Latest News – Page 170

  • safety at sea

    Safety campaign aims to save lives


    A new safety campaign has been launched in the UK to lower the fatality rate in the fishing industry and highlight the measures that can be taken to stay safe.

  • Hoopers Island Co. has unveiled new oyster processing equipment Photo: Hoopers Island Co.

    New equipment for shellfish processing


    Hoopers Island Oyster Co. has unveiled new oyster handling equipment for high-production shellfish processing.

  • The EPO has expanded STIM’s patent rights over its SuperSmolt FeedOnly Photo: STIM

    STIM handed double patent victory


    The European Patent Office (EPO) has significantly expanded the patent rights held by STIM for its smoltification feed SuperSmolt FeedOnly.

  • Calysseo will open its first Feedkind production facility in Changshou Photo: Calysseo

    Aquafeed production plant opens in Chongqing


    The first commercial-scale plant in the world fully-funded through the Calysseo joint-venture between Adisseo and Calysta will be built in Chongqing’s Changshou district, an important milestone for the Feedkind project.

  • Japan has launched its first red bream AIP Photo: Seafood Legacy Co.

    Japan launches first red bream AIP


    Seafood Legacy Co., Kumamoto Seawater Culture Fisheries Cooperative and Urata Suisan Co. have launched Japan’s first red sea bream aquaculture improvement project (AIP), encompassing two farms owned and operated by Urata Suisan in the Amakusa area of Kumamoto Prefecture.

  • Korean fisheries need reform, claim NGOs

    Korean fisheries need reform, claim NGOs


    An extensive investigation by NGOs Advocate for Public Interest Law (APIL) and the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) have led to demands for Korea to make some substantial reforms to fishing industry practices, based on evidence of frequent physical and verbal abuse suffered by migrant workers in Korea’s distant water fleet.

  • UK Fisheries Bill enters the House of Commons

    UK Fisheries Bill enters the House of Commons


    The UK’s first major piece of fisheries legislation in nearly forty years has passed the House of Lords and has now entered the House of Commons for further scrutiny.

  • Nor-Fishing goes digital

    Nor-Fishing goes digital


    When Covid-19 struck, the world became a very different place. The management of the Nor-Fishing Foundation hoped for a long time that it would be possible to run Nor-Fishing 2020 as planned, but these plans were ended when the Norwegian government announced that no gatherings of more than 500 persons ...

  • Jackson & Partners has joined the Crab Council Photo: NFI

    Jackson and Partners joins NFI Crab Council


    Chicago-based Jackson & Partners has become the latest member of the National Fisheries Institute’s Crab Council.

  • BioMar has added a new production line to its facility in Brande Photo: BioMar

    BioMar upgrade sees production up a quarter


    BioMar’s new recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) and fry aquaculture feed production line in Brande in Denmark is now fully operational.

  • Lobster claw bands will help promote Welsh seafood Photo: Wales Seafood Cluster

    Branded claw bands promote Welsh lobster


    A Welsh project which aims to encourage collaborative working in the seafood sector has launched a ‘branded claw band’ scheme for lobsters.

  • Double fishing vessel order for DuroWipers

    Double fishing vessel order for DuroWipers


    A double order of DuroWipers pantographs has kitted out two newbuild fishing vessels from Arklow Marine Services in Ireland.

  • The GEF has endorsed two new projects to tackle overexploitation in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Photo: GFCM

    Tackling overfishing in the Med and Black Sea


    The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has endorsed two projects of more than US$12 million to reverse the overexploitation of select commercial fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.

  • News

    New dates confirmed for 13th edition of Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition and Awards


    Marianne Rasmussen-Coulling, Events Director of Mercator Media Ltd, explained the decision, "Given the global restrictions on travel and the effects that social distancing requirements will have on the operation of the exhibition, the team at Mercator Media has been examining alternatives and seeking the opinion of exhibitors. There is ...

  • New dates for Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition

    New dates for Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition


    Mercator Media Ltd has confirmed that, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 13th Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition (Icefish) will now be held 15-17th September 2021.

  • News

    Nýjar dagsetningar fyrir þrettándu Íslensku sjávarútvegssýninguna og Íslensku sjávarútvegsverðlaunin


    Marianne Rasmussen-Coulling, viðburðastjóri Mercator Media Ltd., útskýrir forsendur þessarar ákvörðunar: „Í ljósi takmarkana á ferðalög á heimsvísu og þeirra áhrifa sem kröfur um fjarlægðartakmarkanir munu hafa á sýningarhald, hefur skipulagsteymið hjá Mercator Media að undanförnu skoðað aðra valkosti og kannað viðhorf sýnenda. Þessu til viðbótar ríkir óvissa um hvort ...

  • Fishing in Thailand

    Thai FIP multispecies criteria application


    The need to address environmental and social issues in the Thai fishmeal industry has led to a well-subscribed fishery improvement project (FIP) in the Gulf of Thailand that is the first in the world to apply to the MarinTrust (formerly IFFO RS) multispecies fisheries criteria.

  • JRC/Alphatron Marine introduces FeverCamera

    JRC/Alphatron Marine introduces FeverCamera


    JRC/Alphatron Marine has introduced a body heat camera capable of scanning individuals or groups to identify those at risk.

  • Data sharing supports monitoring and control

    Data sharing supports monitoring and control


    A milestone agreement has been reached by the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) and the Pacific Community (SPC) following the successful completion of an agreement between the two organisations for the exchange of maritime boundaries data.

  • Ruud Peerbooms Photo: Corbion

    Corbion expands algae feed team


    Corbion has made three new appointments to its Algae Ingredients team, increasing the impact of the company”s omega-3 algae feed ingredient, AlgaPrime DHA.