Latest News – Page 168

  • Thai Union farmed shrimp has been rated as ‘good’ by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Photo: Thai Union

    Thai Union welcomes new shrimp rating


    Thai Union Group has welcomed the latest rating for its Thai farmed shrimp from Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch, which shows the country’s positive progress to reach a ''Yellow Good Alternative'' rating.

  • Representatives of SEAFDEC/AQD and PAFC tour a pilot-scale feed mill Photo: RD Dianala

    Covid-19: Farmers seek help with feed costs


    Members of the Panay Aqua Farmers Cooperative (PAFC) have visited the Aquaculture Department of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC/AQD) accompanied by Remia Aparri of the Philippine Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources 6 (BFAR-6) to find ways to soften the impact of Covid-19 on the aquaculture industry in ...

  • MSC is allocating funding to help improve observer safety and welfare Photo: MSC

    MSC funds observer safety research


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is allocating £100,000 of funding aimed at improving observer safety and welfare at sea.

  • SAIC has launched a funding call to help support aquaculture businesses Photo: SAIC

    Funding call to support Scottish aquaculture


    The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) has launched a rapid-response funding call to support Scotland’s growing aquaculture sector through the continuing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Seafood Scotland has launched a new digital campaign Photo: Seafood Scotland

    Digital campaign helps net new business


    Seafood Scotland has launched a campaign to help Scottish seafood businesses reach a greater consumer audience through the use of free marketing directories.

  • Russian Crab’s landings on track for 2020

    Russian Crab’s landings on track for 2020


    One Russia’s largest crab fishing companies, Russian Crab, reports that for the first half of 2020, its fleet landed 6398 tonnes of crab – roughly half of this year’s 12,970 tonne quotas for a variety of crab species.

  • Ghana’s illegal fish reaching EU consumers

    Ghana’s illegal fish reaching EU consumers


    A report by the Environmental Justice Foundation warns that illegally caught fish from Ghana could have a clear route to European markets, having identified trawlers licensed to export to the EU but also linked to illegal foreign ownership and illegal activities.

  • Baudouin engines for Scottish twin-rigger

    Baudouin engines for Scottish twin-rigger


    UK and Ireland distributor for Moteurs Baudouin, the Southampton-based Proteum, has won the contract to supply power systems to the largest steel fishing boat to be built by C. Toms & Sons.

  • Jane Roche of Cardigan Photo: Menter a Busnes

    Netting new customers for Welsh seafood


    Markets may have been disrupted due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but a Welsh project is helping seafood businesses successfully find new ways to sell their catch such as box schemes and nationwide deliveries.

  • Ecuador’s shrimp market shrinks

    Ecuador’s shrimp market shrinks


    The Ecuadorian shrimp industry has confirmed a serious contraction in its production and exports as a result of the market crisis and reduced demand on a scale not seen for more than a decade.

  • Natalie Bell Photo: Seafood Scotland

    Seafood sector pivot here for the long haul


    The challenges of the past four months have noticeably shifted the Scottish seafood market, according to trade organisation Seafood Scotland.

  • Trawling for rockfish

    Project aims to improve rockfish assessment


    A new project is exploring the possibility of using industry catch and effort data to inform Gulf of Alaska rockfish assessments and aid better management, maximise economic benefit and minimise the risk of overfishing.

  • Mission’s support for UK fishermen

    Mission’s support for UK fishermen


    Warning that many fishing businesses are highly vulnerable, having weathered the last few difficult months, the Fishermen’s Mission has established a point of contact for all matters relating to welfare and the wellbeing of both active and retired fishermen and their families.

  • AKVA group acquires Alfaring mooring system

    AKVA group acquires Alfaring mooring system


    An agreement has been struck for AKVA Group to purchase the Alfaring mooring system along with two associated patents from Carl Stahl.

  • Pollock gaining traction

    Pollock gaining traction


    Estimated to be worth more than $7 billion in 2020, the market for wild-caught pollock is expected to grow at a CAGR of 1.7% between now and 2030, according to a report by Fact MR.

  • Saildrones are being used to monitor pollock in the Bering Sea Photo: Saildrone

    Pollock survey begins in eastern Bering Sea


    A two month survey of the eastern Bering Sea using three saildrones has begun in an attempt to understand more about pollock abundance.

  • Tersan has signed a contract for an Arctic freezer trawler for Ocean Prawns Photo: Skipsteknik

    Tersan signs Arctic freezer trawler deal


    Tersan Shipyard has signed a contract for a Skipsteknik-designed Arctic freezer trawler with Danish company, Ocean Prawns.

  • Factory trawler hit by Covid-19 outbreak

    Factory trawler hit by Covid-19 outbreak


    79 of the 119-strong crew of American Seafoods factory trawler American Triumph have tested positive for Covid-19, despite the company’s efforts to avoid infection occurring.

  • Taking the backache out of whelking

    Taking the backache out of whelking


    Wicki-Alex H-410 and skipper Thomas Jensen work from Hundested in Denmark, fishing strings of traps to catch whelks (Buccinum undatum) that are packed for markets in France, China and South-East Asia.

  • Aiming for aquafeed self-sufficiency

    Aiming for aquafeed self-sufficiency


    Russia is set to ramp up aquafeed production nearly tenfold to 525,000 tonnes by 2030 to make fish farmers less dependent on imports