Latest News – Page 169

  • Can Trump make a bigger fish out of America?

    Can Trump make a bigger fish out of America?


    Through its new executive order, the White House is seeking to propel the nation’s seafood sector into the big league.

  • The Holland Fisheries Event will go ahead in October

    Dutch fisheries exhibition gets the go-ahead


    Holland Fisheries Event (HFE), the biennial Dutch Fisheries and Maritime Exhibition, will go ahead this year despite the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Xelect is working on a genetic analysis project in East Africa Photo: Xelect

    Unlocking the genetic potential of tilapia


    Xelect has completed a genetic analysis project supported by Msingi East Africa aimed at enabling genetic selective breeding in tilapia operations in Kenya and Uganda.

  • The best of Scottish seafood will be on display to the US during a webinar Photo: Seafood from Scotland

    Scottish seafood to be showcased stateside


    Seafood from Scotland, in partnership with Scotland Development International, is bringing a taste of Scottish seafood to the US with a virtual reception on 23 July.

  • Help is at hand for aquaculture businesses affected by the Covid-19 pandemic Photo: Terje Engø

    Help for aquaculture to preserve stock


    Aquaculture businesses affected by the Covid-19 pandemic can apply to cover the costs of maintaining unsold stock through a new £1.25 million fund.

  • Thermal cameras to fight illegal fishing

    Thermal cameras to fight illegal fishing


    The nature of the coast of Galicia in north-western Spain with its multitude of fishing and fish farming activities means that new approaches are called for to guard against illegal fishing.

  • FCWC-PESCAO MCS Centre appoints Coordinator

    FCWC-PESCAO MCS Centre appoints Coordinator


    The Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea (FCWC) under its European Union-funded Improved Regional Fisheries Governance (PESCAO) project has successfully recruited a coordinator for the Regional Monitoring Control and Surveillance Centre (RMCSC).

  • New Christian í Grótinum ordered

    New Christian í Grótinum ordered


    Faroese company Christian í Grótinum has a ordered a new pelagic vessel from Karstensens Skibsværft in Skagen, and with a DKK300 million price tag, this is the yard’s largest fishing vessel order to date – and promises to set a new standard for pelagic fishing vessels.

  • The P-3K2 Orion aircraft is patrolling the Solomon Islands’ EEZ Photo: FFA

    NZ Airforce helps detect IUU fishing


    The Royal New Zealand Air Force is currently conducting three days of aerial surveillance over Solomon Islands’ exclusive economic zone, in order to monitor the activities of tuna fleets.

  • Newlyn Harbour

    Seafood auctions in the cloud


    Shetland Seafood Auctions in Lerwick and W. Stevenson & Sons of Newlyn have become the latest companies to sign up to cloud digital trading platform, KOSMOS.

  • shark fins

    Friend of the Sea protects sharks


    Friend of the Sea has launched a petition to ban shark finning, added anti-shark finning policies to its sustainable seafood standard and created a new whale shark watching standard for tourists.

  • The GAA hopes to receive SSCI recognition Photo: GAA

    GAA in sustainability recognition bid


    The Global Aquaculture Alliance’s Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification program has submitted an application to The Consumer Goods Forum’s (CGF) Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative (SSCI), the first step in receiving SSCI recognition.

  • The US FDA is keen to stress that food can not transmit Covid-19

    Food does not transmit Covid-19, says FDA


    The General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China has suspended imports and ordered recalls of frozen shrimp from three Ecuadorian companies after the government claimed ‘outer packaging… were at risk of being contaminated by the new coronavirus’.

  • Qu Dongyu, Director-General of the FAO Photo: FAO

    FAO Director-General sets out new vision


    The Director-General of the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) has presented to the FAO Council a second set of measures aimed at making the agency more agile, efficient and accountable.

  • Loch Duart is helping Sutherland residents with access to broadband services

    Salmon farm boosts broadband for Sutherland


    Scottish salmon farm, Loch Duart, has awarded £14,400 from a local community fund for free wireless broadband for all local residents in the Sutherland village of Scourie.

  • The health and wellbeing of coastal communities has been discussed by the APPG on Fisheries

    Fisheries APPG discusses coastal wellbeing


    The All Party Parliamentary Group on Fisheries has held a virtual meeting to discuss the health and wellbeing of coastal communities.

  • A weak krone has seen the value of Norwegian seafood reach an all-time high Photo: Norwegian Seafood Council

    Norwegian seafood reaches all-time high


    The export value of Norwegian seafood has reached an all-time high for the first half of 2020.

  • Brim is investing in Greenlandic company, APF Photo: Brim

    Brim invests €85m in Greenland


    Brim''s board of directors has made the decision to invest €85 million in Greenlandic seafood company Arctic Prime Fisheries (APF).

  • The SCMS is taking over as fishing vessel certifying authority in the UK Photo: MCA

    MCA appoints new UK certifying authority


    The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) has appointed a new fishing vessel certifying authority for commercially registered fishing vessels in the UK.

  • WAFIC CEO steps down

    WAFIC CEO steps down


    The Western Australia Fishing Industry Council’s CEO Alex Ogg has resigned, although he will remain in his post for three months while his replacement is recruited.