Latest News – Page 186

  • Soya varieties Credit: USDA

    Aller Aqua to use only European soya


    Aller Aqua is phasing out the use of South American soya to focus on purchasing from European markets where its factories are based.

  • Icefish continues to grow – 60% booked

    Icefish continues to grow – 60% booked


    From a local event first held in Reykjavík in 1984, the IceFish exhibition has developed into something very different reflecting the changing requirements of the Icelandic fleet and market.

  • Udarnik on sea trials

    Udarnik on sea trials


    The last of the trio of multi-purpose fishing vessels built at the Yantar Shipyard in Kaliningrad for RK Lenina in the Russian Far East is now undergoing trials.

  • News

    Naust Marine: Hitt í mark


    „Við höfum tekið þátt í hverri einustu sýningu síðan fyrirtækið var stofnað, og ætlum að halda því áfram,” segir Helgi Kristjánsson, sölustjóri hjá Naust Marine.„Við lítum svo á að Sjávarútvegssýningin sé mikilvægasti viðburður greinarinnar vegna þess hve alþjóðleg hún er, og megnið af verkefnum okkar er erlendis. Fyrir okkur ...

  • News

    Naust Marine: fly-shooting breakthrough


    "We have been at every one since the company was established, and that's something we intend to continue," said Naust Marine's sales manager Helgi Kristjánsson."We see IceFish as among the most important industry events because of its international nature, and most of our activity is overseas. So it's vital ...

  • News

    Gæði og sveigjanleiki


    Skipasmíðastöðin býr að meira en 90 ára reynslu og getur smíðað bæði úr stáli og trefjum. Gondán hefur aflar sér virðingar fyrir smíði háþróaðra báta og fyrir að vera með nægan sveigjanleika til að gera breytingar meðan á smíðinni stendur til að mæta kröfum viðskiptavina, ásamt því að standast ...

  • News

    Quality and flexibility


    The yard has more than ninety years of experience behind it and has capacity to build in steel and GRP. Gondán's reputation is for delivering sophisticated vessels and for having the flexibility to introduce improvements during the construction process to meet the customer's requirements, while also meeting the ...

  • News

    Íslaus nálgun


    Hefðbundin aðferð við að halda fiski ferskum er að nota ís meðan fiskiskipið er enn á hafi. Ísvélin er þá jafnmikilvægur búnaður eins og vélin eða vindan. Ís er hins vegar fyrirferðarmikill og lítt meðfærilegur. Kar með botnfiski verður óhjákvæmilega 10-15% þyngra og fyrir tegundir á borð við karfa ...

  • News

    Ice-free approach locks in flavour


    Ice is the accepted method of keeping fish fresh while a fishing vessel is at sea and the icemaker is as vital a piece of equipment as the engine or the winch. All the same, ice is bulky and cumbersome. A box of groundfish is inevitably going to be ...

  • Alphatron Marine is expanding its CCTV offering Credit: Alphatron Marine

    Alphatron Marine expands CCTV portfolio


    Alphatron Marine is enlarging its presence in the field of maritime closed circuit television systems.

  • The Common Oceans ABNJ programme aims to protect international waters Credit: FAO

    FAO programme protects international waters


    A five-year, US$50 million programme rolled out by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN (FAO) and partners has made remarkable progress in protecting international waters'' biodiversity by rendering fishing in these waters less harmful to several marine species, including sea turtles and tuna.

  • Drone

    Solar-powered drone offers krill insight


    Aker BioMarine has launched an unmanned solar-powered ocean data drone to collect detailed data on the biomass of Antarctic krill.

  • Kerala's governor at the 22nd India International Seafood Show Credit: IISS

    India seeks to boost seafood sector


    Kerala''s governor has inaugurated the 22nd India International Seafood Show (IISS), calling for efforts to attract foreign direct investment to increase employment opportunities and boost the country’s seafood exports.

  • The WSI is calling for greater gender equality in the seafood industry Credit: WSI

    WSI calls for gender equality in seafood


    To meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the International Association for Women in the Seafood Industry (WSI) is calling for greater gender equality in the seafood industry.

  • SAIC chair, David Gregory Credit: SAIC

    SAIC strengthens scientific panel


    The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) has bolstered its Independent Scientific Panel (SISP) by recruiting five industry experts to join the board, which provides objective scientific opinion to inform the innovation centre’s projects.

  • Jordan Keig, winner of last year’s Master Fishmonger Standard Young Fishmonger Award Credit: Master Fishmonger Standard

    Calling all young fishmongers


    Young fishmongers are being invited to apply for this year’s Master Fishmonger Standard Young Fishmonger Award, celebrating talent across the UK’s seafood industry.

  • DSAm is converting the 'Eidsvaag Opal' into a fish feed carrier Credit: Damen

    Damen wins conversion contract


    Damen Shiprepair Amsterdam (DSAm) is converting a platform supply vessel into a fish feed carrier for Norwegian fish feed distributor, Eidsvaag.

  • Lori Bishop Credit: FishWise

    Fishwise casts its ethical net wider


    FishWise has announced new leadership and a US$934,000 grant from the Walmart Foundation to advance its work against labour abuses and modern-day slavery in the seafood industry.

  • The IPNLF’s socio-economic manager has joined the GGGI Credit: IPNLF

    IPNLF manager joins GGGI


    The International Pole & Line Foundation’s (IPNLF) socio-economic manager has taken up the role of co-coordinator of the Building Evidence Working Group, established by the Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI).

  • The Spanish tuna fleet is sharing its sustainable fishing standard with North American NGOs Credit: Seafish

    Spain and North America share standards


    The Spanish tuna fleet has shared its ‘Responsibly Fished Tuna’ sustainable fishing standard.