Latest News – Page 144

  • Issue 3.0 of the BAP Farm Standard is now available Photo: Global Aquaculture Alliance

    GAA releases BAP Farm Standard issue 3.0


    The Global Aquaculture Alliance has released the third version of its Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) Farm Standard.

  • Héðinn meal plant for Síldarvinnslan

    Héðinn meal plant for Síldarvinnslan


    A contract has been signed for Héðinn to supply a 380-tonne capacity fishmeal plant for Síldarvinnslan’s Neskaupstaður processing plant, with a May 2022 completion date.

  • Digital aquaculture alliance

    Digital aquaculture alliance


    Nueva Pescanova Group CEO Ignacio González, and Pilar López, president of Microsoft Spain, have signed an alliance, under which both companies will work on the development of innovative solutions to improve the farming of species such as vannamei prawns and Galician turbot.

  • ASC consults on major programme improvements

    ASC consults on major programme improvements


    ASC has today launched one of its largest ever public consultations and is asking stakeholders to have their say on major proposed improvements to the programme.

  • Commission challenged on misinformation

    Commission challenged on misinformation


    An “explanatory note” on the revision of the EU-fisheries control system reportedly circulated by the European Commission services to a few MEPs, mainly within the Committee on Environment, has come as a shock to fishing industry body Europêche.

  • Sølvtrans’ new LFC will be built to KM’s new NVC 390 design Photo: KM

    KM to design and equip new Sølvtrans LFC


    Kongsberg Maritime (KM) has signed a NOK70 million contract with Norwegian shipyard Myklebust Verft to design and equip a new live fish carrier (LFC) for Sølvtrans.

  • Northern stocks of Pacific sardine are moving further north as the ocean warms

    Climate change drives Pacific sardines north


    Pacific sardines may be moving north as the ocean warms, according to a new study conducted by the University of Santa Cruz and NOAA Fisheries’ Southwest Fisheries Science Center.

  • Easy polyamide separation

    Easy polyamide separation


    A mobile near-infrared spectroscopy system developed by German company trinamiX supports the reliable differentiation between polyamide 6 (PA6) and polyamide 6.6 (PA66).

  • Australis Aquaculture’s barramundi has been certified as sustainable by the ASC Photo: Australis Aquaculture

    Sustainable label for Australis barramundi


    Barramundi producer Australis Aquaculture has become the world’s first producer to achieve certification against the Aquaculture Stewardship Council’s Tropical Marine Finfish (TMFF) Standard for its ocean-based farm in Central Vietnam.

  • The camera inside an electronic monitoring device used on fishing vessels Photo: Thai Union

    Thai Union commits to onboard monitoring


    Thai Union has partnered with conservation organisation The Nature Conservancy (TNC) on a commitment to full transparency in its global tuna supply chains to help combat illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing.

  • Roe capelin on the way

    Roe capelin on the way


    As Iceland’s capelin season approaches its end for this year, the high-value roe-bearing capelin are in the spotlight.

  • Sounder offers species identification

    Sounder offers species identification


    Furuno has introduced a new high-performance echo sounder incorporating newly-patented species identification technology.

  • The IOTC must enforce a ban on driftnets in the Indian Ocean, says OPAGAC

    OPAGAC: IOTC should enforce driftnet ban


    The Spanish tuna fleet is ‘perplexed’ that the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission intends to assign yellowfin tuna quotes to fleets that use driftnets despite their high bycatch of threatened species.

  • Revenue has grown at The Sea Harvest Group Photo: Sea Harvest Group

    Sea Harvest Group weathers Covid storm


    The Sea Harvest Group has proved resilient despite the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, growing revenue in 2020 by 10% to R4.4bn and headline earnings by 3% to R421m.

  • MSC is making temporary requirements changes

    MSC sets out temporary requirements


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is making temporary changes to its requirements to give assessors alternative ways of checking that fishers and suppliers have met its standards for protecting fish stocks and the environment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Falfish sold to Morrisons supermarket chain

    Falfish sold to Morrisons supermarket chain


    UK supermarket chain Morrisons has acquired Cornish seafood wholesaler Falfish which operates from locations in Redruth and Falmouth. The two already have a longstanding relationship and around half of Falfish’s approximately £40 million turnover is with Morrisons.

  • Friend of the Sea recertifies Sapmer

    Friend of the Sea recertifies Sapmer


    Friend of the Sea has renewed its certification of Sapmer’s purse seine fishery in Indian Ocean. The company can continue displaying the Friend of the Sea logo on its products.

  • KOSMOS can be used to help with the paperwork now required when exporting between the UK and the EU Photo: Aucxis

    Digital solution helps with export paperwork


    Aucxis believes its cloud-based digital trading platform can help relieve the UK fishing industry of the significant burden of additional export paperwork now needed following Brexit.

  • Signing of the MoU Photo: MPEDA

    MoU to promote Indian aquaculture exports


    The Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) and the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) have aligned their various programmes to promote export of marine products and bring better value to stakeholders.

  • The Peruza robotic packing solution Photo: Peruza

    Reduce waste with robotic packing solution


    Peruza’s latest automated food packaging solution is said to reduce product giveaway whilst adapting to a range of different products, all with varying final weight requirements.