Latest News – Page 154

  • Seafarers UK is supporting an initiative to make fishing safer Photo: Seafarers UK

    Seafarers UK supports safety initiative


    Seafarers UK is embarking on a campaign to encourage boat owners, skippers and crews to use a unique safety aid for professional fishers.

  • Seafish has enhanced its Brexit guidance Photo: Seafish

    Seafish boosts Brexit guidance


    Seafish has updated its guidance to help seafood businesses prepare for the end of the Brexit transition period.

  • fishing boat

    Call for wide ratification of ILO C188


    A call has been made for the ratification and implementation of the ILO Work in Fishing Convention (C188) and its EU equivalent, EU Directive 2017/159 by addressing the barriers and the benefits of implementing the social standards established in the C188 for the protection of workers.

  • Iceberg Seafood secures Hirtshals base

    Iceberg Seafood secures Hirtshals base


    Work is in progress on what soon will become Iceberg Seafood''s new sales office in the eastern part of the Port of Hirtshals.

  • Gadus opts for Valka portioning system

    Gadus opts for Valka portioning system


    Belgian fish processor Gadus has concluded an agreement with Icelandic high-tech developer Valka for a new cutting system to portion salmon and whitefish fillets.

  • Longliner launch at Northern Shipyard

    Longliner launch at Northern Shipyard


    The Northern Shipyard in St Petersburg has launched the first of a series of longliners for owners in Russia. Outfitting of the new vessel is in progress.

  • Martin Rasmussen

    Fish sludge has commercial potential


    Dried fish sludge from Andfjord Salmon’s land-based aquaculture facility has the potential to be used in growth media such as organic fertiliser and organo-mineral fertiliser for agriculture and gardening, a new report has found.

  • Damen converts PSV to fish feed carrier

    Damen converts PSV to fish feed carrier


    A platform supply vessel built in 2013 by Damen Shipyards has returned to its builder, emerging after a major conversion for owners Eidsvaag as fish feed carrier Eidsvaag Opal.

  • Baader joint entity to serve French market

    Baader joint entity to serve French market


    Baader has announced the opening of its new entity Baader France in Nantes. This entity will serve both the fish and the poultry markets with a joint local sales force and will be supported by a local sales branch in Boulogne-sur-Mer. The establishment of this local Service organisation signals Baader’s ...

  • UK Fisheries Act 2020 becomes law

    UK Fisheries Act 2020 becomes law


    This week the UK’s first major domestic fisheries legislation in nearly forty years passed into law as the Fisheries Bill received Royal assent following its ten-month transition through Parliament.

  • hydrophones

    Covert technology helps fight illegal fishing


    New underwater technology that will help combat illegal foreign fishing has been successfully deployed across the Torres Strait in Australia.

  • Thai Union’s SeaChange programme focuses on sustainability Photo: Thai Union

    Thai Union makes DJSI for 7th year


    Thai Union Group has been listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) for the seventh year running, as its sustainability strategy SeaChange continues to stimulate change across the global seafood industry.

  • Hiddenfjord MD, Atli Gregersein Photo: Súsanna Johansen

    Suspending air freight for sustainable salmon


    Atlantic Salmon farmer, Hiddenfjord has announced the suspension of all air freight as of 10 October 2020, reducing the company’s overseas transportation CO2 emissions by 94%.

  • Shellfish is the UK’s most valuable seafood product

    New working groups focus on UK shellfish


    Three new groups have been formed to provide a forum for industry, regulators and researchers to improve the management of shellfish fisheries around the UK.

  • Namibian hake fishery gets MSC blue tick

    Namibian hake fishery gets MSC blue tick


    Namibia’s trawl and longline fishery for hake has become the first fishery in Namibia, and the second in Africa, to meet MSC standards.

  • Grants support modernising data management

    Grants support modernising data management


    The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and NOAA have announced $4.1 million in grants to modernise fisheries data management systems and support the implementation of fisheries electronic monitoring and reporting projects in 14 states and Puerto Rico. The grants will generate $4.8 million in matching contributions for a total ...

  • Nodosa delivers new Falklands trawler

    Nodosa delivers new Falklands trawler


    Built to the same design as the Monteferro delivered three years ago, a number of improvements have been made to the new Montelourido’s design, based its sister ship''s performance.

  • 100% of Bakkafrost salmon from the Faroe Islands now has ASC-certification Photo: Bakkafrost

    All Bakkafrost farms ASC-certified


    Following a seven-year assessment period, all Bakkafrost farms in the Faroe Islands are now certified to the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) standard for responsible aquaculture.

  • Scottish langoustine is to get a £1 million pound boost

    Supporting the Scottish langoustine sector


    A new resilience group has been granted £1 million in funding to support the langoustine sector through the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • smartphone app

    App helps fight against illegal fishing


    A smartphone app that enables small-scale fishers to gather evidence against industrial vessels fishing illegally in Ghana has been launched by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF).