Latest News – Page 145

  • Chile aims to produce 70% of energy from renewable sources Photo: Golden Omega

    Golden Omega awarded green energy label


    Golden Omega has been certified by Green-e Energy, an independent programme in the United States for the verification of renewable energy and carbon offsets.

  • Baader and Skaginn 3X conclude merger?

    Baader and Skaginn 3X conclude merger


    Baader and Skaginn 3X have announced that the acquisition of a majority share of Skaginn 3X by Baader has been concluded.

  • Cluster announces egg to harvest control

    Cluster announces egg to harvest control


    Together with project partners, Canada’s Ocean Supercluster has announced the Integrated Operations and Real-Time Analytics Project.

  • Lobster at Orkney Shellfish Hatchery have hatched three months earlier than expected Photo: Orkney Shellfish Hatchery

    Orkney Hatchery sees first lobster hatchings


    Orkney Shellfish Hatchery, part of the Cadman Capital Group’s Aquaculture portfolio, has witnessed the successful hatching of its first European clawed lobsters for 2021, almost three months earlier than expected.

  • Bernadette Jordan, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard

    Ceasing open-net pen aquaculture in BC


    The Government of Canada has committed to transitioning from open-net pen aquaculture in British Columbia by 2025.

  • Collaborating on Real-Time Data Sharing

    Collaborating on Real-Time Data Sharing


    The Global Aquaculture Alliance’s (GAA) Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification programme and traceability companies Wholechain and Legit Fish are developing real-time digital solutions to strengthen BAP’s visibility into producer supply chains.

  • Grupo Sahlman certified carbon neutral

    Grupo Sahlman certified carbon neutral


    Shrimp farming and export companies Sahlman Seafoods in Nicaragua and Bee Gee Shrimp SA, part of Grupo Sahlman, are among the first in Central America to receive Carbon Neutral Certification, made possible by sustainable and efficient operation.

  • Isfell3

    Unique range of services


    Ísfell’s Streamline and Arctic trawl designs have long been in widespread use, and now the Arctic Force trawl has been added to the catalogue. 

  • Isfell3

    Einstakt framboð


    Guðbjartur Þórarinsson, framkvæmdastjóri Ísfells, segir að Arctic 101 togvörpurnar hafi reynst vel í færeyska flotanum.

  • New shrimp freezer trawler for Pescamar

    New shrimp freezer trawler for Pescamar


    The latest new vessel in Nueva Pescanova’s fleet renewal programme for its subsidiaries in Africa is on the way to its home port of Beira in Mozambique.

  • Closing the recycling loop

    Closing the recycling loop


    When Sæplast began producing polyethylene containers a couple of decades ago, the possibility of them being recyclable at the end of their working lifetime was one of the options the company examined.

  • Time-saving repair job for Russian trawler

    Time-saving repair job for Russian trawler


    When Russian trawler LLV Kaprodon was docked in Norway for a refit, the news that a vital spare part could take four months to obtain took the owners instead to Marine Shaft in Denmark.

  • DOLAV1

    Millions of tubs worldwide - now Icela


    Right at the end of 2020, Industrial Solutions struck an agreement with Israeli tub and pallet producer Dolav to become their representative for Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands.

  • DOLAV1

    Milljónir kara um heim allan – nú á Íslandi


    Rétt í blálokin á 2020 náði Industrial Solutions samkomulagi við ísraelska kara- og brettaframleiðandann Dolav um að verða umboðsaðili þeirra fyrir Ísland, Grænland og Færeyjar.

  • Founder and CEO of Angel Seafood, Zac Halman Photo: Angel Seafood

    Booming oyster sales help Angel spread wings


    Organic pacific oyster producer, Angel Seafood, has reported a net profit of AUS$719,000 for the six months to 31 December after shifting its focus from restaurants to retail amid Covid-19 pandemic shutdowns.

  • Redleg banana prawns are caught in the remote Joseph Bonaparte Gulf Photo: AFMA

    AFMA welcomes prawn fishery closure


    The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) Commission has welcomed the news that the Redleg Banana Prawn sub-fishery in the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf will close from April to mid-June each year to ensure profitability and sustainability.

  • Nodosa0321

    Nodosa delivers latest Falklands trawler


    The fleet fishing in the Falklands has been going through a process of renewal in recent years, with a number of new trawlers joining the fleet – all of which have been built by Nodosa.

  • Nodosa0321

    Nodosa afhendir nýjasta togarann til Falklandseyja


    Fiskiskipaflotinn á Falklandseyjum hefur verið í endurnýjun á síðustu árum. Nýir togarar hafa bæst í flotann, og allir eru þeir smíðaðir hjá Nodosa.

  • IUU fishing

    EU warns Cameroon over illegal fishing


    The European Commission has formally warned the Republic of Cameroon that it must do more to tackle illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU) or face being denied future access to EU markets.

  • Food and food packaging is not a likely source of Covid-19 transmission

    Covid-19: food and packaging is safe


    Authorities in the United States are reassuring consumers that food and food packaging is not a likely source of Covid-19 infection.