Latest News – Page 187

  • New seiner/trawlers opt to go electric

    New seiner/trawlers opt to go electric


    The final delivery in a series of five new twin-rigger/seine netters for the Osprey Fish Group in Urk has been completed by the Nodosa yard in Spain.

  • ?High Hopes for New Rainbow Trout Vaccine

    High hopes for new rainbow trout vaccine


    Significant steps are being taken in Scotland to develop a commercial vaccine for rainbow trout fry syndrome (RTFS)

  • Raising the swell

    Raising the swell


    EU aquaculture production is at record levels, but the sector still has plenty of ground to cover before it comes close to meeting the demands of the market

  • Tough going in heavy weather

    Tough going in heavy weather


    The first month of 2020 hasn’t been easy for the Icelandic fleet, with exceptionally bad weather for much of January

  • Tucal responds to F-Gas regulations

    Tucal responds to F-Gas regulations


    Responding to the F-Gas regulations, Spanish refrigeration company Tucal has launched a compact horizontal plate freezer with secondary refrigerant (Temper 55, Glycol, Tyfoxit).

  • Objections to bluefin MSC certification

    Objections to MSC bluefin certification


    The MSC has received objections from WWF and Pew to the proposed certification of the Usufuku Honten Northeast Atlantic bluefin tuna fishery. The MSC points out that contrary to some reports, the fishery is not certified to the MSC standard.

  • News

    Icefish áfram í vexti – 60% bókað


    Marianne Rasmussen-Coulling, viðburðastjóri hjá Mercator Media, er drifkrafturinn á bak við IceFish og hún man þegar fyrsta sýningin komst fyrir á 5000 fermetra svæði og meirihluti sýnenda voru innlend fyrirtæki.“Þetta er gjörólíkt nú þegar viðburðirnir 2017/2020 ná yfir 13000 fermetra sýningarpláss og sýnendurnir koma alls staðar að úr heiminum,” ...

  • News

    Icefish continues to grow - 60% booked


    Mercator Media's events Director Marianne Rasmussen-Coulling is the driving force behind IceFish, and she recalled that the first exhibition could fit into an area of 5000m2 space at which the majority of exhibitors were local companies."In contrast, the 2017/2020 events occupy 13,000m2 of exhibition space and exhibitors come from ...


    Biobased ropes help maritime sustainability


    A new project is set to develop durable and fit-for-purpose biobased ropes that biodegrade in a shorter time than other ropes and can be sustainably managed by local composting facilities.

  • 'Eidsvaag Opal'

    Damen converts PSV into fish feed carrier


    Damen Shiprepair Amsterdam (DSAm) is converting a platform supply vessel (PSV) into a fish feed carrier for fish feed distributor Eidsvaag.

  • Fish quotas in European waters do not reflect fish distributions

    Fish quotas 'out of kilter' says study


    The latest research into stock populations in European waters has shown that catch share is significantly out of kilter relative to actual fish distributions.

  • The FNCP has joined Europêche Credit: Europêche

    Spanish fishing federation joins Europêche


    The Spanish National Federation of Cofradias (FNCP) has become the latest full member to join fishing trade organisation, Europêche.

  • News

    IceFish Exhibition attendance included in delegate pass


    The Fish Waste for Profit Conference 2021 includes a complimentary pass for the IceFish Exhibition. On the afternoon of day two of Fish Waste for Profit, delegates are invited to join the 13000 individuals in attendance at the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition. The exhibition is taking place in the very same ...

  • Up to date with the digital revolution

    Up to date with the digital revolution


    Icelandic software specialist Wise focuses on business solutions for all industry sectors and has gained a solid position as a leader in the development of software systems – not least for the seafood sector.

  • wheelhouse

    Glamox supplies world’s largest wellboat


    LED lighting specialist Glamox has supplied lighting to the world’s longest wellboat with the world’s largest freshwater tank.

  • Thomas Palm Credit: Cermaq

    Cermaq CFO resigns after ten years


    Cermaq’s chief financial officer, Thomas Palm, is leaving after nearly ten years at the company.

  • Dr Thomas Hurst Credit: NOAA

    Fisheries behaviour program appoints director


    NOAA Fisheries has announced the appointment of Dr Thomas Hurst as the new program manager for the Alaska Fisheries Science Center''s Fisheries Behavioral Ecology Program.

  • The Fisheries Bill is being introduced into parliament today (29 January 2020)

    Sustainability the focus as UK leaves the EU


    Legislation creating the powers for the UK to operate as an independent coastal state and manage its fish stocks sustainably outside the EU is being introduced into parliament today (29 January 2020).

  • AquaFarm

    Workshop to champion responsible aquaculture


    The GFCM - General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (FAO) has organised a workshop to discuss and share examples of good practices that encourage a responsible development of aquaculture.

  • Iceland sets research quota for nephrops

    Iceland sets research quota for nephrops


    Iceland’s Marine Research Institute has recommended a 214 tonne nephrops quota for 2020, just enough for the state of the stock to be monitored.