Latest News – Page 195

  • Natural eel recruitment increasing

    Natural eel recruitment increasing


    A new independent report states that the recruitment of the depleted European eel has been increasing since 2011 at a statistically significant rate. The ICES Advice on Fishing Opportunities, Catch, and Effort for European Eel report revealed that the number of glass eels entering European waters is no longer falling, ...

  • Spes Nova joins EkoFish fleet

    Spes Nova joins EkoFish fleet


    Built for Urk-based fishing company EkoFish, now with the majority of its shares held by pelagic freezer operator van der Zwan, Spes Nova UK-205 was christened at a ceremony in Scheveningen.

  • tuna longliner

    Three new longliners for Navimon


    Navimon is due to receive three tuna longliners from Piriou by the end of the year.

  • Members of the Skaginn 3X and Denholm Seafoods team Photo: Skaginn 3X

    New pump moves 60 tonnes per hour


    After months of research and development, Skaginn 3X is ready to supply Scottish firm Denholm Seafoods with a newly designed multifunctional ValuePump.

  • The EFCA has adopted the document outlining plans for 2020 – 2024 Photo: EFCA

    EFCA outlines plans for next five years


    The European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) has adopted the single programming document for 2020 – 2024, comprising a complete overview of the agency’s resources and its plans for the coming years.

  • Atlantic Sapphire has joined the UN Global Compact Photo: Atlantic Sapphire

    Atlantic Sapphire joins UN Global Compact


    Norwegian salmon producer, Atlantic Sapphire, has joined the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest voluntary corporate sustainability initiative.

  • Member of WiSA Photo: WiSA

    Scottish government aids women in aquaculture


    An initiative designed to promote diversity in aquaculture is set to benefit from support from the Scottish government, to help boost career opportunities for women in Scotland’s seafood industry.

  • BioMar is the highest ranked feed supplier in the Seafood Stewardship Index Photo: BioMar Group

    BioMar ranked top by sustainability alliance


    The BioMar Group has achieved the highest-ranking feed supplier in the first ever Seafood Stewardship Index from the World Benchmarking Alliance, which helps the private sector work towards the United Nations'' sustainable development goals.

  • Sigríður Olgeirsdóttir Photo: Valka

    Valka appoints new head of service division


    Icelandic seafood company, Valka, has appointed a new head of its rapidly growing global service division.

  • News

    Marel predicts a more automated future


    Speaking at the event, Marel Fish EVP Sigurður Ólason examined the growth in robotics and digitisation across the industry and how this is leads to new ways to make fuller use of raw materials.It's no coincidence that Marel has doubled its investment in software RandD in the past year ...

  • News

    Marel spáir aukinni sjálfvirkni


    Sigurður Ólason, framkvæmdastjóri fiskiðnaðar hjá Marel, skoðaði vöxtinn í róbótavæðingu og gagnastýringu í greininni og hvernig sú þróun leiðir til aukinnar fullnýtingar hráefna.Hann segir það enga tilviljun að Marel hafi tvöfaldað fjárfestingar sínar í hugbúnaðarþróun og -rannsóknum á síðasta ári. „Við erum í fararbroddi í greininni og við þurfum ...

  • News

    Ekkóhlerarnir vekja athygli


    Ekkó-hlerarnir hafa verið útvegaðir togurum á Íslandi, í Svíþjóð og á Bretlandi. Smári segir að hlerarnir frá Ekkó veði ekki aðeins jafn vel eða betur en sambærilegur búnaður á markaði, heldur hafi þeir verulegan eldsneytissparnað í för með sér.„Árangurinn er nánast ótrúlegur,“ segir hann. „Þetta er næstum því of ...

  • 'Zephyr'

    Zephyr features Vónin blue whiting package


    New pelagic vessel ‘Zephyr’ has been supplied with a full package of Vónin gear for blue whiting.

  • BRIM has finished herring fishing for the year Photo: BRIM

    Herring season draws to a close


    Icelandic seafood company, BRIM, has finished herring fishing for the year.

  • The Joint Demersal Fisheries in the North Sea has been awarded MSC certification

    North Sea fishery awarded MSC certification


    A collaboration of fisheries from Denmark, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands have met the requirements for sustainable fishing set by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

  • Seafood Scotland and Scottish Chefs are joining forces to promote Scottish seafood Photo: Seafood Scotland

    Partnership promotes Scottish seafood


    Seafood Scotland, the national trade and marketing body for the Scottish seafood industry has committed to a year-long partnership with Scottish Chefs in a programme worth more than £10,000.

  • Veramaris has won the F3 Fish Oil Challenge Photo: F3 Challenge

    Veramaris wins fish oil challenge


    The Future of Fish Feed has announced that the Netherlands-based joint venture Veramaris has won the F3 Fish Oil Challenge for selling the most ''fish-free'' oil for use in aquaculture feed.

  • Inland Seafood has joined Sea Pact Photo: NOAA

    Inland Seafood joins Sea Pact


    US-based Inland Seafood has joined Sea Pact, the collaborative group of North American distributors focused on improved seafood sustainability.

  • Donna Fordyce is the new interim head of Seafood Scotland Photo: Seafood Scotland

    Seafood Scotland appoints new interim head


    Seafood Scotland, the national trade marketing body for the Scottish seafood industry, has appointed a new interim head.

  • Skretting is committing to funding worth US$2m to develop alternative feed ingredients Photo: Skretting

    Skretting pledges funds for feed


    As part of a longstanding commitment to safeguard the world’s oceans, Skretting has allocated US$2 million to enable the development of alternative aquaculture feed ingredients.