Latest News – Page 175

  • EJF is launching a ghost gear project in Thailand Photo: EJF

    EJF launches ghost gear project in Thailand


    The Net Free Seas project, run by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) and funded by the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fun, is aiming to rid Thailand’s waters of discarded fishing nets.

  • Ibercisa Deck Machinery has returned to work Photo: Ibercisa Deck Machinery

    Ibercisa back at work after COVID-19 shutdown


    Ibercisa Deck Machinery is back at work after a brief period of obligatory closure as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Aquaculture UK is the UK’s largest aquaculture event Photo: Aquaculture UK

    Aquaculture UK postponed until May 2021


    Diversified Communications UK, the new owners of Aquaculture UK, has confirmed that this year’s event has been postponed as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

  • New support for Canada’s fish harvesters

    New support for Canada’s fish harvesters


    Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced up to $469.4 million in new measures to support fish harvesters, left economically disadvantaged by the pandemic but unable to access existing federal measures. This investment builds on the $62.5 million for the new Canadian Seafood Stabilization Fund announced last month to help ...

  • Norway has ratified an agreement to prevent unregulated fishing in the Arctic Photo: NOAA

    Norway signs Arctic Ocean agreement


    Norway has ratified an agreement aiming to prevent unregulated fishing in the central Arctic Ocean and promote scientific research in the region.

  • New MD Mark Warrington Photo: Loch Duart

    Loch Duart appoints new MD


    Loch Duart, the salmon farm based in Sutherland and the Uists, has appointed a new managing director.

  • News

    Tímarnir breytast og sýningin með


    Íslensku sjávarútvegsverðlaunin voru kynnt til sögunnar á sýningunni 1999 – og þau hafa einnig tekið breytingum til að endurspegla breytingar í greininni, og nýjasta breytingin endurspeglar aukna áherslu sjávarútvegsins í Norður-Atlantshafi á virðisaukningu, fiskeldi og vaxandi kröfur um fullnýtingu aukaafurða; að ná verðmætum og næringu úr öllu, allt frá ...

  • News

    Tímarnir breytast og sýningin með


    Íslensku sjávarútvegsverðlaunin voru kynnt til sögunnar á sýningunni 1999 – og þau hafa einnig tekið breytingum til að endurspegla breytingar í greininni, og nýjasta breytingin endurspeglar aukna áherslu sjávarútvegsins í Norður-Atlantshafi á virðisaukningu, fiskeldi og vaxandi kröfur um fullnýtingu aukaafurða; að ná verðmætum og næringu úr öllu, allt frá ...

  • News

    Changing with the times


    The IceFish awards were introduced at the 1999 exhibition – and these have also evolved to reflect the way the fisheries have changed, and the latest evolution mirrors the North Atlantic seafood industry's growing focus on adding value, aquaculture and the burgeoning demand for full utilisation of by-products; extracting ...

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    Straumhvörf í samvali og pökkun


    „Ég er þess fullviss að við náum fram kostnaðinum fljótt til baka. Mesti ávinningurinn er fólginn í nákvæmni við samval. Mikil sjálfvirkni gefur einnig möguleika á beinum hagnaði hvað varðar vinnuaflskostnað,” sagði Ásmundur Baldvinsson, framkvæmdastjóri landvinnslu hjá FISK Seafood.Yfirvigtin er lykilaðtriði í pökkun þegar varan er seld í fastri ...

  • News

    Breakthrough in batching and robot packing


    "I'm quite confident that we will achieve a short payback time. The most significant benefit is realised in batching precision. The level of automation will also enable direct gains with labour costs," said Ásmundur Baldvinsson, manager of FISK Seafood's land-based production.Giveaway is a crucial factor in packing any fixed ...

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    Tómas Þorvaldsson slær eigið met


    Þegar útgerðarfélagið Þorbjörn í Grindavík eignaðist grænlenska togarann Sisimiut, sem nú heitir Tómas Þorvaldsson GK-10 og er 67 metra langur, var vinnsludekkið endurbætt með nýrri M700 flökunarvél frá Vélfagi.Þessi nýi búnaður sannaði strax gildi sitt þegar Tómas Þorvaldsson kom til hafnar með 752 tonn upp úr sjó eftir 24 ...

  • News

    Thorbjörn trawler breaks its own record


    When Grindavík-based fishing company Thorbjörn acquired the 67-metre Greenlandic trawler Sisimiut, now Tómas Thorvaldsson GK-10, part of the factory deck was refitted, with a new M700 filleting machine combined with a M825 skinning machine from Vélfag installed on board.The new equipment proved its worth right away as Tómas Thorvaldsson ...

  • fishing funding

    US$300m funding for US fishery businesses


    US$300m in fisheries assistance funding will be provided to US states, tribes, and territories with coastal and marine fishery participants who have been negatively affected by COVID–19.

  • First investment quotas programme crabber

    First investment quotas programme crabber


    The Pella Shipyard in St Petersburg has delivered the first crabber to be built under the Russian government’s investment quotas initiative.

  • The NFFO is asking its members to share best working practice

    Share best working practice, urges NFFO


    The National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO) has called on its members to share good practice already in place or being developed to help keep workers safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Funding worth £800,000 has been made available to aquaculture businesses in Scotland Photo: Terje Engø

    COVID-19: Funding for Scottish aquaculture


    Shellfish growers and trout producers in Scotland will receive a share of £800,000 to help mitigate the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Skaginn 3X lands Mowi contract

    Skaginn 3X lands Mowi contract


    One of the largest salmon producers has opted to install an ice-free Sub-Chilling system from Skaginn 3X.

  • Involving stakeholders helps sustainable fisheries management in MPAs

    Concerted management of MPA fisheries


    A two year project into the management of fisheries in marine protected areas (MPA) in the UK has shown that involving the fishing sector and stakeholders is crucial in promoting sustainability and effectiveness.

  • Simon Potten, head of safety and training at Seafish Photo: Seafish

    COVID-19: Seafish to fund online training


    Following suspension of face-to-face training as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Seafish is extending its support for online training for those working in the UK’s seafood industry.