Latest News – Page 142

  • Hybrid pelagic pioneer delivered

    Hybrid pelagic pioneer delivered


    The first fishing vessel to be designed and built with hybrid propulsion and powered by LNG has been delivered by the Cemre Shipyard to owners Lie Gruppen.

  • Valka-Gadus-Representatives

    New product options for Belgian processor


    Gadus has a longstanding reputation for the highest quality seafood production. Always quick to adapt and determined to be a leader in its field, Gadus has responded to the demands of a changing market by embarking on a transformation process and articulating a long-term company vision.

  • Valka-Gadus-Representatives

    Nýir vinnslumöguleikar fyrir belgískan fiskframleiðanda


    Gadus hefur lengi notið virðingar fyrir framleiðslu sjávarafurða af mestu gæðum. Fyrirtækið er ávallt fljótt að aðlagast og staðráðið í að hafa forystu á sínu sviði. Það bregst við breyttum markaðskröfum með því að gera breytingar á framleiðslunni og kynna framtíðarsýn fyrirtækisins.

  • Saeplast1DSC_7076-001

    Closing the recycling loop


    “This was one of the great advantages of the product, along with the strength of the containers, their durability and other features,” said Arnar Snorrason, Sæplast’s director of product and market development.

  • Saeplast1DSC_7076-001

    Endurvinnsluhringnum lokað


    „Þetta var einn af helstu kostum framleiðslunnar, ásamt því hve sterk og endingargóð kerin voru, auk annars,“ sagði Arnar Snorrason, markaðs- og þróunarstjóri Sæplasts.

  • ISSF

    Tuna RFMO IUU measures inadequate


    Port State measures established by tuna regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) are not adequate to deter illegal, unreported, and unreported (IUU) fishing, a new report has found.

  • Pete Kibel, co-founder and director of Fishtek Marine Photo: Fishtek Marine

    Fishtek wins Norway cod fishery pinger deal


    Fishtek Marine has won a major contract to supply Norwegian fishermen with its ‘acoustic banana pingers’, helping ensure that the cod fishery retains its Marine Stewardship Council accreditation.

  • The ‘Argos Helena’ will be Tersan’s 100th project

    Tersan hits 100 builds with new longliner


    Tersan Shipyard has launched its 100th building project – a new longliner factory fishing vessel currently under construction for Ervik Havfiske.

  • Catamaran delivered to Iceland

    Catamaran delivered to Iceland


    Icelandic salmon farmer ArcticFish has taken delivery of its first workboat from KJ, based in the Faroe Islands

  • Longest Faroese fish farm power link

    Longest Faroese fish farm power link


    JT electric have completed the latest installation of a 5600 metre sea cable to a Bakkafrost site in the Faroe Islands. The cable provides power from land to the remote fish farm and is the longest of its kind in the country.

  • Satellite data can be used to detect vessels engaged in IUU fishing Photo: exactEarth

    Satellite team-up to tackle IUU fishing


    exactEarth has signed an agreement with space mission partner, MDA to provide Satellite-AIS data services as part of the latter’s recently announced dark vessel detection (DVD) programme for the Government of Canada.

  • Kesennuma is the largest blue shark and swordfish fishery in Japan Photo: Seafood Legacy

    First shark and swordfish FIP in Japan


    Japan''s first blue shark and swordfish fishery improvement programme has launched.

  • Netter’s all-Mitsubishi re-power

    Netter’s all-Mitsubishi re-power


    The owners of a Danish netting boat went to West Diesel for a suite of new engines to re-power Maria Bork L-66.

  • Development at Andfjord Salmon’s Kvalnes facility is on track Photo: Andfjord Salmon

    Andfjord Salmon Kvalnes development on track


    Andfjord Salmon remains on track with its Kvalnes development, which has been significantly de-risked during the fourth quarter 2020 and into 2021.

  • European lobster has a far greater survival rate when farmed Photo: Ocean On Land Technology

    Ocean On Land increases lobster survival


    Ocean On Land Technology, part of the Cadman Capital Group’s aquaculture portfolio, has reported an increase in the survival rate of European clawed lobsters during experiments focused on hatchery culture.

  • Russian fish farmers source equipment at home

    Russian fish farmers source equipment at home


    Russia’s heavy dependence on imported fish farming equipment is likely to change, as the Covid-19 pandemic has spurred the ruble’’s depreciation and consequently made any imported products less affordable

  • The UK, Norway and the EU have reached an agreement on catch levels for six North Sea species

    Tripartite North Sea catch agreement reached


    The UK has reached a tripartite agreement with Norway and the European Union on catch limits in 2021 for six jointly-managed fish stocks in the North Sea.

  • Werft Shipbuilding believes staying local is key to great service Photo: Werft Shipbuilding

    Werft enters shipbuilding with local concept


    Newcomer Werft Shipbuilding has entered the shipbuilding market with a focus on localism centred around its base in Urk in the Netherlands.

  • Shaking up the virtual aisles

    Shaking up the virtual aisles


    Online sales of seafood have soared during the coronavirus lockdown and experts believe the long-term future looks good

  • Smart deal within reach for British fishing?

    Smart deal within reach for British fishing?


    The only distant waters freezer trawler sailing under the UK flag is approaching the end of its current trip – and operating company UK Fisheries still has no indication of what fishing opportunities will come their way once Kirkella has docked in Hull to unload its catch of frozen fillets.