Latest News – Page 162

  • MSC-certified fisheries are helping maintain ocean biodiversity Photo: MSC

    Good management key to biodiversity, says UN


    Sustainable fishing and good fisheries management are helping to maintain ocean biodiversity according to a report produced by the UN.

  • St. Anthony shrimp plant gets approval

    St. Anthony shrimp plant gets approval


    Quin-Sea Fisheries, a division of Royal Greenland and Clearwater Seafoods have announced that the application to transfer the processing license for St. Anthony fish plant has now been approved by the Newfoundland and Labrador Minister of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture.

  • The IFFO has produced its report into the marine ingredient market Photo: IFFO

    Marine ingredient market robust, says IFFO


    The performance of the global marine ingredient market for July 2020 remains well above the 2011 to 2019 average for the same month, according to a recent report by the Marine Ingredients Organisation, the IFFO.

  • Scottish Sea Farms celebrated a double win at the Aquaculture Awards 2020 Photo: Scottish Sea Farms

    Double prize for Scottish Sea Farms


    Scottish Sea Farms has celebrated a double triumph at the annual Aquaculture Awards.

  • Covid-19 hits whole UK seafood supply chain

    Covid-19 hits whole UK seafood supply chain


    Seafish has published a review showing how the impacts of Covid-19 have been felt across the whole of the seafood supply chain in the UK. This report will be the first in a series of regular Covid-19 impact assessments.

  • French hypermarket chain, Cora, is introducing salmon fed on a Veramaris algal oil diet Photo: Veramaris

    Cora introduces salmon raised on algal oil


    Hypermarket chain, Cora, is launching algal-fed salmon in its 61 stores across France.

  • The EMFF is helping fisheries and aquaculture businesses weather the Covid-19 pandemic Photo:

    Covid-19: EMFF help for Cypriot fisheries


    Covid-19: EMFF help for Cypriot fisheries

  • Volker Kuntzsch Photo: Sanford

    Sanford CEO steps down after seven years


    Seafood company, Sanford, has announced the resignation of its chief executive, Volker Kuntzsch, after seven years leading the company.

  • Saudi fisheries exhibition gets January date

    Saudi fisheries exhibition gets January date


    The SIMEC exhibition is planned as the first diversified marine exhibition in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, attracting local and international exhibitors working in fisheries, aquaculture and seafood in addition to marine tourism and various marine industries.

  • First bio-based HMPE fibre on the way

    First bio-based HMPE fibre on the way


    FibrXL has announced the first bio-based HMPE fiber available for customers, the bio-based Dyneema fibre. This represents a first step in realising FibrXL’s goal to create a more sustainable future in the technical textile industry.

  • Nataarnaq launched at Bilbao yard

    Nataarnaq launched at Bilbao yard


    Ice Trawl Greenland’s new Nataarnaq, which will replace the company''s current trawler of the same name, has been launched at Astilleros de Murueta in Spain.

  • FAO review of fisheries in the Americas

    FAO review of fisheries in the Americas


    Published by the FAO, a techno-economic performance review of selected fishing fleets in North and South America presents the findings of four country level studies of fishing fleets in the United States of America, Brazil, Chile and Peru.

  • krill trawler

    Kongsberg to equip krill trawler


    Kongsberg Maritime has been contracted to equip a 120m krill trawler for the Norwegian krill processing firm Rimfrost.

  • News

    Ný viðmið sett í Dalvík


    Að baki 900 fermetra fiskvinnsluhúsi Samherja liggur fjögurra ára þróunar- og byggingarvinna. Það var Samherjatogarinn Björg EA-7 sem landaði fyrsta aflanum þar.Gestur Geirsson, framkvæmdastjóri landvinnslu Samherja, sagði starfsemina hafa farið vel af stað þótt starfsfólkið þurfi tíma til að kynnast nýju tækninni.„Þetta gekk betur en við þorðum að vona,” ...

  • News

    Dalvík factory sets new standards


    There is a four-year development and construction process behind Samherji's new 9000 square metre groundfish processing factory, and the first landing to the new plant was made by the company's trawler Björg EA-7.According to Gestur Geirsson, head of Samherji's land-based processing, the initial production went well, although staff will ...

  • News

    Færeyskir toghlerar slá í gegn


    Trollhlerar fyrirtækisins hafa notið vaxandi vinsælda í íslenska flotanum, að því er Jans Jákup í Liðinni, framkvæmdastjóri Rock, segir. Ísland er næsti útflutningsmarkaður fyrirtækisins því allir hlerar þess eru framleiddir í verksmiðjum Rocks á Færeyjum.„Á Íslandi hafa nokkrir viðskiptavinir okkar til margra ára keypt hlera og fyrir okkur er ...

  • News

    Faroese trawl doors strike lucky


    The company's doors are becoming increasingly popular with the Icelandic fleet, according to Rock's managing director Hans Jákup í Liðinni, and Iceland is the company's closest export market, as all of their doors are manufactured at the Rock workshops in the Faroe Islands."We have some longstanding customers in Iceland ...

  • News

    Ísland er lykilmarkaður


    „Þetta er í fimmta sinn sem við tökum þátt í Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni," segir Dmitry Federov frá FS. Hann segir að í þetta skiptið verði þau ein á ferð en á fyrri sýningum hafi þau tekið þátt í samstarfi við önnur fyrirtæki.„Við höfum ákveðið að sjá um þetta sjálf þetta ...

  • News

    Iceland is a key market


    "This is our fifth time at IceFish," the company's Dmitry Fedorov said, adding that this time they are going it alone as on previous occasions they have been part of the exhibition with a group of partner companies."We have decided to do this ourselves this year, so we can ...

  • A semi-closed farming system in Norway where the method has proved successful Photo: LLS

    LLS identifies semi-closed farming sites


    Loch Long Salmon (LLS) has identified five sites across Scotland that will be used for semi-closed farming systems in a bid to exclude sea lice, catch organic waste and improve the health and welfare of the stock.