Latest News – Page 188

  • Second Nueva Pescanova trawler delivered

    Second Nueva Pescanova trawler delivered


    Nueva Pescanova Group has seen off its new trawler Ponta Matirre, which is now on route to Mozambique where it will for fish the company’s Pescamar subsidiary.

  • EU fishermen are urging the EP to freeze development of offshore wind farms

    Can fisheries and wind farms coexist?


    A seminar to discuss the challenges to fisheries posed by offshore wind farms has taken place at the European Parliament.

  • The majority of vessels fishing in Ghanaian waters are controlled by Chinese owners, according to the EJF Credit: EJF

    Illegal fishers dodge fines in Ghana


    Ghana''s government must do more to crack down on illegal fishing if it wants to protect its fish stocks and coastal communities and ensure food security, says the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF).

  • Conviction for killing sawfish

    Conviction for killing sawfish


    Florida fisherman Chad Ponce is facing two years probation, 80 hours of community service and a $2000 fine after being found guilty of killing an endangered smalltooth sawfish that was caught in his shrimp trawl.

  • The BAP certification programme has grown by more than 15% Credit: GAA

    BAP certification programme grows 15%


    The Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) third-party certification programme has grown by more than 15 per cent in 2019, ending the year with 2,681 BAP-certified facilities in 39 countries.

  • Valentina Romano, assistant farm manager at Dawnfresh Credit: SAIC

    Scottish drive to recruit aquaculture workers


    A new campaign has been launched to encourage young people in Scotland to take up careers in the thriving aquaculture sector.

  • The Aquaculture Awards showcase the best of the industry

    Aquaculture Awards 2020 judges announced


    The judges for the 2020 Aquaculture Awards, due to be presented at a ceremony in Aviemore, Scotland in May, have been announced.

  • Plymouth’s new fuel and power depot

    Plymouth’s new fuel and power depot


    Sutton Harbour Group, which owns and operates Plymouth Fisheries, has made a £750,000 investment in the Sutton Harbour fish market complex upgrading and renewing existing fuel facilities and to create new metered water and electricity self-service dispensers.

  • Pure Salmon is opening the largest RAS facility in the EU Credit: Pure Salmon

    Pure Salmon expands its reach in Europe


    Pure Salmon is building a new 10,000 tonnes per annum recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) facility at Boulogne-Sur-Mer in northern France.

  • Samherji is implementing a corporate governance and compliance system Credit: Samherji

    Samherji to implement corporate governance


    Based on experience gained during operations in Namibia, Samherji has taken steps to implement a corporate governance and compliance system.

  • 2019’s GFFA

    Digital council backed at GFFA


    Development of a concept for the establishment of an International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture has been welcomed at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA).

  • World-class processing for SalMar plant

    World-class processing for SalMar plant


    Valka is to deliver the world’s most efficient processing system for whole salmon to SalMar’s new InnovaNor plant.

  • Coper has been awarded certification by FoS Credit: Coper

    FoS certification for Coper


    Comercial Pernas has been awarded certification for sustainable seafood production by Friend of the Sea

  • News

    10 þúsund tonn árlega til Grimsby


    Þetta verður í fimmta skiptið sem við komum undir merkjum Fiskmarkaðarins í Grimsby, en áður tókum við þátt með bæjarráðinu og í samstarfi við Hull,” segir Martyn Boyers, framkvæmdastjóri Fiskmarkaðarins í Grimsby.„Við höfum verið á öllum IceFish-sýningunum frá því á tíunda áratug síðustu aldar, með ólíkum formerkjum, og við ...

  • News

    10,000 tonnes a year through Grimsby


    "This is our fifth time as Grimsby Fish Market. Before that we attended with the local council and in a partnership with Hull. So we're longstanding participants," said Grimsby Fish Market's chief executive Martyn Boyers."We've been at IceFish every time since the 90s – in different guises – and ...

  • News

    Zamakona snýr aftur á IceFIsh 2020


    Astilleros Zamakona hefur getið sér góðan orðstí fyrir gæði þeirra verka sem fyrirtækið hefur tekið að sér fyrir fiskiskipaflotann sem veiðir út af ströndum Vestur-Afríku. Skipasmíðastöð fyrirtækisins gegnir lykilhlutverki í viðgerðum og viðhaldi fiskiskipa í þessum heimshluta.Skipasmíðastöð þessi í Bilbao hefur lengi verið þekkt fyrir að smíða háþróuð skip, ...

  • News

    Zamakona returns for 2020 IceFish


    Astilleros Zamakona has a strong reputation for the quality of the work it does for the fishing fleet operating off Western Africa, as the company's yard is Gran Canaria is key to carrying out repairs and maintenance for fishing vessels working in this part of the world.The Bilbao yard ...

  • News

    Útflutningur eldisafurða nálgast 25 milljarða


    Aukningin frá árinu 2018 fyrir sama tímabil varð 92% en þegar tekið er tillit til gengissveiflna þá er aukningin 72%.Samkvæmt Samtökum fyrirtækja í sjávarútvegi (SFS) má rekja aukin verðmæti til aukinnnar framleiðslu, sérstaklega á eldislaxi, og þessi vöxtur er í samræmi við væntingar SFS fyrir ári.„Í byrjun ársins spáðum ...

  • News

    Aquaculture exports set to hit ISK25 billion


    The figure represents a straightforward 92% growth over the 2018 figures for the same period – or 72% when adjusted for exchange rate fluctuations. According to fishing industry body Samtök Fyrirtækja í Sjávarútvegi (SFS), the increase is down to increased production, especially farmed salmon and this growth is ...

  • Fishery officers are investigating the possible illegal supply of snapper in Auckland Photo: Queensland government

    Clampdown on unlawful snapper supply in NZ


    Fisheries officers in New Zealand have stopped a group of commercial fishers in the Thames region on North Island who were allegedly under-reporting catches and unlawfully supplying snapper to an Auckland fish supply business.