Latest News – Page 167

  • Celebrating NZ’s seafood sustainability

    Celebrating NZ’s seafood sustainability


    The big winner at New Zealand’s Seafood Sustainability Awards was a man who has spent almost twenty years working to protect seabirds and marine mammals in the commercial fishing industry.

  • AKVA appoints new regional business director

    AKVA appoints new regional business director


    As of 1st September, Chris Beattie will be responsible for the development of the AKVA group`s organisations in North America and Australasia, and will support the ongoing growth and development of the business in these regions.

  • Lior Gal has been appointed director of sales for North America at AquaMaof Photo: AqauMaof Aquaculture Technologies

    AquaMaof appoints new North America director


    AquaMaof Aquaculture Technologies, specialist in recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) technology has appointed a new director of sales for North America.

  • The Freshé label from EcoFish is now certified by Friend of the Sea Photo: Friend of the Sea

    FoS certifies EcoFish Freshé


    Friend of the Sea has certified the EcoFish Freshé brand for sustainable seafood production practices.

  • Maria Cantwell

    Alaska Pebble Mine threatens salmon fishery


    The Trump Administration has been accused of ignoring more than a decade of scientific analysis on the impacts the proposed Pebble Mine in Alaska will have on the state’s Bristol Bay salmon fishery.

  • Elusive mackerel

    Elusive mackerel


    This year’s mackerel have been difficult to deal with where the Icelandic pelagic has been fishing in international waters.

  • Blue swimmer crab Photo: MSC

    Aussies call for sustainable seafood


    Australians want unsustainable seafood removed from shelves and menus to help make choosing the right fish dish easier, according to research commissioned by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

  • Amendments to the EMFF are bringing relief to Bulgarian fishers Photo: Shutterstock

    Covid-19: EMFF support for Bulgarian fishers


    In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the European Commission has taken action to protect the fisheries and aquaculture sectors from severe shocks by introducing specific measures including amendments to the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).

  • RFC exceeds first half-year targets

    RFC exceeds half-year targets


    With catches totalling 191,600 tonnes for the first half of 2020, the Russian Fishery Company has exceeded its planned catch and production targets.

  • United UK industry slams Benyon report?

    United UK industry slams Benyon report


    UK fishing organisations have been united in their condemnation of the Benyon Report, described as “an attempt to shoehorn No Take Zones into the already established process for designating and managing marine protected areas.”

  • Nueva Pescanova fresher trawler launched

    Nueva Pescanova fresher trawler launched


    With two of its new vessels already in operation, Nueva Pescanova has two more under construction and three more to come.

  • Grzegorz Skawinski and his rotating cage system for oyster production Photo: New Oyster Farm

    Revolutionary invention for oyster farming


    A Polish inventor has come up with a revolutionary device that allows for three times more oysters within the same area of seabed.

  • The Ocean Aware project will develop sustainable aquaculture solutions Photo: Ocean Supercluster

    Canada launches Ocean Aware project


    Canada’s Ocean Supercluster has launched a CAN$29 million project to develop and commercialise sustainable solutions for monitoring fish health, fish movement and the environment.

  • News

    Tengja saman skipstjóra og þjónustu


    Færeyska upplýsingaveitan FishFacts, stofnuð árið 2018, hefur vaxið hratt. Vefútgáfan tengir eigendur og skipstjóra fiskiskipa við þjónustuveitendur um heim allan.Það eru feðgarnir Óli og Hanus Samró sem standa að FishFacts.Þjónustan er byggð á víðfeðmum gagnagrunni fiskiskipa sem stöðugt er yfirfarinn og uppfærður, og hægt er að fylgjast með flotanum ...

  • News

    Bringing together skippers and services


    Established in 2018, FishFacts has grown rapidly as an information provider, linking fishing vessel owners and skippers with service providers through its online platform. Set up by the father-and-son team of Óli and Hanus Samró, FishFacts is based around an extensive fishing vessel database which is constantly checked and ...

  • News

    Sterkari á næsta ári


    Bopp hefur langa reynslu af því að framleiða sérhæfðan vinnslubúnað á dekki fyrir túnfiskveiðar með hringnót í hitabeltissjó og einnig fyrir franska togaraútgerð. Framleiðslan hefur nú rutt sér rúms á nýjum mörkuðum með afhendingu búnaðar til sjávarútvegsfyrirtækja í Bretlandi og á Írlandi.Undanfarin tvö ár eða svo hefur fyrirtækið meðal ...

  • News

    Stronger next year


    Bopp has a long background in producing specialist deck equipment for the tropical tuna purse seine fisheries as well as the French trawl sector, and has grown into new markets as it has expanded into supplying the UK and Irish fishing sectors.Deliveries in the last couple of years include ...

  • News

    Danir mæta sterkir til leiks


    Árið 2021 ætlar ekki að verða nein undantekning og danski básinn verður með öflugan hóp af dönskum fyrirtækjum á Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni. Dönsku þátttakendurnir einkennast af mikilli fjölbreytni fyrirtækja sem útvega greininni tæknibúnað, lausnir og möguleika af ýmsu tagi.Auk hefðbundinna framleiðanda veiðarfæra og tækjabúnaðs fyrir sjávarútveg, þá er meðal dönsku ...

  • News

    Strong Danish presence


    2021 promises to be no exception and the Danish pavilion is set to bring a significant group of Danish companies to IceFish, and the Danish presence will be characterised by the wide breadth of technology, solutions and competences offered to these industries by Danish companies.In addition to the traditional ...

  • wild-caught fish

    Grant funding for slaughter welfare review


    The Humane Slaughter Association (HSA) has announced grant funding of GB£166,000 to investigate the potential for improving the welfare of wild-caught fish at slaughter.