Latest News – Page 181

  • UK fryers’ federation advises shutdown

    UK fryers’ federation advises shutdown


    With the UK in lockdown as coronavirus spreads, the president of the National Federation of Fish Fryers (NFFF) has advised fish & chip shops to close their doors.

  • NOAA Fisheries has waived the need for human observers Photo: NOAA Fisheries

    COVID-19: Need for observer waived


    As part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, NOAA Fisheries is temporarily waiving the requirement for vessels with Northeast fishing permits to carry a fishery observer or at-sea monitor.

  • The Nido Robotics mini ROVs are ideal for a range of operations Photo: Nido Robotics

    Nido Robotics unveils mini drones


    Nido Robotics has released a pair of mini remotely operated underwater vehicles ideally suited to a range of sectors from aquaculture to search and rescue.

  • AIPCE-CEP is urging for greater action to support the fish processing and trading sector Photo: AIPCE-CEP

    COVID-19: Fish sector to ensure supply


    The European association representing fish processing and trading companies welcomes measures to combat the economic impact of COVID-19 but warns that further efforts are needed.

  • Ten pelagic vessels on order at Skagen yard

    Ten pelagic vessels on order at Skagen yard


    An order placed by a UK partnership brings the orderbook of pelagic vessels to be delivered by Ksrstensens Skibsværft in the new few years to ten.

  • (l-r) Dr Benedict Standen, Jack Sears-Stewart, Paul Mosnier, Dr Daniel Merrifield Photo: Biomin and Erber Group

    Biomin sustainability scholarship winners


    Animal nutrition firm Biomin has recently announced two winners of the Biomin Aquaculture Sustainability Scholarship Award.

  • Seawater coolers to LNG-fuelled wellboat

    Seawater coolers to LNG-fuelled wellboat


    The Tersan Shipyard has awarded Hydroniq Coolers a contract to deliver its Pleat seawater coolers to a wellboat the yard is building for Norwegian salmon producer Nordlaks AS.

  • Crew lifted from wrecked longliner

    Crew lifted from wrecked longliner


    The full crew of 36 were rescued from Chinese longliner Shen Gang Shun 1, which had run aground on the west coast of Arutua atoll in the Tuamotu archipelago earlier this week.

  • Investment in new tech as frozen sales surge

    Investment in new tech as frozen sales surge


    Ragnar Guðmundsson, Skaginn 3X’s Director of Sales Operations Europe. Photo: Skaginn 3XWith restaurants, hotels and fresh seafood counters closing all around the world in the wake of the outbreak of the coronavirus, the demand for fresh fish has plummeted. As buyers’ patterns of shopping turn to stockpiling, demand for frozen ...

  • Female mud crabs seized from commercial crabbers at Port Alma Photo: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

    Illegal crabbers fined in Australia


    Two central Queensland commercial fishers caught with illegal mud crabs have been fined a total of AUS$26,000 in the Rockhampton Magistrates Court.

  • A´gu´st A´gu´stsson Photo: Skaginn 3X

    New regional managers at Skaginn 3X


    Skaginn 3X has added two new regional managers to its sales team, Ágúst Ágústsson and Ingvar Vilhjálmsson.

  • News



    Í kjölfar Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningarinnar 2014 gerðu forsvarsmenn hennar sér grein fyrir mikilvægi þess að fjárfesta í framtíð sjávarútvegarins og komu á fót menntastyrkjum til handa þeim sem stunda nám á sviði sjávarútvegs. Fyrstu menntastyrkirnir voru veittir árið 2017 og hafa þeir verið veittir tvisvar á ári allar götur síðan.Marianne ...

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    Winners of the 2020 Icelandic Fisheries Bursary Awards Announced


    Following the 2014 Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition, the organisers of the exhibition recognised the need to re-invest in the future of the fishing sector and introduced bursaries awarded to those currently in education within the fishing sector. The first bursaries were awarded in 2017.Presented by Marianne Rasmussen-Coulling, Events Director, Mercator ...

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    Franskur vinduframleiðandi sýnir í fyrsta sinn á IceFish


    Bopp er til húsa í Lanvéoc á Bretaníuskaga og hefur áratugum saman verið það fyrirtæki sem franskur sjávarútvegur leitar helst til, hvort heldur þegar vindukerfi vantar í togaraflotann eða sérhæfðan búnað til túnfiskveiða með snurvoð í Suðurhöfum.Á undanförnum árum hefur fyrirtækið fært út kvíarnar, einskorðar sig ekki lengur við ...

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    French winch producer's first time at IceFish


    Based at Lanvéoc on Brittany, Bopp has been the go-to option for the French fishing industry for decades, supplying both the trawler fleet with winch system and producing the highly specialised systems required by the tropical tuna purse seine sector.In recent years the company has expanded beyond the French ...

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    Bein samskipti eru mikilvæg


    Fyrirtækið hefur verið að framleiða toghlera í verksmiðju sinni á vesturstönd Danmerkur í meira en hálfa öld, og hefur statt og stöðugt neitað að flytja framleiðslu sína til ódýrari staða í heiminum„Þessa dagana heyrum við mikið um vörur sem koma frá Austurlöndum fjær eða eru framleiddar í löndum þar ...

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    Direct contact is crucial


    The company has been manufacturing trawl doors at its factory on the west coast of Denmark for more than half a century, and has steadfastly refused to relocate production to cheaper parts of the world."These days we hear a lot about products coming from the Far East or built ...

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    Fullt hreinlætiseftirlit í matvælaframleiðslu


    Kerfið frá D-Tech veitir langtímavörn gegn örverum í matvælaframleiðslu og er víða notað hér á landi auk þess sem salan erlendis á þessu nýstárlega og sjálfvirka úðakerfi frá þeim er í stöðugum vexti.„Allar helstu fiskvinnslur hér á Íslandi nota búnaðinn frá okkur, og við erum líka búnir að setja ...

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    Full hygiene control for food production


    The company's system of long-lasting, anti-microbial control for food production facilities is in widespread use in Iceland and its overseas market these innovative automatic clouding systems continues to grow steadily."All of the leading fish processors here in Iceland are using our systems, and we have also installed D-Tech systems ...

  • Sea Pact members rally together

    Sea Pact members rally together


    Sea Pact, a collaborative association of eleven leading American and Canadian seafood companies working to drive industry sustainability progress, have resolved to work together to face the unprecedented challenges of the Covid-19 global crisis.