Latest News – Page 202

  • New delousing barges a step forward for aquaculture

    New delousing barges a step forward


    The growing aquaculture sector is facing a range of environmental and operational challenges. In order to ensure an efficient and sustainable industry, on-the-water solutions for fish farms are now drawing increasing attention

  • Mermaid brings new engine range to UK market

    Mermaid brings new engine range to UK market


    Mermaid Marine are bringing something new to the UK market with a range of diesel engines manufactured in China by Yuchai Diesel.

  • Perfect Pairing for Bristol Bay

    Perfect Pairing for Bristol Bay


    One of the largest heavy-gauge aluminium boatbuilders in the United States, North River Boats is now offering a prop-powered fishing vessel designed specifically to meet the needs of Bristol Bay’s seasonal fishery.

  • T90 mesh for whitefish discard reduction

    T90 mesh for whitefish discard reduction


    Trials with 90mm T90 codends showed major reductions in catches of undersize roundfish, increased monkfish and no loss in flatfish species, reports BIM Fisheries Conservation Manager Dr Ronán Cosgrove.

  • Genetic improvement for better food security

    Genetic improvement for better food security


    Wider, appropriate and long-term application of genetic improvement in aquaculture, with a focus on selective breeding, will help boost food production to meet a projected increase in demand for fish and fish products with relatively little extra feed, land, water and other inputs, according to a new FAO report.

  • Hampiðjan’s fibre-optic data breakthrough

    Hampiðjan’s fibre-optic data breakthrough


    A new fibre-optic data cable developed by Hampiðjan represents a breakthrough in the speed at which data can be channelled from trawl sensors to a trawler’s wheelhouse.

  • MEP threatens sanctions over mackerel dispute

    MEP threatens sanctions over mackerel dispute


    The chair of the European Parliament’s Fisheries Committee, Chris Davies MEP, has threatened sanctions against Iceland and Greenland unless they back down over increased mackerel quotas.

  • Indonesia delegation at TARS 2019

    Aquaculture roundtable held in Indonesia


    The ninth Aquaculture Roundtable Series (TARS 2019) has hosted 247 delegates from the Asia Pacific region, UK, USA, Canada and Latin America in Bali, Indonesia.

  • A joint agreement has been reached to help protect the blue swimmer crab Photo: WAFIC

    Agreement to protect blue swimmer crab


    The government of Australia has backed a joint submission from industry and recreational fishers to protect the blue swimmer crab.

  • NOAA is funding a number of marine debris clean-up projects Photo: NOAA

    NOAA funds marine clean-up projects


    NOAA has announced a total of US$2.7 million in grants to support 14 projects aimed at addressing the harmful effects of marine debris on wildlife, navigation safety, economic activity, and ecosystem health.

  • Framo Innovation has unveiled a new pump system said to improve fish health Photo: Framo Innovation

    Framo launches pump for aquaculture industry


    Alfa Laval brand, Framo Innovation, is launching a new pump system designed to help improve fish welfare, increase growth and reduce mortality in fish farms.

  • EU fishing profits are robust thanks to sustainable fishing initiatives

    Sustainable fishing key to high EU profits


    The 2019 annual economic report on the EU fishing fleet shows that the high levels of economic performance in 2016 have continued into 2017, thanks to the use of sustainable fishing methods.

  • Natalie Bell, head of trade marketing Asia, Europe and Middle East at Seafood Scotland at this year's Japan Seafood Expo Photo: Seafood Scotland

    Scottish seafood exports to Japan soar


    A contingent of Scottish seafood companies are heading to the Japan Seafood Expo bolstered by the news that exports east are soaring, increasing fourfold in a year.

  • Australia fines Indonesian poachers

    Australia fines Indonesian poachers


    Four Indonesian fishermen who pleaded guilty to fishing offences in Australian waters have been fined and will spend time in prison due to outstanding warrants from unpaid fines due to previous offences.

  • 2019 Aqua-Nor Award goes to Scottish company

    2019 Aqua-Nor Award goes to Scottish company


    The Aqua-Nor innovation award jury has selected Benchmark Animal Health as the recipient of the 2019 Innovation Award.

  • Shipbuilder Infographic

    This clever infographic shows why maritime companies should now start smart with their data


    This clever infographic shows why maritime companies should now start smart with their data for example, it increases job satisfaction.

  • World Ocean Council

    WOC actively involved in BBNJ negotiations


    The World Ocean Council (WOC) aims to keep stakeholders informed and engaged regarding the UN negotiations to expand the Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) to include a new legally binding instrument on the conservation and sustainable use of marine life in areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ).

  • HB Grandi becomes Brim

    HB Grandi becomes Brim


    HB Grandi’s shareholders approved a proposal by the board of directors to change the company’s name to Brim, as well as too acquire sales companies Icelandic Japan KK, Icelandic Hong Kong Ltd .and Icelandic China Trading Co. Ltd., for US$34,9 million.

  • Seafish is asking the public to give feedback on its revised responsible fishing vessel standards

    Have your say on fishing vessel standards


    Stakeholders across the seafood industry are being asked to respond to a public consultation by providing feedback on the draft standard criteria for the next iteration of the Responsible Fishing Scheme (RFS), to be called the Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard (RFVS).

  • Vita Aqua Feeds elongated feed blocks Photo: World Feeds

    UK fish food company goes global


    Aquatic nutrition company, World Feeds, has launched a new range of products aimed at tackling one of salmon farming’s biggest issues – the control of sea lice.