Latest News – Page 191

  • News

    Færeyskur búnaður fyrir veiðar og eldi


    „Þátttaka í sýningu þarf að vera ómaksins virði, og við lítum á IceFish sem vettvang til að hitta íslenska viðskiptavini okkar,“ segir Bogi Nón hjá Vóninni.„Við hittum einnig suma af viðskiptavinum okkar frá öðrum löndum líka, sérstaklega gesti frá Kanada og Grænlandi sem koma á IceFish.“Hann sagði íslenka markaðinn ...

  • News

    Faroese gear for fishing and aquaculture


    "An exhibition has to be worthwhile, and we see IceFish as the place to meet our Icelandic customers," said Vónin's Bogi Nón."We also always see some of our customers from other countries there, especially visitors from Canada and Greenland who come to IceFish."He commented that the Icelandic market is ...

  • News

    Sérsniðið frá Lavango


    „Starfsemin á bak við það sem við gerum hefur ekkert breyst. Við verðum á IceFish í þriðja sinn vegna þess að við teljum þetta mikilvægustu sýninguna fyrir íslenskan markað," sagði Kristján Karl Aðalsteinsson, framkvæmdastjóri.„Við sérhæfum okkur í sérsmíðuðum kerfum fyrir fiskvinnslu. Við framleiðum fyrir veiðiskip, vinnslur og fiskeldisfyrirtæki sem ...

  • News

    Tailor-made from Lavango


    "The activities behind what we're doing haven't changed. And we'll be at IceFish for the third time because we see this as the most important exhibition for the Icelandic market," said the company's CEO Kristján Karl Aðalsteinsson."We specialise in tailored systems for fish processing, supplying fishing vessels, processors and ...

  • Virginijus Sinkevicius, the new European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Photo: European Commission

    Fruitful talks with the EC


    Members of the European fishing industry, represented by Europêche, have met the newly elected Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries to discuss the challenges faced by the sector.

  • Tersan has launched an LNG powered live fish carrier Photo: Tersan

    LNG powers live fish carrier


    Tersan Shipyard has launched an LNG powered live fish carrier which is under construction for Nordlaks, Norway.

  • Danish Fish brand extends to farmed fish

    Danish Fish brand extends to farmed fish


    A new collaboration has expanded the Danish Fish quality mark to fish from the aquaculture sector, in addition to wild-caught fish.

  • WSI video competition open to 2020 entries

    WSI video competition open to 2020 entries


    The WSI ‘women in the seafood industry’ video competition is open for the fourth time and is accepting entries from now until July 2nd.

  • The first smolts from Scottish Sea Farms’ new hatchery are safely out at sea Photo: Scottish Sea Farms

    Major milestone for SSF’s new hatchery


    Scottish Sea Farms’ new £55m Barcaldine Hatchery has achieved a critical milestone with the first smolts having gone safely out to sea pens.

  • Norcod is relaunching commercial cod farming in Norway Photo: Norcod

    Norcod plans cod farming revolution


    In an attempt to take aquaculture to a new level, Norcod is planning to relaunch commercial cod farming on an unprecedented scale.

  • Shellfish stakeholders in England, Wales, NI and the Channel Islands are working together to promote a profitable future for the sector

    Working group focuses on shellfish future


    Stakeholders in the shellfish industries of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands have formed a working group to define a strategy aimed at promoting a sustainable and profitable future for the sector.

  • News

    Investment and awards at Brim


    The Environmental Award was presented by President of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson to Brim CEO Guðmundur Kristjánsson."Brim has set targets and developed reliable methods to measure results, reduce waste and increase value of all processes. The company has reduced significantly the omission of CO2 and invested in new technology ...

  • News

    Brim fjárfestir og hlýtur verðlaun


    Guðni Th. Jóhannesson forseti afhenti Guðmundi Kristjánssyni, forstjóra Brims, Umhverfisverðlaun atvinnulífsins.„ Þá hefur Brim sett sér markmið og mælikvarða til að mæla árangur, draga úr sóun og auka verðmæti. Brim hefur dregið markvisst úr losun gróðurhúsalofttegunda, fjárfest í nýrri tækni og skipum sem hefur skilað miklu,“ segir í tilkynningu ...

  • News

    EKKÓ doors make a splash


    EKKÓ doors have already been supplied to trawlers in Iceland, Sweden and the UK, and he commented that while the company's doors catch as well or better than comparable designs on the market, they have resulted in some serious fuel savings."The results have been almost unbelievable," he said. "It's ...

  • Skipasýn presents filleter freezer design

    Skipasýn presents filleter freezer design


    Icelandic ship design company Skipasýn ehf. has developed a design for a 66 metre filleter freezer trawler. A contract has been signed for the first vessel, Baldvin Njálsson, to be commissioned for Icelandic fishing company Nesfiskur in late 2021, ready to start fishing in 2022.

  • MSC sea cucumber fishery is a world first

    MSC sea cucumber fishery is a world first


    The Western Australia Sea Cucumber fishery is the world’s first to be certified to the Marine Stewardship Council’s global standard for a well-managed and sustainable fishery.

  • Atlantic halibut

    Study sheds light on Atlantic halibut


    A three-part study is underway now to better understand basic life history, stock structure, and where Atlantic halibut go.

  • Jan Ivar Bildøy, Blom Fiskeoppdrett pictured with Oystein Larsen, aqua division manager, Alltech Norway Photo: Alltech Norway

    Sustainable salmon production in Norway


    Alltech and research institute Nofima and collaborating on research and development into sustainable salmon production for Norway fisheries.

  • Tunacons, the government and other stakeholders are working together to ensure the sustainability of Ecuadorian tuna Photo: Tunacons

    National Tuna Action Plan for Ecuador


    The government of Ecuador has adopted as public policy the National Tuna Action Plan, a management tool for ensuring the sustainability of tuna fisheries.

  • The BPA has launched a fisheries manifesto

    BPA manifesto to boost UK fishing


    The British Ports Association (BPA) has launched its ''fisheries manifesto'' aimed at boosting UK fishing ports and coastal communities.