Latest News – Page 184

  • MPI sets up base in Scotland

    MPI sets up base in Scotland


    Multi Pump Innovation (MPI) have upped their game in serving the Scottish aquaculture sector by setting up a new service depot in Oban.

  • Yvonne Shields O'Connor, CEO of Irish Lights and Jim O’Toole, CEO of BIM Credit: BIM

    Marker scheme aims to simplify navigation


    To help simplify and improve local navigation markings, Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), in association with the Commissioners of Irish Lights (CIL), has launched a new standard operating procedure.

  • The Dolav Ace 460 Credit: Dolav

    Lighter box, more efficient cooling


    Box pallet manufacturer, Dolav, has unveiled a new fish box designed to provide better value for customers.

  • H.E. Mr. Markku Keinänen, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Finland to IMO, and Secretary-General Kitack Lim

    Finland joins safety at sea initiative


    Finland has become the latest state to join the Cape Town Agreement on fishing vessel safety.

  • Danish MEP Søren Gade has been appointed Champion of the WFO foundation Credit: WFO foundation

    Danish MEP joins fight for waste free oceans


    Danish MEP Søren Gade has recently been appointed as the new Champion of the Waste Free Oceans (WFO) foundation, succeeding French MEP Alain Cadec.

  • Norcord has raised investment of NOK105m in a bid to become the world's leading producer of farmed cod Credit: Norcod

    Cod rebounds as investors back Norcod


    Norwegian cod-farming venture Norcod has successfully raised new investment totalling NOK105m in its journey to become the world''s leading producer of responsibly farmed cod.

  • Five new shrimp farms have joined the SSP Credit: SSP

    Five Ecuadorian farms join SSP


    Five Ecuadorian shrimp farms are the latest to join the Sustainable Shrimp Partnership (SSP).

  • Teresa Fernandez and Gavin Hatton Credit: Seafish

    Young Seafood Leaders sign 100th member


    The Young Seafood Leaders’ Network, a Seafish initiative, has reached an important milestone with the sign-up of its 100th member.

  • NOAA is against restricting the sale of shark fins Credit: Getty Images

    Shark fin sale ban unnecessary, says NOAA


    Preventing fishermen from selling shark fins would not improve conservation or management, argues the NOAA Fisheries assistant administrator, Chris Oliver.

  • News

    Aðlögun að þörfum breyttrar greinar


    Margt hefur breyst á undanförnum árum – ekki síst vegna kvótakerfisins sem tekið var upp árið áður en fyrsta IceFish-sýningin var haldin. Sýningin hefur því brugðist við með því að breyta um áherslur, frá því að beinast alfarið að fiskveiðigeiranum yfir í að ná nú orðið yfir fiskvinnslu, sjávarafurðir, ...

  • News

    Adapting to the needs of a changing industry


    A lot has changed over the years – much of this stemming from the quota system that was implemented the year before the first IceFish. Consequently, the event has responded by shifting from the original focus firmly on the catching sector to today encompass processing, seafood, aquaculture and ...

  • Hampiðjan’s High-strength Prima

    Hampiðjan’s High-strength Prima


    Two years ago Hampiðjan developed a new variety of super-rope under the Prima brand, and this has been welcomed by the company’s customers as Prima’s popularity has grown rapidly.

  • Cordial post-Brexit relations are critical

    Cordial post-Brexit relations are critical


    Retaining market access and consumer confidence are of the utmost importance for both the UK and EU27

  • Quality is the driver for satcoms

    Quality is the driver for satcoms


    Cobham Satcom isn’t a name that’s all that well known across the fishing industry, but it’s a company that has roots in many long established brands that are instantly familiar; Sailor, Sea Tel, Thrane & Thrane and Skanti.

  • Queensland provides COVID-19 support

    Queensland provides COVID-19 support


    The Queensland government is working with the commercial fishing industry and is making available a $3.66 million assistance package to help the industry cope with the effects of coronavirus on seafood exports.

  • Oi London 2020 – biggest and best yet

    Oi London 2020 – biggest and best yet


    Oceanology International pulls out all the stops to provide value for visitors at upcoming 50th anniversary event at ExCel London.

  • Collide – or engage with the future

    Collide – or engage with the future


    Devices, apps and digital are coming fast at sea. As simple and cost-effective technology becomes available for boats, the NEXT GEN Shock Mitigation Workshop brings decision makers together to highlight the issues today and identify viable solutions for the future.

  • Coronavirus forces conference cancellation

    Coronavirus forces conference cancellation


    Organisers of Aquafeed Horizons 2020 conference, the specialised conference for aquaculture feed professionals due to take place on 24th March 2020 in Bangkok, have cancelled the meeting.

  • Aller Aqua

    New feed concept promotes growth and survival


    Aller Aqua has launched a new feed concept incorporating a series of aquafeeds based on a blend of ingredients that promote growth and survival in fish as well as disease resistance and prevention.

  • Scottish seafood producers have called for urgent discussions about post-Brexit immigration Credit: SSA

    Urgent discussions needed about immigration


    Two of Scotland’s largest seafood organisations have called for urgent discussions with UK government ministers amid concerns about the impact of post-Brexit immigration plans on the sector.