Latest News – Page 166

  • Research is underway into using rock anchors in aquaculture Photo: SAIC

    Anchoring technology takes a leap forward


    A research consortium has taken a significant step forward in the development of anchoring technology that could help the aquaculture sector deliver sustainable growth and reduce its environmental impact.

  • Lockdown stimulates hilsa fishery

    Lockdown stimulates hilsa fishery


    Amid the Covid-19 gloom there’s some good news for fishermen in West Bengal, who can hope for an exceptional hilsa yield this year, reports Aneetha NG.

  • Karstensen delivers German-flagged trawler

    Karstensen delivers German-flagged trawler


    There was something of a delay in the delivery of Cuxhaven-registered pelagic trawler Kristin NC-336 to its Swedish owners, and despite the drawback of the delayed completion, this also brought some advantages.

  • K-Sim simulator on SAFETY4SEA shortlist

    K-Sim simulator on SAFETY4SEA shortlist


    Kongsberg Digital’s K-Sim Fishery simulator has earned a well-deserved place on SAFETY4SEA’s 2020 Training Award shortlist.

  • Satlink to train observers for remote roles

    Satlink to train observers for remote roles


    Satlink, which specialises in developing electronic monitoring technology for sustainable fishing, has launched an ambitious training program for on-board human observers who are responsible for compliance monitoring on vessels operating in various EEZs as some Regional Fisheries Organisations, such as the Western and Central Pacific Commission (WCPFC), have suspended the ...

  • Taiwan Exhibition postponed

    Taiwan Exhibition postponed


    The Taiwan International Fisheries and Seafood Show, originally planned for September, has postponed to a new December date.

  • Seafish has published its 2019 fleet data report Photo: Seafish

    2019 the ‘calm before the storm’


    The UK’s fishing fleet has seen a notable decrease in the weight of landings in 2019 according to figures published by Seafish.

  • Navalia 2020 has been cancelled but will return next year on an annual basis Photo: Navalia

    Navalia 2020 cancelled


    International shipbuilding exhibition, Navalia, scheduled to be held in Vigo, Spain in October has been cancelled.

  • shrimp

    Clear impact of responsible aquaculture


    ASC''s first Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) report demonstrates the impact of certified responsible aquaculture with clear improvements in the environmental performance of salmon farms in Norway, Canada and Chile, and shrimp farms in Vietnam.

  • BIM is launching a support programme for seafood processors Photo: BIM

    BIM launches water conservation programme


    Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), Ireland’s seafood development agency, is launching a new Water Stewardship Support Programme for seafood processors on 25 August 2020.

  • New Northern Isles Regional Manager Richard Darbyshire with MD Jim Gallagher Photo: Scottish Sea Farms

    New appointments in SSF restructure


    Scottish Sea Farms has promoted its regional manager for Orkney, Richard Darbyshire, to the all-new role of Northern Isles regional manager with responsibility for the company’s Shetland and Orkney farms, supported by two new area manager roles.

  • Marport opens Cape Town facility

    Marport opens Cape Town facility


    Marport has announced the opening of Marport South Africa (PTI) located in Cape Town in South Africa.

  • The SFP and major seafood retailers are urging governments to tackle shrimp disease Photo: SFP

    Retailers urge action on shrimp disease


    The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) together with more than 25 major retailers and seafood companies has written to the governments of China, India, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam urging them to take increased and immediate action to address the ongoing problem of new diseases in shrimp farms.

  • American plaice Photo: NOAA

    US fishing hits sustainability milestones


    Two announcements from NOAA Fisheries offer a ‘snapshot in time’ of the population status of US federal fisheries in 2019, and the economic performance of commercial fishing, recreational fishing, and related businesses in 2017.

  • Lerwick’s new market open for business

    Lerwick’s new market open for business


    Lerwick Harbour’s replacement whitefish market, designed to sustain and develop the industry and its contribution to the Shetland economy, has opened its doors for business. This brings a range of benefits for the fishing industry, including doubled landings’ capacity.

  • Seafish is surveying the seafood processing industry to determine the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic Photo: Seafish

    Covid-19: Seafish surveys processing sector


    Seafish is conducting a survey to determine the financial and socioeconomic impact of Covid-19 on the UK’s seafood processing industry and to put together a profile of the sector.

  • Ibercisa deck machinery will be installed on a new Canadian vessel Photo: Ibercisa Deck Machinery

    New delivery to Atlantic fishing grounds


    Ibercisa Deck Machinery has designed and manufactured the deck machinery for the new trawler under construction for Meridien Atlantic Fishing, at Meridien Maritime.

  • Suppliers fall short on slavery policies

    Suppliers fall short on slavery policies


    According to a study carried out by Deloitte and released by Spanish tuna operators’ grouping OPAGAC, only 11% of major corporate suppliers of canned tuna from the Pacific region to European outlets have adequate internal policies for detecting slavery within supply chains – and only half have defined human rights ...

  • Detained trawlers abscond from Sierra Leone

    Detained trawlers abscond from Sierra Leone


    Sierra Leone has alerted other states in the region after three trawlers escaped detention in Freetown port. They were being held pending payment of fines. However, on 27th July all three escaped sailed without paying. The authorities say they are unaware of their location and have appealed to neighbouring states ...

  • bluefin tuna

    Bluefin tuna MSC certification criticised


    A decision by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) to certify the first bluefin tuna fishery with its global standard for sustainable fishing has been met with criticism.