Latest News – Page 159

  • Samherji examines new salmon farm option

    Samherji examines new salmon farm option


    Samherji Fish Farming has signed a letter of intent to purchase a site at Helguvík in the Reykjanes peninsula region of south-western Iceland currently owned by aluminium producer Norðurál.

  • Aller Aqua is using phospholipids to ensure that fry feed has adequate fatty acids Photo: Aller Aqua

    Feeding fry for faster growth


    Aller Aqua has discovered a new way of feeding fry which improves growth and reduces early mortality and deformities.

  • Thai Union and Corbion are expanding the use of sustainable ingredients in feed Photo: Thai Union

    Thai Union and Corbion push sustainable feed


    Thai Union Group and Corbion have expanded the adoption of AlgaPrime DHA, an omega-3 rich algae feed ingredient, in Thai Union shrimp feed following a successful large scale trial in 2019.

  • SSF seeks Norwegian pioneer’s replacement

    SSF seeks Norwegian pioneer’s replacement


    Scottish Sea Farms’ Head of Freshwater Farming Pål Tangvik is to leave the company and return home to Norway, having successfully fulfilled his mission of delivering the company’s first full generation of RAS-grown smolts.

  • US home meal kit boost for Clean Seas

    US home meal kit boost for Clean Seas


    The first major shipments of South Australian kingfish are headed for American meal kit customers following a deal earlier this year between Clean Seas Seafood and Norwegian Atlantic Salmon processor Hofseth Group.

  • Seafarers UK is working to improve the financial resilience of the fishing community Photo: Seafarers UK

    Safety Net to promote financial resilience


    Seafarers UK has hosted an event to mark the launch of a new programme of work aimed at improving the financial resilience and mental wellbeing of the fishing community.

  • Pot fishing could be damaging the marine environment Photo: University of Plymouth

    Research shows damage of pot fishing


    The global pot fishing industry could be having a greater impact on corals, sponges and other species found on the seabed than previously thought, according to new research.

  • South Pacific gets international IUU check

    South Pacific gets international IUU check


    A multinational regional maritime surveillance operation illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing on the high seas in the south Pacific Ocean, has concluded.

  • Norebo’s new trawler series making progress

    Norebo’s new trawler series making progress


    Technicians at the Severnaya (Northern) shipyard in St Petersburg have installed the main engine on board Kapitan Geller, one of the series of new trawlers being built for Norebo.

  • yellowfin tuna

    ISSF calls for yellowfin tuna rebuilding


    The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has urged the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) to adopt an effective rebuilding plan for yellowfin tuna aligned with recommendations from the IOTC’s own scientific committee.

  • AKVA group appoints COO, land-based business

    AKVA group appoints COO, land-based business


    Johan Fredrik Gjesdal has been appointed chief operating officer for AKVA group’s land-based business unit, and took up his post this week.

  • Liberia turns away Chinese six

    Liberia turns away Chinese six


    Six trawlers from China that arrived in Monrovia in June have been refused permission to fish in Liberian waters.

  • Russian Crab Company hits 79% of quotas by Q3

    Russian Crab Company hits 79% of quotas in Q3


    By the end of third quarter 2020 the Russian Crab Company Group had utilised 79% of its crab quota in the Far Eastern region. The company''s catch amounted to 10,435 tonnes of crab, accounting 20% of the overall regional crab catch.

  • Steen1

    First time at IceFish


    “We can skin practically anything, and our yields are up there with the big boys,” said STEEN’s Laurenz Seesing, commenting that the company produces a comprehensive range of equipment.

  • Steen1

    Í fyrsta sinn á IceFish


    „Við getum húðflett nánast allt, og afköstin okkar eru jafnfætis þeim stóru,” segir Laurenz Seesing hjá STEEN, þegar hann greindi frá því að fyrirtækið framleiðir yfirgripsmikið úrval af búnaði.

  • Vonin.Cages

    Watching Iceland’s aquaculture growth


    “Iceland is important for us for fishing gear, but we see the growth of aquaculture there. This is already a market for us and we see this as a sector that’s going to continue to grow,” said Vónin’s Bogi Nón.

  • Vonin.Cages

    Fylgst með vexti fiskeldis á Íslandi


    „Ísland er mikilvægt fyrir okkur í veiðarfærum, en við sjáum fiskeldisgeirann þar vaxa. Þetta er orðið að markaði fyrir okkur og við lítum á þetta sem geira sem á eftir að halda áfram að vaxa,” sagði Bogi Nón hjá Vónin.

  • Marel Salmon ShowHow 17 SM

    Adapting to changing times


    One of Marel’s key ways of reaching its customers and meeting them face-to-face has been the increasingly popular ShowHows that have been held in Copenhagen, with both whitefish and salmon events held every year.

  • Marel Salmon ShowHow 17 SM

    Aðlögun að breyttum tímum


    Marel hefur lagt mikið upp úr að ná til viðskiptavina sinna og hitta þá augliti til auglitis á ShowHow sýningunum í Kaupmannahöfn, þar sem bæði hvítfisksýningar og laxeldissýningar hafa verið haldnar árlega.

  • An illustration of West Coast Salmon’s production facility Photo: AquaMaof

    AquaMaof to provide RAS to West Coast Salmon


    AquaMaof Aquaculture Technologies has been chosen to provide its recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) technology to West Coast Salmon, an industrial Atlantic Salmon production facility in Reno, Nevada.