Latest News – Page 199

  • SNG introduces new Excluder

    SNG introduces new Excluder


    A marine mammal caught in a trawl never fails to be a nightmare. Gear designers at Killybegs fishing gear company Swan Net Gundry have a simple innovation to avoid this situation – saving both the fisherman and the mammals much grief.

  • Complex negotiations ahead as UK leaves EU

    Complex negotiations ahead as UK leaves EU


    The complexity of the negotiations facing Britain following its expected departure from the European Union has been highlighted by solicitor Charley Hattersley, an expert in commercial marine law.

  • News

    IceFish 2020: Eitt ár til stefnu


    Frá því að Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni var hleypt af stokkunum árið 1984 hefur hún skipað sér í fremstu röð viðburða á sviði sjávarútvegs. Sýningin er haldin á þriggja ára fresti og snýr aftur í september 2020 í Smáranum Kópavogi.Hún verður haldin í þrettánda skipti að þessu sinni og hefur engin ...

  • Marel will demonstrate whitefish processing techniques in Copenhagen on 25 September Photo: Marel

    Whitefish processing on show in Copenhagen


    Stakeholders from the global whitefish processing industry are meeting on 25 September at Marel’s demonstration centre in Copenhagen for a full day event exploring ways that technology can help make better use of their raw material.

  • News

    IceFish 2020: One year to go


    Since its inception in 1984, the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition has become one of the world's leading fishing events. Held only once every three years the exhibition will return in September 2020 to Kópavogur, IcelandThe 13th Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition is the longest running international fishing exhibition in Iceland. 'IceFish', ...

  • Vard is designing and building a new stern trawler for Luntos Photo: Vard

    Vard supplies new trawler to Luntos


    Specialist ship designer, Vard, has announced that it has signed an agreement to provide a new stern trawler to Russian deepwater fishing company Luntos.

  • No MSC certification for mackerel

    No MSC certification for mackerel


    MSC certificates for the North East Atlantic (NEA) mackerel fishery will not be reinstated despite the latest scientific advice indicating that the stock is in a healthy condition. The MSC decision was determined by several teams of independent auditors and reflects the lack of comprehensive international agreement on quotas, threatening ...

  • Aqua Spa joins DESS fleet

    Aqua Spa joins DESS fleet


    The latest in a series of live fish carriers has been delivered by the Sefine Shipyard in Turkey to Norwegian company DESS Aquaculture Shipping.

  • SSF production director John Rea to step down

    SSF production director John Rea to step down


    Scottish Sea Farms’ long-standing Production Director John Rea is to step down in early 2020 to take his career in a new direction, the company has announced.

  • Cflow fish handling for largest wellboat

    Cflow fish handling for largest wellboat


    Norwegian shipowner Frøy Rederi has chosen Cflow Fish Handling AS (Cflow) to deliver a complete fish handling system to what will become the world’s largest wellboat.

  • The Centre for Ocean Ventures & Entrepreneurship Photo: COVE

    Kongsberg expands Canadian operation


    Kongsberg Maritime has expanded its Canadian operation by establishing a presence at COVE, the Centre for Ocean Ventures & Entrepreneurship, in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

  • News

    Síldarvertíð að hefjast


    Theódór Þórðarsson, skipstjóri á Venus, sagði þegar hann landaði 600 tonnum af makríl hjá verksmiðju Brims á Vopnafirði að makríllinn væri á hraðferð en engin sérstök mynstur sjáist á ferðum hans.„Þeir virðast ekki hafa ákveðið hvert þeir ætla að fara. Við höfum séð þá taka skyndilega stefnuna til austurs ...

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    Gagnakapall Hampiðjunnar marker tímamót


    Fyrirtækið hefur ekki haft hátt um þróun DynIce ljósleiðarakapalsins undanfarin ár, heldur einbeitt sér að því að finna lausnir á því erfiða verkefni að hanna hlífðarklæðningu utan um viðkvæman þriggja þráða leiðarann í kaplinum til að verja hann fyrir öflum sem teygja hann og beygja.„Við hlökkum til að sýna ...

  • News

    Eftirspurn eftir nýjum skipum


    Fyrirtækið hefur árum saman verið reglulegur þátttakandi, allt frá 1999 þegar BP Shipping gegndi lykilhlutverki við smíði hafrannsóknaskipsins Árna Friðrikssonar, sem Asmar skipasmíðastöðin í Chile afhenti Hafrannsóknastofnun Íslands. Allar götur síðan hefur BP Shipping tekið þátt í þróun á stórum hluta íslenska skipaflotans, og mörg nýsmíðaverkefni hafa farið af ...

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    Hampiðjan's fibre-optic breakthrough


    The company has been quietly developing its DynIce Optical Data cable for some years, focusing on overcoming the challenges of protecting the vulnerable fibre itself from elongation and bending forces in a protective jacket around three fibres within the cable itself."We look forward to showing the DynIce Optical Data ...

  • News

    Herring season ahead


    Landing 600 tonnes of mackerel to Brim's factory in Vopnafjörður, skipper Theódór Thórðarson of pelagic vessel Venus said that the mackerel are moving fast, but with no clear pattern to their movements."They don't seem to have decided where they want to go. We've seen them shifting quickly eastwards for ...

  • News

    Demand for new fishing capacity


    The company has been a regular participant over the years, going back to 1999 when BP Shipping was instrumental in building research vessel Árni Friðriksson, which was delivered by Asmar in Chile to Iceland's Marine Research Institute.Since then BP Shipping has been part of the development of much of ...

  • Scottish Sea Farms is urging people to join the Great British Beach Clean Photo: Scottish Sea Farms

    Join the Great British Beach Clean, urges SSF


    Residents and local groups are being urged to join Scottish Sea Farms for a series of organised beach cleans, part of the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) Great British Beach Clean which takes place 20 - 23 September 2019.

  • RFC signs finance agreement with Sberbank

    RFC signs finance agreement with Sberbank


    An agreement on the financing of the Russian Pollock processing plant has been signed Russian Fishery Company (RFC) CEO Fedor Kirsanov and Marina Perebeynus, Deputy Chairman of the Far Eastern Bank of Sberbank.

  • Budding fishmongers will have a chance to practise their skills at this year's Seafood Week Photo: Worship Company of Fishmongers

    Practise your skills with a master fishmonger


    Seafood lovers around the UK will have the opportunity to get behind the fish counter and practise their filleting skills with a certified Master Fishmonger during this year’s Seafood Week on 4–11 October