Latest News – Page 190

  • Tri Marine’s Renato Curto steps down

    Tri Marine’s Renato Curto steps down


    Tri Marine Group has announced that Juan Corrales will take over as Chief Executive Officer as of 1st January 2020, taking over from Renato Curto who is stepping down after 35 years as CEO.

  • Partnership aims to build sustainability

    Partnership aims to build sustainability


    The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences (CAFS) have agreed to strengthen co-operation and build the capacity and sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture in developing countries.

  • Microalgae: Sustainable Aquaculture to Feed The World

    Sustainable aquaculture to feed the world


    Microalgae-based feeds could avoid depleting the wild fish that farmed seafood consumes, steering aquaculture in a new direction

  • Cermaq to launch iFarm project in January

    Cermaq to launch iFarm project in January


    iFarm monitors each salmon using machine vision, establishing a health record for each individual, and can select out any fish needing attention.

  • First multi-gear MSC tuna certification

    First multi-gear MSC tuna certification


    Tri Marine has accomplished a major sustainability milestone by achieving MSC certification for longline caught albacore and yellowfin tuna from the Solomon Islands, adding to its certification for pole-and-line and purse seine skipjack and yellowfin in the region.

  • Cleopatra 50B for Norwegian fishing company

    Cleopatra 50B for Norwegian fishing company


    The latest delivery by Icelandic boatbuilder Trefjar is a 15 metre shelterdecked autoliner for owners in Myre in Norway.

  • Damen Maaskant to build new Belgian beamer

    Damen Maaskant to build new Belgian beamer


    Belgian family fishing company Rederij Long Ships has contracted Damen Maaskant Shipyards Stellendam to build a new 38-metre long beam trawler to a new Maaskant BT3808 design, modified to deliver an additional 12% bollard pull.

  • Tough trip ends record year

    Tough trip ends record year


    Síldarvinnslan’s freezer trawler Blængur has docked at Neskaupstaður to start landing its last trip of the year.

  • Registration will open soon for Marel’s 2020 Salmon ShowHow Photo: Marel

    Experience the future of salmon processing


    Registration for Marel’s 2020 Salmon ShowHow in Copenhagen, Denmark will open soon.

  • Skretting has released a dedicated grower feed for farmed tilapia Photo: Skretting

    New feed highlights Skretting’s tilapia focus


    Skretting has released a dedicated grower feed for farmed tilapia, initially marketing it to farmers across Africa.

  • Maruto Suisan has been awarded MSC certification for its rope grown oyster fishery Photo: Maruto Suisan

    World’s first MSC rope grown oysters


    In a world first for rope grown oysters, Maruto Suisan has achieved Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for its fishery in the Seto Inland Sea.

  • Mowi strikes four-year agreement with AKVA

    Mowi strikes four-year agreement with AKVA


    Mowi’s global frame agreement with AKVA Group entails procurement of standard products, spare parts and service assignments. Although it does not imply any exclusivity to AKVA group, but its negotiated terms provide a good basis for trade between the parties, according to AKVA’s Sales Director Nordic Hans-Øyvind Sagen.

  • Hordafor invests in ballast water treatment

    Hordafor invests in ballast water treatment


    Austevoll shipowner Hordafor is investing in ballast water treatment to become an even more competitive and responsible co-operation partner within the aquaculture and fishery industries.

  • WA’s billion-dollar seafood story?

    WA’s billion-dollar seafood story


    New research shows that Western Australia’s commercial fishing and aquaculture operators inject nearly one billion dollars into the WA economy and create more than 6000 local jobs each year.

  • EU Commission notifies Panama over IUU

    EU Commission notifies Panama over IUU


    The European Commission has notified the Republic of Panama about the risk of being identified as a non-co-operating country in the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Panama had already received a yellow card in November 2012, which was then lifted in October 2014.

  • Osprey doors’ success in Scotland

    Osprey doors’ success in Scotland


    The Lovie family, who fish out of Kinlochbervie with their two demersal trawlers Endeavour IV and Venture II, have been seeing excellent results with their new trawl doors since switching to the new Ospreys from Morgére.

  • Serving Russia’s Norwegian-based fleet

    Serving Russia’s Norwegian-based fleet


    Through mutually beneficial agreements between Russia and Norway, the Russian whitefish fleet has enjoyed access to the fishing grounds in the western Barents Sea and inside the Norwegian zone.

  • Why sustainable fisheries need VMS

    Why sustainable fisheries need VMS


    There has been discussion across the industry about adapting AIS for fisheries monitoring. Increasingly AIS is seen as a transparent and freely available tool and as a result fishermen and companies are questioning why they should have a separate VMS, writes Jean-Pierre Cauzac, Head of Strategic Projects at the ...

  • News

    Celiktrans snýr aftur á IceFish árið 2020


    Celiktrans hefur langa reynslu af að smíða skip fyrir Íslendinga. Fyrirtækið hefur sent hingað þrjá ferskfisktogara fyrir Brim ásamt uppsjávarskipum.Víkingur og Venus voru smíðuð fyrir Brim, auk þess sem Ísfélagið fékk Sigurð og Síldarvinnslan Börk frá upphaflegum eigendum þeirra í Noregi.„Nú eru fjögur uppsjávarskip frá skipasmíðastöð okkar að veiðum ...

  • News

    Celiktrans returns to IceFish in 2020


    Celiktrans has a track record of building for Iceland, having delivered three fresher trawlers operated from Reykjavík by Brim, as well as pelagic vessels.Víkingur and Venus were built for Brim, while Ísfélag's Sigurður and Síldarvinnslan's Börkur were acquired from their original Norwegian owners."There are now four purse seiner-pelagic trawlers ...