Latest News – Page 180

  • The ISSF has released its latest ‘Status of the Stocks’ report Photo: ISSF

    Slight improvement in tuna stocks, says ISSF


    Of the total commercial tuna catch worldwide, 84% came from stocks at healthy levels of abundance, according to the March 2020 International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) ‘Status of the Stocks’ report.

  • Loch Fyne Oysters has launched a delivery service to help local customers Photo: Loch Fyne Oysters

    COVID-19: Scottish seafood takes to the road


    Scotland’s seafood sector is devising inventive ways to help counter the devastating impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on the industry.

  • Quality is a big subject

    Quality is a big subject


    Established in 2011 as it took over what had previously been the activities of Haliomer and CEVPM, Nouvelles Vagues Technologies is a privately run company with a staff of 35, all with expertise in various fields of the seafood industry.

  • The NFFO is calling for bespoke support for the fishing sector Photo: Quentin Bates

    COVID-19: NFFO calls for bespoke support


    The National Federation of Fishermen’s Association (NFFO) has urged the government to provide tailored support to help the fishing sector recover from the ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Wärtsilä’s design for CMI’s latest krill trawler Photo: Wärtsilä

    Wärtsilä krill fishing vessel for CMI


    Wärtsilä has been contracted to provide the ship design for a new krill fishing vessel for Shanghai Chonghe Marine Industry (CMI).

  • Where next for salmon farming?

    Where next for salmon farming?


    While as a consumer product, Atlantic salmon has transcended the seafood category, producers now need to adopt new harvest technologies to maintain growth

  • The European South-Pacific Jack Mackerel Fishery is certified to MSC standard Photo: MSC

    MSC certification for jack mackerel


    A new milestone has been reached for sustainable jack mackerel fishing in the South Pacific with the certification of the European South-Pacific Jack Mackerel Fishery to MSC fisheries standard.

  • IFFO RS has rebranded as MarinTrust Photo: MarinTrust

    IFFO RS rebrands as MarinTrust


    IFFO RS, the IFFO global standard for responsible supply, has rebranded as MarinTrust.

  • Hampiðjan moves into new east coast net loft

    Hampiðjan moves into new east coast net loft


    “It’s a huge improvement. So for us, this is a complete transformation of our working facilities,” said master fishing gear technologist Jón Einar Marteinsson who manages Hampiðjan’s fishing gear division at Neskaupstaður in eastern Iceland.

  • Fraserburgh twin-rigger breaks new ground

    Fraserburgh twin-rigger breaks new ground


    Three years of planning have gone into new twin-rigger Virtuous FR-253, delivered by Parkol Marine Engineering to father-and-son team Sandy and Alexander West who fish for prawns from Fraserburgh, reports Dave Moore.

  • STIM has accused Biomar of patent infringement Photo: STIM

    STIM appeals despite victory in court


    Despite winning on all major points, STIM has appealed the Olso District Court decision against Biomar, asking the appeal court to find Biomar legally responsible for indirect infringements of STIM’s patent rights.

  • Seiyu, GK has launched a GAA BAP product in Japan Photo: Seiyu

    Japan’s first GAA BAP product launches


    Seiyu, GK, part of Walmart Inc., has become the first retailer in Japan to introduce the Global Aquaculture Alliance''s Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification to its product line.

  • Air freight deal opens up Australian seafood exports to Asia

    Australia boosts exports with freight deal


    South Australian seafood exporters have welcomed a $110 million International Freight Assistance announcement by the Australian government to help them send produce to key markets.

  • Thór Sigfússon and The New Fish Wave

    Thór Sigfússon and The New Fish Wave


    Thór Sigfússon’s sheer enthusiasm can hardly fail to make an impression. This someone with an irrepressible passion for the whole business of seafood – and who has made a huge effort to put that passion into practice.

  • 'NovaNam One'

    Nueva Pescanova Group launches new vessel


    The Nueva Pescanova Group has launched the third vessel of its new fleet and the second of three 50m long wetfish ships that are being built for hake fishing by the Group’s affiliate in Namibia.

  • From Fish Waste to Value Added Ingredients

    From fish waste to value-added ingredients


    A new project in Europe is developing innovative ways to use fish waste and sidestreams to tackle inefficiency in the seafood supply chain and create marketable products

  • China’s demand for protein

    China’s demand for protein


    With African swine fever (ASF) continuing to decimate China’s pig population, and the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak halting the country’s processing sectors, whitefish exporters should find themselves well placed to capitalise on the market’s huge demand for protein, believes Rabobank’s senior analyst for seafood, Gorjan Nikolik

  • Electric deck technology for new Charisma

    Electric deck technology for new Charisma


    New Whalsay pelagic vessel Charisma started its fishing career with a couple of quickfire trips mackerel trips west of Shetland, reports Dave Moore.

  • Glenn Mo Photo: AKVA group

    Egersund Net appoints new GM


    Egersund Net has appointed Glenn Mo as its new general manager with effect from April.

  • MSC has suspended assessments and certifications for six months Photo: MSC SA

    COVID-19: Six month MSC assessment extension


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is offering fisheries a six-month extension on the usual timelines for assessments and certifications in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.