Latest News – Page 155

  • MEPs approve Seychelles partnership renewal

    MEPs approve Seychelles partnership renewal


    The European Parliament has adopted the renewed protocol to the existing EU fisheries partnership agreement with Seychelles.

  • Canada puts funding into Clean Tech projects

    Canada puts funding into Clean Tech projects


    ?The government of Canada has announced seven projects receiving support from the Fisheries and Aquaculture Clean Technology Adoption Program to support clean economic growth in Quebec. The government is contributing nearly $2 million in funding and the Government of Quebec is adding more than $300,000 towards these projects.

  • Asle Kjetil Bratteli Photo: AKVA Group

    AKVA appoints new chief digital officer


    Asle Kjetil Bratteli has been appointed chief digital officer of AKVA Group with effect from January 2021.

  • Astaxanthin krill oil results in improved growth for post-larval shrimp Photo: Aker BioMarine

    Krill oil improves post-larval shrimp growth


    Astaxanthin krill oil can result in a significant advantage for Pacific whiteleg shrimp in the post-larval stage, reducing mortality and the length of the production cycle, according to a new study.

  • Sustainable kelp and hiziki are on the menu Photo: Freddy An

    ASC-MSC certification for kelp and hiziki


    Eleven South Korean farms operated by Wando Eco-Friendly Seafood Cooperative (WESC) have become the first kelp and hiziki producers to achieve ASC-MSC Seaweed certification.

  • Rahim Hoosen Photo: IPNLF

    IPNLF appoints new chair of board


    The International Pole and Line Foundation has announced a new chair of its board as part of leadership succession plan.

  • Killybegs yard delivers Shetland trawler

    Killybegs yard delivers Shetland trawler


    Despite the obstacles of lockdowns in Ireland disrupting the yard’s schedule, Mooney Boats in Killybegs has delivered its largest newbuild to date for owners in Shetland.

  • The Marine Institute’s Lehanagh Pool site in Co. Galway, Ireland Photo: Marine Institute

    Farming species together for sustainability


    A new EU-funded research project bringing together the Marine Institute and partners across the Atlantic will focus on the value and sustainability of aquaculture.

  • Seafood from Scotland hosted an oysters and cocktail evening Photo: Seafood from Scotland

    Scottish oysters and cocktails online


    Seafood from Scotland has hosted a virtual oysters and cocktails pairing for industry partners and media in the UK and North America.

  • Engineering a new generation of skinners

    Engineering a new generation of skinners


    Cretel has a background in providing equipment for the fish and meat processing industries – and now this company with its long pedigree has a new home and is re-engineering its product line, starting with its fish processing range.

  • Duguva1.Gamyba 4 copy

    First time at IceFish


    Duguva has a varied production range, including electric fencing for livestock and specialised surgical bands – but its main growth in recent years has been in producing ropes and twine for the fishing and aquaculture sectors.

  • Donations being distributed

    Bycatch donations aid food security


    A new study of a bycatch donation programme in Alaska highlights its value in cutting waste, while addressing food security and social value.

  • UK and Iceland sign fisheries cooperation MoU

    UK and Iceland sign fisheries cooperation MoU


    Iceland and the UK have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on co-operation on fisheries matters.

  • DSI’s test centre breaks new ground

    DSI’s test centre breaks new ground


    Plate freezing technology leader DSI Freezing Solutions opens its new test centre this week. The new facility’s focus is on collection and analysis of freezing data for R&D as well as commercial purposes.

  • Duguva1.Gamyba 4 copy

    Í fyrsta sinn á Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni


    Duguva er með fjölbreytt vöruúrval, þar á meðal rafgirðingar fyrir búfé og sérhæfðar slöngur fyrir skurðaðgerðir, en helsti vaxtarbroddurinn undanfarin ár hefur verið í framleiðslu á reipum og garni fyrir fiskveiðar og fiskeldi.

  • Navimon longliner series complete

    Navimon longliner series complete


    Piriou has delivered the final three longliners of an eight-vessel series to New Caledonia fishing company Navimon.

  • A Sustainable Solution to Aquaculture?

    A sustainable solution to aquaculture?


    The genes of the monkeyface prickleback could hold the secret to more sustainable aquaculture

  • FLAG Attracts young people to the fishing

    FLAG Attracts young people to the fishing


    In Italy the Chioggia and Po Delta Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) has successfully convinced a high school to launch an official training programme in commercial fishing and fish production. The FLAG was instrumental, together with fisheries stakeholders and the wider local community, in attract the first groups of ...

  • Wise1.johannes_helgi_gudjonsson_2_litur_wise

    Wise adapts to changing business landscape


    “Many elements in our everyday lives have changed due to the global Covid-19 crisis. Our sales and marketing activities at Wise Solutions are no exception, although developments have not been in quite the direction we expected. We have rarely been so busy here in sales and marketing,” he said.

  • Wise1.johannes_helgi_gudjonsson_2_litur_wise

    Wise aðlagar sig að breyttu viðskiptalandslagi


    „Marigr þættir í hversdagstilveru okkar hafa breyst vegna heimsfaraldurs Covid-19. Sölu- og markaðsstarf okkar hjá Wise Solutions er þar engin undantekning, enda þótt þróunin hafi ekki verið alveg í þá átt sem við áttum von á. Við höfum sjaldan haft jafn mikið að gera hér í sölu- og markaðsdeildinni,” segir hann.