farms

    SSF appoints new head of sustainability


    Scottish Sea Farms has appointed a new head of sustainability and development to help the company minimise its environmental impact and maximise its social and economic value.

  • More than 100 attended the APPG’s latest event on technology in the UK fishing sector

    How tech is revolutionising UK fishing


    The All Party Parliamentary Group on Fisheries and more than 100 attendees have been hearing how data and technology are helping to improve the UK fisheries sector.

  • Additional $255 Million in CARES Act Funding

    Additional $255 Million in CARES Act Funding


    An extra $255 million in fisheries assistance funding is being made available to US states and territories where coastal and marine fisheries have been negatively affected by Covid-19.

  • Cod inside the line

    Cod inside the line


    Brim’s fresher trawler Akurey has just landed a 130 tonne trip from grounds off the south coast of Iceland.

  • MAN ES is to power two new live-fish carriers Photo: MAN ES

    MAN ES to power new live-fish carriers


    MAN Energy Solutions has won a contract to supply the main engines for two newbuilding live-fish carriers, currently under construction at the Cemre shipyard in Turkey.

  • New Zealand has reviewed catch limits Photo: Ministry for Primary Industries

    New Zealand sets new catch limits


    Fisheries New Zealand has reviewed catch limits for 14 fish stocks and introduced a full year-round closure to harvesting shellfish at Cockle Bay/Tuwakamana on Auckland''s east coast.

  • Aquaculture boost

    EC action plan for aquaculture


    The European Commission has published a new action plan that is set to boost organic agriculture and aquaculture in Europe.

  • Are you affected by the live bivalve mollusc ban? Photo: Marine Scotland

    Scotland launches mollusc ban survey


    The Scottish Government is to survey businesses to understand the impact of the ban on exporting live bivalve molluscs to the European Union and Northern Ireland.

  • Carsoe is supplying a complete processing solution for a new factory trawler Photo: Carsoe

    Qaleralik orders new factory from Carsoe


    Qaleralik has chosen a Carsoe processing factory for its new factory trawler destined for the waters off Greenland.

  • G4S is helping Avramar keeps its Mediterranean farm safe from poachers and damage Photo: Avramar

    Securing a Mediterranean fish farm


    Aquaculture company Avramar is reaping the benefits of its fully integrated security operation put in place last year to protect its farms in the gulf of Astakos, off the western coast of Greece.

  • Trond Severinsen with the Sensor Globe Photo: Sedna Technologies

    Monitor fish health with a sensor globe


    Canadian seafood technology company Sedna Technologies has partnered with ex-AKVA group executive Trond Severinsen to introduce new water and fish welfare monitoring technology worldwide.

  • Luis García Romero (l) and Francois Loubere Photo: BioMar Group

    BioMar announces new Asia division


    BioMar is establishing a fourth division to promote activities in Vietnam, China and the wider Asia region.

  • Stakeholders in aquaculture literacy can now apply for a US$15,000 grant Photo: NOAA

    Grant to help further aquaculture awareness


    Aquariums, seafood farmers and others working on public education for aquaculture in the United States can now apply for support through a new grant scheme.

  • Hamp1

    Global reach, Icelandic roots


    The company had been a supplier to the local fishing industry for decades before seeing some serious growth as fishing gear increasingly shifted into the high-tech sector. A longstanding commitment to staying ahead by putting the effort and resources into research and development has seen Hampiðjan grow into one of the world’s largest fishing gear manufacturers with a product line that ranges from ropes and twines to complete gear ready to start fishing.

  • Hamp1

    Íslenskar rætur, alþjóðlegt umfang


    Hampiðjan hafði framleitt vörur fyrir íslenskan sjávarútveg áratugum saman áður en fyrirtækið tók að vaxa gríðarlega með hátæknivæðingu veiðarfæranna. Fyrirtækið hefur lengi einsett sér að vera í fremstu röð og sett bæði vinnu og fjármagn í rannsóknir og þróun.

  • The robotic jaw simulates a real predator attack Photo: Garware Technical Fibres

    Robotic jaw helps reduce fish losses


    Garware Technical Fibres has created a robot that can test the resistance of a network against predatory attack.

  • Norcod has established a new location in Meløy Photo: Norcod

    Norcod secures new cod farm


    Norcod has established a new sea location in Meløy municipality in Nordland county to help realise its ambition of year-round industrial-scale farming of fresh cod.

  • Seafish report examines Covid impacts

    Seafish report examines Covid impacts


    A new Seafish report looks at the effects of the pandemic on the UK seafood supply chain combines real-time insights from seafood businesses with quantitative data.

  • Hidden vessel ownership – Ghana loses out

    Hidden vessel ownership – Ghana loses out


    Ghana is missing out on between $14.4 -23.7 million every year in fishing licence fees and fines, according to a report by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF).

  • Starfish closed cage starts ocean trials

    Starfish closed cage starts ocean trials


    Nekkar ASA has successfully commenced ocean testing of its highly innovative Starfish closed fish cage at Hidra outside Flekkefjord in southern Norway.