Latest News – Page 152

  • Lords ask for food exports grace period

    Lords ask for food exports grace period


    Food bound for Europe from Britain could be left to rot in lorries, be turned back at borders or not transported at all due to delays caused by new UK-EU export red tape, peers have warned in a statement from the House of Lords.

  • The Seaeye Falcon at work Photo: Saab Seaeye

    Chile aquaculture gets third Falcon


    A third Saab Seaeye Falcon robotic vehicle has been delivered to Underdeep Solutions, enabling the Chile-based company to work reliably in remote locations.

  • FÖRKA starts green energy production

    FÖRKA starts green energy production


    Bakkafrost’s Förka initiative to generate energy from biological waste from the biggest hatchery in the Faroe Islands is expected to be 1.120 MWh a year, equivalent to the annual electricity use of 225 households.

  • The ProZero 15m FR workboat Photo: ProZero International

    New ProZero workboat for Norway aqua firm


    Aqua Kompetanse in Flatanger, Norway, has taken delivery of a new ProZero 15m FR workboat, four weeks ahead of schedule.

  • Work starts on eighth Norebo trawler

    Work starts on eighth Norebo trawler


    The Northern Shipyard in St Petersburg has started cutting steel for the eighth trawler in the series being built for Russian fishing group Norebo.

  • BMT supporting Scottish aquaculture

    BMT supporting Scottish aquaculture


    BMT has been awarded a project by the UK Seafood Innovation Fund to address current pressing issues facing aquaculture in Scotland.

  • Industry takes on NPF co-management role

    Industry takes on NPF co-management role


    In a first for Commonwealth fisheries, the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) has delegated legislative functions to industry as part of the co-management of the Northern Prawn Fishery (NPF).

  • MustadAutoline01.1131-2000px CMYK

    Mustad Autoline sets up in Iceland


    Sigurður Óli Thórleifsson has been recruited from Ísfell, Mustad Autoline’s distributor in Iceland over the last five years, bringing with him extensive experience and a strong knowledge of the Mustad Autoline product range and market.

  • MustadAutoline01.1131-2000px CMYK

    Mustad Autoline kemur sér fyrir á Íslandi


    Sigurður Óli Þorleifsson hefur verið ráðinn frá Ísfelli, fyrirtæki sem hefur undanfarinn fimm ár séð um dreifingu á vörum frá Mustad Autoline á Íslandi. Sigurður kemur með mikla reynslu og trausta þekkingu bæði á markaðnum og á vörulínunni frá Mustad Autoline.

  • Knuro2 Fish Counter copy

    Norwegian salmon expertise at 2021 IceFish


    Although Knuro is described by its marketing manager Oddvar Raunholm as a niche supplier, it has a remarkable line-up of products, including a cleaner designed to work seamlessly with the Baader 142 gutting machine, a fish counter with a minimum 98% accuracy which tracks daily production, and a SCADA computer production management and analysis platform which goes under the name of The Boss.

  • Knuro2 Fish Counter copy

    Norsk sérfræðiþekking í laxi tekur þátt í IceFish 2021


    Oddvar Raunholm, markaðsstjóri Knuro, segir fyrirtækið framleiða fyrir ákveðinn markaðskima en engu að síður er vörulínan frá þeim allrar athygli verð. Þar á meðal er að finna hreinsibúnað sem er hannaður til að virka fullkomlega með Baader 142 slægingarvélinni, fiskteljara sem fylgist með daglegri vinnslu af 98% nákvæmni, og SCADA tölvubúnað sem sér um framleiðslustýringu og greiningarvinnu og kallast alla jafna The Boss.

  • Mediterranean fishing

    Mediterranean overexploitation down


    The number of Mediterranean and Black Sea stocks subject to overfishing has decreased for the first time in decades, a new report shows.

  • Pacifical joins Global Tuna Alliance

    Pacifical joins Global Tuna Alliance


    Pacifical, the market development body set up on 2011 by the eight Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) Western Pacific island countries and Sustunable bv in 2011, has become the latest partner in the Global Tuna Alliance (GTA).

  • Order placed for ultra-green pelagic vessel

    Order placed for ultra-green pelagic vessel


    An order has been placed with the Cemre Shipyard in Turkey to build what is slated to become the most environmentally-friendly pelagic vessel in existence, designed by Norwegian naval architect Skipsteknisk.

  • Olen1

    Smart management for brine freezing and RSW


    Behind Olen is Concarneau company ISI-Fish, which has a long back ground in fishing industry technology, including supplying a range of sophisticated electronics for pelagic vessels and longliners fishing for tuna and other species.

  • Olen1

    Snjallstýring pækilfrystingar og RSW-sjókælingar


    Að baki Olen stendur fyrirtækið ISI-Fish í Concarneau, sem á sér langa sögu í tæknibúnaði fyrir sjávarútveg, þar á meðal framleiðslu á flóknum rafeindabúnaði fyrir uppsjávarskip og línubáta sem veiða túnfisk og aðrar tegundir.

  • Skaginn 3X IQF system for Nova Scotia factory

    Skaginn 3X IQF system for Nova Scotia factory


    A new IQF installation for Digby, Nova Scotia company Scotia Harvest has been shipped to Canada, where it is expected to handle around 27 tonnes of haddock and redfish per shift.

  • First of new trawler generation for RFC

    First of new trawler generation for RFC


    The Russian Fishery Company (RFC) has taken delivery of the first of a series of new trawlers designed to fish for pollock in Far Eastern waters, and Vladimir Limanov is the first vessel in the Russian fleet built to produce surimi on board.

  • Simulators can significantly reduce the cost and duration of trials Photo: SalmoSim

    Scottish start-up in protein trials


    SalmoSim, a salmon simulator start-up, has secured its first commercial contract with Calysta, supporting trials for a sustainable alternative protein source for the aquaculture industry.

  • Adding seaweed to cattle feed can cut methane production Photo: CH4

    Methane-busting seaweed farms on track


    Construction of the first farm and processing plant to turn red seaweed into a feed supplement for cows to reduce their methane production is expected to begin next year in South Australia.