Latest News – Page 204

  • Mørenot acquires Hvalpsund Net

    Mørenot acquires Hvalpsund Net


    Mørenot has been on a buying spree since its acquisition last year by investment fund FSN Capital – and this continues as the expanding Norwegian group snaps up Danish aquaculture and fisheries supplier Hvalpsund Net.

  • Predicting Temperature, Salinity and More

    Predicting temperature, salinity and more


    A new computer model is giving aquaculture a lifeline as it seeks to adapt to ever-changing undersea conditions.

  • Portal Sheds Light on Norwegian Salmon Farming

    Portal sheds light on Norwegian salmon farming


    The impacts of salmon farming – on land and at sea – are being highlighted thanks to a new sustainability web portal in Norway

  • WASSP releases firmware updates

    WASSP releases firmware updates


    WASSP Multibeam has invested in many new enhancements, bug fixes and licenses with the release of two new firmware updates, CDX 4.0 and DRX 6.0, for its F3 and F3X multibeam sonar systems designed for the fishing industry.

  • Gael Force supplying Scotland’s newest salmon farmer

    Gael Force supplying Scotland’s newest salmon farmer


    Aquaculture equipment supplier Gael Force Group has agreed an exclusive deal with Scotland’s newest salmon farmer, Organic Sea Harvest, to become their supply partner for two new site installations in 2020.

  • Christian Schäfer

    New general manager for AKVA group Chile


    Christian Schäfer has been appointed general manager of AKVA group Chile to focus on consolidating the company’s growth.

  • Lake Victoria conservation efforts

    Lake Victoria conservation efforts


    There is nothing unusual about high levels of resentment among fishermen in developing countries, directed at the law enforcement authorities that make efforts to prevent the use of illegal and non-selective fishing gears, reports Lilian Elekwachi.

  • News

    Busy robot keeps nets clean


    Mørenot Robotics AS in Bodø has been nominated for the Nor-Fishing Foundation Innovation Award for the development of an autonomous underwater robot. The robot used low-intensity brushing to prevent the build-up of fouling – and the robot is being launched during this year''s Aqua Nor.

  • Seiner/trawler’s electric deck package

    Seiner/trawler’s electric deck package


    Built at TB Shipyards in Harlingen for Maarten van Duijn, Annalijdia LT-43 is a combined twin-rigger/fly-shooter designed to operate in the North Sea and English Channel.

  • Damen unveils Landing Utility Vessel 1608

    Damen unveils Landing Utility Vessel 1608


    Damen Shipyards Group and Coastal Workboats Scotland have introduced a new vessel for the aquaculture ?industry.

  • The EC will be hosting a seminar on science in fishing on 20th September

    EC hosts Seminar on Fisheries Science


    On 20 September the European Commission is organising the annual Seminar on Fisheries Science aimed at exploring the research needs and priorities in the field of fisheries for the next decade.

  • Tri Marine's Renato Curto Photo: Tri Marine

    Silver Bay's acquisition of San Pedro halted


    Silver Bay Seafoods and San Pedro plant owner, Tri Marine Fish Company, have mutually agreed to cease further discussions regarding Silver Bay’s acquisition of the coastal pelagic processing plant in San Pedro, California.

  • News

    Vestmannaey fyrst til landsins


    Skipið er smíðað fyrir Berg-Hugin í Vard Aukra skipasmíðastöðinni í Noregi. Í kjölfar Vestmannaeyjar kemur svo væntanlega systurskipið Bergey og síðan fimm önnur fyrir útgerðarfyrirtækin Skinney-Þinganes, Útgerðarfélag Akureyringa og Gjögur.Togararnir eru 28,90 metra langir og óvenju breiðir eða 12 metrar, og allir eru þeir knúnir tveimur 294 kW Yanmar ...

  • News

    Egersund Ísland – aftur á IceFish árið 2020


    Egersund Ísland á Eskifirði er nátengt Norwegian Egersund Group og hefur einkum einbeitt sér að framleiðslu á hringnót og flottrolli, en hefur í auknum mæli verið að snúa sér að því að þjónusta fiskeldisgeirann sem hefur verið vaxandi á Íslandi. Fjárfesting upp á 20 milljónir norskra króna hefur verið ...

  • News

    Egersund Ísland - back to IceFish in 2020


    Closely linked with the Norwegian Egersund Group and based at Eskifjörður on the east coast of Iceland, Egersund Ísland's main activity has been in purse seine and pelagic trawl gear – but they have been increasingly expanding into the serving the needs of the growing aquaculture sector in Iceland.A ...

  • News

    Vestmannaey heads new trawler series


    Built for Bergur-Huginn by Vard Aukra in Norway, Vestmannaey is expected to be followed shortly by sister vessel Bergey, and then a further five for fishing companies Skinney-Thinganes, Útgerðarfélag Akureyringa and Gjögur.The 28.90 metre trawlers are unusually broad with a 12 metre beam, and each is powered by a ...

  • News

    Allt á einum stað hjá IceFish


    Fyrirtækið hefur vaxið mjög síðustu árin. Með dótturfyrirtækinu Naust Marine Spain hefur fyrirtækið komið sér upp eigin framleiðslustöð, en mikið af vextinum á sér stað í Rússlandi þar sem flotinn er að ganga í gegnum hraða endurnýjun.Meðal þess sem framleitt er fyrir rússneska viðskiptavini eru um 260 vindur, allt ...

  • News

    Everything in one place at IceFish


    The company has seen plenty of growth in the last few years, having established its own manufacturing base with its subsidiary Naust Marine Spain, and with much of the growth taking place in Russia as its fleet goes through a rapid phase of regeneration.Production for Russian clients includes a ...

  • Salmon cages

    Sustainability review of aquaculture leasing


    A ‘root and branch’ review of how Scotland’s seabed is leased for aquaculture will aim to promote sustainable development and wider value, Crown Estate Scotland has announced.

  • Irish rope grown mussels achieve MSC label

    Irish rope grown mussels achieve MSC label


    Ireland’s rope grown mussel fishery has been awarded Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification. As certification for both rope-grown and bottom-grown mussels is held by Ireland’s seafood development agency Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), this means that the entire Irish mussel fishery under BIM management is certified.