Latest News – Page 149

  • Hydroniq cooling systems for Sølvtrans trio

    Hydroniq cooling systems for Sølvtrans trio


    Norwegian shipbuilder Myklebust Verft has awarded Hydroniq Coolers a contract to deliver a hull-integrated seawater cooling system to a vessel the yard is building for wellboat company Sølvtrans.

  • Novel approach to quantify histamine levels

    Novel approach to quantify histamine levels


    Scientists in Korea have developed an effective yet simple strategy to quantify histamine levels in fish samples. This dangerous compound occurs in spoiled food, such as mackerel, left at room temperature for too long. Unfortunately, existing histamine detection methods are inconvenient and expensive. To tackle this issue, a team of ...

  • Aller Aqua is to start showing the carbon footprint of its European-produced feed Photo: Aller Aqua

    Aller Aqua to show feed carbon footprint


    The Aller Aqua Group is taking the next step in its sustainability strategy by labelling fish feed produced at the company’s three EU factories with carbon footprint information.

  • Innovasea has welcomed the authorisation of finfish mariculture in federal waters Photo: Innovasea

    Innovasea welcomes US Army finfish decision


    Innovasea has welcomed the decision by the US Army Corps of Engineers to authorise finfish mariculture in federal waters.

  • Lavango1

    Fifty-fifty, whitefish and salmon


    “We specialise in tailored systems for fish processing, supplying fishing vessels, processors and also aquaculture companies producing salmon and trout. This year we have been busy with the new whitefish production plant that Samherji opened recently in Dalvík, with conveyors and other equipment. There’s a lot of our gear in there,” said CEO Kristján Karl Aðalsteinsson.

  • Lavango1

    Hvítfiskur og lax, jafnt af hvoru


    „Við sérhæfum okkur í sérhönnuðum búnaði fyrir fiskvinnslu, bæði fyrir skip, vinnslustöðvar og fiskeldisfyrirtæki sem ala lax og silung. Þetta árið höfum við haft nóg að gera við nýja vinnsluhúsið á Dalvík sem Samherji tók nýlega í notkun, við að setja upp færibönd og annan búnað. Það er mikið af tækjum frá okkur þar,“ segir Kristján Karl Aðalsteinsson, framkvæmdastjóri.

  • Support promised for UK seafood exporters

    Support promised for UK seafood exporters


    A £23 million fund is being made available by the UK government as support for seafood businesses hit by by the Covid pandemic and the challenge of coping with a new working environment in exporting to the European Union.

  • Hedinn1553

    Héðinn HPP to be IceFish star of the show


    Héðinn’s engineers have pioneered a new approach, developing the company’s Héðinn Protein Plant (HPP), combining simplified operation with some highly promising results in terms of energy efficiency, manpower needed to run the system, the physical footprint of the installation and outstanding product quality.

  • Hedinn1553

    Próteinverksmiðja Héðins verður stjarna sýningarinnar


    Verkfræðingarnir hjá Héðni hafa verið frumkvöðlar í nýrri nálgun við þróun Próteinverksmiðju Héðins (Hedinn Protein Plant), þar sem saman fara einföld tækjastjórnun og afar lofandi niðurstaða hvað varðar orkunýtingu, mannafla sem þarf til að stýra búnaðinum,  fyrirferð búnaðarins og framúrskarandi vörugæði.

  • Crab fishermen prove resilient to climate shocks Photo: NOAA

    Overcoming the effects of climate shocks


    Access to alternative fisheries, ports and grounds helps fishermen overcome the effects of climate shocks, suggests research conducted by NOAA.

  • Fishmeal and oil production steady

    Fishmeal and oil production steady


    There was an improved availability of raw materials in November 2020, but cumulative production in 2020 remains in line with the previous year’s, according to IFFO’s analysis on marine ingredient market trends, January-November 2020.

  • Snapper boost for South Australia

    Snapper boost for South Australia


    The South Australian Government has announced 300,000 snapper fingerlings will be released in Spencer Gulf and Gulf St Vincent this year.

  • #FishToYourDoor scheme runs through lockdown

    #FishToYourDoor scheme runs through lockdown


    Despite a bitterly disappointing Brexit deal for UK fisheries, and lockdown 3.0 looming over the country, Cornwall’s fishermen and Seafood Cornwall’s #FishToYourDoor scheme – running continuously since lockdown 1.0 in March 2020 – is into a third wave of contact-free delivery activity, across the UK.

  • PlutoDemersal

    Trawl doors from recycled plastic


    The designs are ready and the first production models of the Pluto doors – maintaining the tradition of using names from mythology – are expected to be ready soon.

  • PlutoDemersal

    Toghlerar úr endurunnu plasti


    Hönnunin er tilbúin og brátt er von á fyrstu Plútó-hlerunum, og haldið er í þá hefð að notast við nöfn úr goðsögum.

  • UK fishing sector protest

    NFFO slams Boris Brexit deal


    The NFFO (National Federation of Fishermen''s Organisations) has urged UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson to concede that he has failed to strike a Brexit deal with the EU that gives the UK fishing sector independence.

  • Baader acquires SEAC

    Baader acquires SEAC


    “Looking into the future and Baader’s compatible processing solutions, SEAC’s technology is a perfect fit for Baader to further extend our overall product portfolio also among small fish species,” said Baader Fish managing director Robert Focke, commenting on the acquisition of small fish processing specialist SEAC, based at Färjestaden on ...

  • Brim catches down, values up

    Brim catches down, values up


    According to figures released by Icelandic fishing and processing company Brim, catches were down 11,000 tonnes in 2020, while the company reports an ISK525 million increase in revenues.

  • Ísfell’s mobile warp spooling system

    Ísfell’s mobile warp spooling system


    Icelandic fishing gear company Ísfell went to Spanish deck machinery manufacturer Ibercisa for a mobile warp spooling system designed to be deployed on its 20-foot container base.

  • Seafood close to half of Iceland’s exports

    Seafood close to half of Iceland’s exports


    Seafood and aquaculture production accounted for approaching half of Iceland’s overall exports last year.