Latest News – Page 172

  • Vónin hardware for high-energy sites

    Vónin hardware for high-energy sites


    With high-energy aquaculture sites to oversee in Scotland’s Western Isles, Mowi Regional Seawater Manager Kris Laird wanted to see for himself how Faroese Fish Farmers operate in highly exposed environments that regularly withstand exceptional hostile conditions.

  • fish farm

    Global growth rate of aquaculture declines


    The global annual growth rate of aquaculture has greatly declined over the last years and a new report outlines the reasons why.

  • UK firm wants more NE Atlantic quota

    UK firm wants more NE Atlantic quota


    The UK trawler operator holding the country’s remaining whitefish quotas in Nordic waters has called on the UK government to negotiate more access to these waters now that the UK is an independent coastal state following its exit from the EU and CFP, reports Tim Oliver.

  • Skipsteknisk secures new design contract

    Skipsteknisk secures new design contract


    Faroese fishing company Havborg has placed a design contract with Norwegian naval architect Skipsteknisk for a new factory trawler to be built at Tersan. The designer and yard have a strong relationship and have together delivered many new sophisticated factory vessels.

  • The FAO has released its biannual report on sustainable fishing Photo: FAO

    Management key to sustainability, says FAO


    The latest report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on fishing shows that the majority of landings come from biologically sustainable stocks and credits robust fisheries management for the successes.

  • (l-r) Abongile Ngqongwa, acting director, Small-Scale Fisheries; Sue Middleton, acting deputy director general, Fisheries Branch and Dr Mark Botha, CEO, Fisheries Development Fund Photo: Fisheries Development Fund

    Fisheries Fund donates masks to DEFF


    A donation of masks has been given to the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries’ (DEFF) Small-Scale Fisheries Directorate by the South African Fisheries Development Fund to protect small-scale and interim relief fishers in the Western and Northern Cape from the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • News

    Síldarvinnslan fjárfestir í vigtunarbúnaði


    Búnaðurinn er framleiddur af Marel og danska fyrirtækinu Hillerslev, en hann viktar aflann um leið og hann kemur í land og er sambærilegur búnaði sem notaður er í Noregi, Danmörku og á Færeyjum.„Með tilkomu þessa nýja vigtunarbúnaður verður fiskiðjuverið eina uppsjávarvinnslan á landinu sem vigtar allan afla áður en ...

  • News

    Síldarvinnslan invests in weighing technology


    The system, delivered by Marel with Danish company Hillerslev, weighs fish as it comes ashore and the methodology is similar to systems already in use in Norway, Denmark and the Faroe Islands."This weighing system will make this the only pelagic processing plant in the country that weighs entire landings ...

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    Icefish: Innan fjölskyldunnar


    Þótt Polar sé með úrval af hefðbundnum toghlerum fyrir fiskiskip af öllum stærðum þá hefur fyrirtækið aldrei hikað við að verja tíma og fjármunum í rannsóknir og þróun. Fjarstýrði toghlerinn þeirra, Poseidon, hefur þegar reynst hafa mikla möguleika til bæði uppsjávar- og botnsjávarveiða.Poseidon hlaut nýsköpunarverðlaun Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningarinnar fyrir nokkrum ...

  • News

    IceFish: a family affair


    While Polar Fishing Gear has its range of standard trawl doors for fishing vessels of all sizes, it has never been shy of putting time and resources into research and development, and its Poseidon controllable trawl doors have already been shown to have significant potential for both pelagic and ...

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    Uppfærðar kórónaveiru-upplýsingar Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningarinnar


    Í ljósi þessarar óvissu sem stafar af COVID-19 vinnur Mercator Media Limited áfram að því að undirbúa Íslensku sjávarútvegssýninguna (Icefish) sem haldin verður dagana 23.-25. september og fær ráðgjöf um til hvaða ráðstafana þarf að grípa til þess að halda þennan viðburð með öruggum hætti sem skilar árangri. Við ...

  • News

    Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition Coronavirus Update


    In light of this ongoing uncertainty being caused by COVID-19, Mercator Media Limited continues its work to stage the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition (Icefish) taking place 23-25 September and is obtaining advice on the measures needed to safely and successfully holding the event. We know flights to Iceland recommence on ...

  • A government project is helping fishing communities in Tamil Nadu Photo: ICAR-CMFRI

    CMFRI helps empower Tamil Nadu fishers


    A government project in India is helping communities in Tamil Nadu empower themselves through seaweed and marine ornamental fish farming.

  • Bendik S. Søvegjarto, CageEye CEO Photo: CageEye

    Autonomous feeding improves welfare


    CageEye has unveiled an autonomous feeding solution that helps fish farmers increase production, whilst lowering feed waste and improving animal welfare in aquaculture.

  • Greig Seafood orders workboat from Meercat

    Greig Seafood orders workboat from Meercat


    Altantic Salmon producer Greig Seafood Shetland Ltd has placed an order for a new Meercat DeckMax MRV aquaculture workboat for its Scottish fisheries operations.

  • Future of Fish is helping to protect small scale fishers in Peru Photo: Future of Fish

    PPE for fisheries in Peru


    Future of Fish has launched a new campaign in partnership with fishers from La Islilla, Peru, to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to fishers and seafood workers.

  • Pronomar provides drying systems to the fishing industry Photo: Pronomar

    Pronomar helps COVID-19 hygiene measures


    Pronomar, supplier of drying systems, has noticed an increasing interest coming from fisheries and fish processors since the onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Valka launches new IQF graders

    Valka launches new IQF graders


    Icelandic high-tech company Valka has designed two new graders for batching and automatic packing IQF frozen products and, offering numerous new features compared to traditional graders.

  • Support for Scottish seafood businesses

    Support for Scottish seafood businesses


    A total of 128 companies have now received support through the Scottish Government’s Seafood Resilience Fund, with more than £5 million provided to processors.

  • Albacora seiner features Schottel SCP

    Albacora seiner features Schottel SCP


    Albacora Group, operators of the largest tuna fishing fleet in the European Union, recently commissioned a new purse seiner to be built at Vigo-based shipyard Astilleros Armón, which will feature Schottel controllable pitch propeller.