Latest News – Page 179

  • Support announced for Welsh fisheries

    Support announced for Welsh fisheries


    A new grant to support fishing businesses during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has been announced by Lesley Griffiths, the Welsh Government’s Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs.

  • Engineering for Arctic Offshore project

    Engineering for Arctic Offshore project


    In co-operation with partners at engineering company Techano AS, Naust Marine is fabricating and delivering electrical systems to the Arctic Offshore Fish Farming project off the coast of Tromsø in Norway.

  • Pandemic hits women harder, says WSI

    Pandemic hits women harder, says WSI


    Is a gender viewpoint needed to examine the COVID-19 risks and impacts on fisheries and aquaculture? According to Natalia Briceño-Lagos and Marie Christine Monfort of the International Organisation for Women in the Seafood Industry (WSI), at this point of the pandemic, though we can’t fully depict what the consequences ...

  • Cabinet Secretary Fergus Ewing has paid tribute to Scottish fish farmers Photo: Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation

    COVID-19: Praise for fish farmers


    Scottish Cabinet Secretary Fergus Ewing has paid tribute to Scotland’s fish farming workers for ensuring the supply of fresh salmon, trout and shellfish continues to reach UK supermarkets.

  • Seafish is supporting the UK seafood industry through COVID-19 Photo: Seafish

    COVID-19: Helping find new routes to market


    Seafish is working on ways to support the UK seafood sector through the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Karstensen-built fishing trawler

    Wärtsilä energy package for Scottish trawler


    Wärtsilä will supply a propulsion and power package for a new 75m long fishing trawler being built at Karstensens shipyard in Denmark for Scottish owners and operators Wiseman Fishing Co and Northbay Fishing Co.

  • Aller Aqua and TripleNine have conducted a successful trial into functional ingredients in fish feed Photo: Aller Aqua

    Functional ingredient trial a success


    A research collaboration to identify which components of raw materials most benefit fish health and growth in a sustainable way has been hailed a success.

  • WAFIC CEO, Alex Ogg

    COVID-19: WAFIC welcomes support approval


    Western Australian Fishing Industry Council’s (WAFIC) chief executive has welcomed the Fisheries Minister’s decision to approve the seafood industry’s COVID-19 recovery and stimulus package.

  • New Mørenot factory delivers first cage net

    New Mørenot factory delivers first cage net


    After having its trawl door production at Plunge in Lithuania for the last seven years, the company last year began expanding its facilities there to include aquaculture net production.

  • Skaginn 3X strengthen sales network

    Skaginn 3X strengthens sales network


    Skaginn 3X has appointed Viktoría Alfreðsdóttir as Regional Sales Manager for Russia and Asia.

  • Cretel's brand-new production facilities and a new generation of skinners

    New factory and new skinning machine range


    Belgian food processing equipment and industrial washing systems manufacturer Cretel has taken a step into the future by moving into a brand-new production facility in Ghent, following this up with the launch of a new generation of the company’s skinning machines

  • Japan has lifted the inspection order for Indian Black Tiger shrimps Photo: FAO

    Japan lifts Black Tiger shrimp inspections


    Japan has lifted the inspection order for Indian Black Tiger shrimps after export consignments were found to be free of any residue of the anti-bacterial drug furazolidone. 

  • News

    MMG stefnir að öflugri þátttöku á IceFish


    Hafnarborgin Måløy á vesturströnd Noregs er miðstöð hæfileika og sérþekkingar þar sem er fjöldi fyrirtækja, allt frá veiðarfæraframleiðendum til skipasmíðastöðva og skipahönnuða.„Við viljum láta siglingageirann, bæði núverandi og nýja viðskiptavini, vita að við erum til og erum góður valkostur við aðrar hafnir við Norður-Atlantshaf. Í Måløy getum við boðið ...

  • News

    MMG plans strong Icefish presence


    The fishing port of Måløy on the west coast of Norway is a hotspot for skills and expertise, with companies ranging from fishing gear suppliers to shipyards and naval architects."We want to let the maritime industry, both existing and new customers, know that we exist and are a good ...

  • News

    Frummælendur hvaðanæva að úr heiminum


    Sigurður Davíð Stefánsson, nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlastjóri Íslenska sjávarklasans, hefur starfað náið með Ocean Excellence sem var stofnað árið 2012 með þá hugsjón að leiðarljósi að tengja saman þá þekkingu, reynslu og traustan feril hinna bestu fyrirtækja á sviði verkfræði, sjávartækni og fiskvinnslu á Íslandi til að koma með einstæðar ...

  • News

    Speakers from around the world at FWP 2020


    The Iceland Ocean Cluster's Head of Innovation and Start-ups Sigurður Davíð Stefánsson has been working closely with Ocean Excellence, which was established in 2012 with the vision of bringing together the knowledge, experience and proven track records of the best engineering, marine tech and fish processing companies in Iceland ...

  • News



    Hálft ár er þangað til sýningin verður haldin og við höldum áfram með jákvæðni að leiðarljósi að skipuleggja þennan glæsilega viðburð, í náinni samvinnu við samstarfsaðila okkar á Íslandi og í fullu samræmi við afstöðu þeirra til faraldursins.IceFish 2020 er kjörinn vettvangur fyrir fagfólk og sýnendur til að leiða ...

  • News

    IceFish 2020, COVID-19 update


    The event is still six months away and we are progressing positively with arrangements to deliver the event, working closely with our partners in Iceland in line with their developing stance towards the outbreak.Icefish provides a platform for industry professionals and exhibitors to meet, to learn, and to collaborate. ...

  • Focus on freight

    Focus on freight


    Based at the heart of Boulogne’s Capécure seafood district, freight forwarder Geofret was set up in 2013 by Grégory Grare to specialise in transporting seafood as efficiently as possible.

  • crablets

    Crablet survival rate up in Philippines


    Simple tweaks in protocols at the mangrove crab hatchery of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC/AQD) in the Philippines have led to a significant boost in crablet production, with survival increasing twofold.