Latest News – Page 158

  • Samherji buys into Aquanor Marketing, Inc.

    Samherji buys into Aquanor Marketing, Inc.


    Samherji has agreed to acquire a 50% stake in Boston-based Aquanor Marketing, Inc., a premier importer, distributor and marketer of the finest quality fresh seafood.

  • Native flat oysters cultured on land

    Native flat oysters cultured on land


    Orkney Shellfish Hatchery, which forms part of the Cadman Capital Group’s Aquaculture Division, has successfully cultured its first run of native flat oysters on land, with plans to increase production of the species imminently.

  • Renewed certification for GC Rieber Oils

    Renewed certification for GC Rieber Oils


    Friend of the Sea has renewed its certification of GC Rieber Oils for its Omega-3 concentrates. GC Rieber has recommitted to sustainable sourcing as part of the recertification process.

  • (l-r) Øivind Horpestad, chairman of Endúr, Jeppe Raaholt, MD of BMO Entreprenør, and Vidar Pettersen, majority owner and founder of BMO Entreprenør Photo: Endúr

    Endúr acquires BMO Entreprenør


    Marine services group Endúr has entered into an agreement to acquire BMO Entreprenør, a provider of maintenance and rehabilitation services for marine infrastructure projects in Norway.

  • The Pingtan International Marine Industry and Logistics Park will open later this year Photo: Pingtan Marine Enterprise

    Marine Industry Park opens in Pingtan


    Pingtan Marine Enterprise has completed construction of the Pingtan International Marine Industry and Logistics Park with operations expected to commence by the end of the year.

  • Gearing up for blue whiting with new codend

    Gearing up for blue whiting with new codend


    Fishing companies in Iceland are already gearing up for blue whiting in the New Year. While there are hopes that there will be a capelin season to keep pelagic vessels busy in January, there’s a chance the fleet will be back on blue whiting.

  • Kongsberg will supply a winch package for an 86m stern trawler Photo: Kongsberg

    Kongsberg to supply winches to Faroese trawler


    Kongsberg Maritime has signed a contract with Tersan Shipyard in Turkey to equip an 86m stern trawler with a large winch package for Faroe Islands fishing fleet operator JFK.

  • Webinar provides Mexican market gateway

    Webinar provides Mexican market gateway


    A series of well-attended webinar conferences broadcast during the first Covid lockdown has resulted in Thordon Bearings securing a contract from a Mexican fishing vessel operator.

  • New 500-tonne seaweed farm in Norway

    New 500-tonne seaweed farm in Norway


    Seaweed cultivation pioneer Seaweed Solutions AS has completed the installation of infrastructure to farm a 19-hectare area in the Norwegian Sea with a capacity of 500 tonnes of seaweed, paving the way for it to sharply raise production and become Europe’s leading seaweed company.

  • UAE-Israeli aquaculture JV is a first

    UAE-Israeli aquaculture JV is a first


    Aqua Bridge has announced the aquaculture sector’s first commercial partnership between companies based in the United Arab Emirates and Israel, following the Abraham peace accord signed in Washington in September this year.

  • EU fishery inspection

    Call for sustainable EU fisheries rules


    Europêche and the EU IUU Coalition have urged EU decision makers to enable a robust EU fisheries control system that ensures seafood products sold in the EU are sustainably sourced, fully traceable and properly monitored by Member States.

  • PrimeServ upgrade slashes emissions

    PrimeServ upgrade slashes emissions


    MAN Energy Solutions’ after-sales division, MAN PrimeServ, has completed the installation of a SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) system to a fishing vessel operated by Norwegian company Ivan Ulsund Rederi, slashing CO2 and NOx emissions.

  • DEFRA consults on monitoring technology

    DEFRA consults on monitoring technology


    As the UK leaves the European Union and the CFP behind, DEFRA is launching consultations on the future of UK fisheries, including seeking views on expanding use of monitoring technology on fishing vessels.

  • Director-General of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority, Emma Glassco Photo: NaFAA

    Japan donates engines to Liberian fishermen


    The governments of Liberia and Japan have signed a fishery grant agreement for the supply of Yamaha engines to local fishermen in Montserrado, Grand Cape Mount, Grand Bassa and Rivercess Counties free of charge.

  • Bursaries support industry research and development Photo: MSD Animal Health UK

    MSD Animal Health aquaculture bursaries


    MSD Animal Health UK, a division of USA-based Merck & Co. is extending its research bursary offering to include aquaculture.

  • Maaskant lays keels for two Belgian beamers

    Maaskant lays keels for two Belgian beamers


    In a sign of growing optimism within the Belgian fishing fleet, Damen Maaskant Shipyards Stellendam has held a keel-laying ceremony in Poland for two new beam trawlers for Rederij Devan and Rederij Long Ships.

  • New capital and new name for Arnarlax

    New capital and new name for Arnarlax


    Icelandic salmon producer Arnarlax has seen a capital increase and its OSE Merkur listing, along with gaining ASC certification and a new name, as the last few weeks have been eventful ones.

  • Australia’s Commonwealth fisheries are well-managed and sustainable Photo: AFMA

    Australia’s fisheries ‘well-managed’


    Australia’s Commonwealth fisheries continue to be well-managed and sustainable, according to a new report released today by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARES).

  • Skretting has a new model to assist barramundi farming Photo: Skretting

    Skretting’s new growth model for barramundi


    Skretting has enhanced its suite of digital tools with a new growth model for barramundi.

  • Maldives adopt Fleet One for VMS

    Maldives adopt Fleet One for VMS


    Inmarsat and Cobham SATCOM have been awarded a new contract to connect 732 fishing vessels active in the Maldives Economic Exclusion Zone to Inmarsat’s Fleet One maritime broadband services.