Latest News – Page 156

  • Baader1.2015-05-06 15.29.34-1

    Salmon looks exciting for Baader


    “We see the salmon industry in Iceland growing fast, and this is very exciting. Baader is easily the leader in salmon processing, especially in terms of gutting,” said Jón Valur Valsson.

  • Baader1.2015-05-06 15.29.34-1

    Baader telur laxinn spennandi


    „Við sjáum að laxeldið er í hröðum vexti á Íslandi, og það er mjög spennandi. Baader er augljóslega í forystu í laxavinnslunni, sérstaklega hvað varðar slægingu,” segir Jón Valur Valsson.

  • Happy with the catch – happy with the gear

    Happy with the catch – happy with the gear


    Back home in the Westman Islands after a summer and autumn fishing for mackerel and herring off the east of Iceland, skipper Hörður Már Guðmundsson has yet to find out if he and his crew will be back at sea again this year.

  • Greenland and UK sign fisheries MOU

    Greenland and UK sign fisheries MOU


    A Memorandum of Understanding intended to boost cooperation on fisheries matters has been signed by Greenland and the UK.

  • social policies needed

    Social standards urged to protect workers


    Europêche, Cogeca and ETF have called on EU policymakers to recognise the key social dimension of fishing to improve the health and safety of fishers and attract young people to the sector.

  • Kroma aims for perfect gutting

    Kroma aims for perfect gutting


    The Gutmaster X Flex developed by Danish company Kroma to handle salmon and trout has been undergoing extensive trials with a producer in Scotland, with only minor adjustments required.

  • king crab

    Record exports for Norwegian seafood


    The Norwegian Seafood Council has reported the third highest export value for a single month in history.

  • Wise adapts to changing business landscape

    Wise adapts to changing business landscape


    “It’s business as usual – but not as usual,” said Jón Heiðar Pálsson, who heads sales and marketing at Icelandic company Wise Solutions, which has adapted rapidly to a very new working environment.

  • Women at the top of seafood management – modest improvement

    Women at the top of seafood management


    For the third year in a row, the International Association for Women in the Seafood Industry (WSI), has taken stock of positions occupied by women in seafood industry leadership.

  • Surf n’ turf: closing the global food gap

    Surf n’ turf: closing the global food gap


    Farming animals in the water and on land has an essential role to play in solving our most fundamental challenge

  • Fishermen are supporting scientists in conducting surveys of herring fishing grounds Photo: SPSG

    Herring fishermen embrace scientific research


    Fishermen are embracing the importance of marine science and becoming actively involved in the collection of data, says a chief scientist.

  • Veramaris has been selected to participate in the Project X FEED-X programme Photo: Veramaris

    Veramaris chosen as Omega-3 partner by FEED-X


    Project X Global, founded by WWF, has selected Veramaris as the alternative Omega-3 feed ingredient partner for its FEED-X programme, which aims to see 10% of the global feed industry adopt alternative feed ingredients.

  • Russia confident of increasing fish exports

    Russia confident of increasing fish exports


    Russia expects? to increase fish exports in years to come, according to statements by leading industry figures, reports Eugene Gerden.

  • Extra capacity with twin vertical freezer

    Extra capacity with twin vertical freezer


    Demand for high-capacity plate freezers has grown considerably in recent years, despite the advantages in versatility, continuous operation, efficiency and security of having production at certain level split between more units.

  • Investing in seafood value chains

    Investing in seafood value chains


    Kjetil Haga and Simen Landmark are launching private equity fund Bluefront Equity, aiming to invest in supplier companies that make the future seafood value chain more sustainable. They are being backed by a star team of seafood experts.

  • FEAP elects new President

    FEAP elects new President


    Lara Barazi-Yeroulanos has been elected new President of the The Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP) for the next three years.

  • The Farmed Fish Health Framework has been refreshed with a reformatted steering group Photo: istockphoto

    New focus for farmed fish group


    The cause of fish mortality, impact of climate change and development of treatments will be the focus for the newly refreshed Farmed Fish Health Framework.

  • Preben Imset Matre Photo: Ace Aquatec

    Ace Aquatec opens Norwegian chapter


    Ace Aquatec has opened a new Norwegian division in Marineholmen in Bergen, led by regional manager Preben Imset Matre who was previously head of Norway operations at Aquabyte.

  • Troutlodge supplies eyed Rainbow Trout eggs Photo: Troutlodge

    Troutlodge sales boss moves to distribution


    EMEA regional sales manager, Jon Handley, is leaving Troutlodge to take over operation of the Berkshire Trout Farm where he will continue as Troutlodge’s UK distributor of trout eggs.

  • The GFCM has been discussing fishing and aquaculture in the Mediterranean and Black Sea

    Strategy for Mediterranean and Black Sea


    The high-level meeting on the future strategy for the Mediterranean and Black Sea has taken place under the umbrella of the FAO General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM).