Latest News – Page 208

  • IPNLF disappointed by IOTC outcomes

    IPNLF disappointed by IOTC outcomes


    The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission’s (IOTC) 23rd Annual Meeting concluded with the ratification of a few modest management decisions, but the International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF) maintains that the sustainability agenda could have been progressed much further, and is particularly disappointed that the opportunity wasn’t taken to end the ...

  • Working together to promote safety

    Working together to promote safety


    In Maritime Safety week Seafish is proud to recognise and support the excellent work being done to support fishermen’s safety in the South West of England.

  • ISSF boosts scientific staff??

    ISSF boosts scientific staff


    The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has announced the addition of fish population dynamics, assessment and management expert Hilario Murua PhD, to its science staff in the position of Senior Scientist.

  • Australia nabs Indonesian fishing vessel

    Australia nabs Indonesian fishing vessel


    An Indonesian fishing vessel suspected of illegally fishing in Australian waters has been apprehended off north-west Western Australia in an operation undertaken by the Australian Border Force (ABF) Maritime Border Command (MBC) and the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA).

  • Galician shipyard Nodosa is returning to DanFish this year, having designed and built a pair of innovative fresher trawlers for German fishing company Kutterfisch Photo: Nodosa

    DanFish celebrates fishing sector optimism


    The DanFish exhibition returns to the city of Aalborg, bigger than ever with exhibitors from 28 nations and now with a focus on shipyards.

  • Knut Frostad Photo: Navico

    Navico appoints new president and CEO


    Navico, parent company to the Lowrance, Simrad, B&G and C-MAP brands has appointed Knut Frostad as president and chief executive officer.

  • Kristian Steinshylla

    New Mørenot Aquaculture CEO


    Kristian Steinshylla has been appointed CEO of Mørenot Aquaculture to strengthen its international expertise.

  • News

    International pedigree


    "IceFish is an established exhibition that has deep roots and an international pedigree," he said."It brings in a different set of visitors, with people from Iceland's neighbouring countries in Norway, the Faroes and Greenland, as well as the local industry. This is the exhibition that companies put their effort ...

  • News

    Turnkey deck installations from Slippurinn


    The yard has signed an agreement to design, construct and install catch handling decks for two fresher trawlers. Björgúlfur is operated by Samherji, and its subsidiary company Útgerðarfélag Aureyringa operates sister vessel Kaldbakur. Both were built in Turkey in 2017, as part of a series that includes Björg, which ...

  • News

    Curio: matching the machine to the fish


    "Last year was a good year, and this one has started well. There has been a lot going on in the last few years, and it all seems to be coming together at the same time," he said, adding that the delay in expanding the premises in Hafnarfjörður has ...

  • News

    Curio: Vélin löguð að fiskinum


    „Síðasta ár var gott ár, og þetta hefur líka farið vel af stað. Það hefur mikið verið að gerast á síðustu árum, og allt virðist ætla að ganga upp á sama tíma,“ segir hann, og bætir því við að tafir sem orðið hafa á stækkun húsnæðisins í Hafnarfirði megi ...

  • News

    Slippurinn gerir vinnsludekk fyrir Samherja


    Skipasmíðastöðin hefur undirritað samning um hönnun, smíði og uppsetningu á vinnsludekki fyrir tvo ferskfisktogara. Samherji gerir út Björgúlf og dótturfélagið, Útgerðarfélag Akureyringa, gerir út systurskipið Kaldbak. Bæði skipin voru smíðuð í Tyrklandi árið 2017, rétt eins og Björg EA sem fékk vinnsludekk frá Slippnum við afhendingu.„Vinnsludekkið í Björgu EA ...

  • News

    Þekkt sýning á alþjóðavísu


    „Sjávarútvegssýningin IceFish hefur náð að festa sig í sessi, á sér djúpar rætur og er orðin þekkt á alþjóðavettvangi,“ segir hann. „Hana sækja ólíkir hópar, bæði gestir frá nágrannaríkjum Íslands, Noregi, Færeyjum og Grænlandi, ásamt fólki úr greininni heima fyrir. Þetta er sýning sem fyrirtækin leggja metnað í og ...

  • The EC has lifted Taiwan's yellow card after efforts to reduce IUU fishing prove successful Photo: EJF

    EC lifts Taiwan's yellow card on IUU fishing


    The European Commission has lifted Taiwan”s ”yellow card” in acknowledgement of the efforts made to tackle illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

  • Australia has welcomed an FFA five-year plan Photo: FFA

    FFA five-year plan welcomed by Australia


    A new five-year strategic plan has been endorsed by fisheries ministers from across the Pacific region that will help protect Australia’s interests and directly support profitable tuna fisheries in the country”s waters.

  • Hydroniq Coolers' CEO, Inge Bøen Photo: Hydroniq Coolers

    Hydroniq keeps Sølvtrans cool


    Norwegian shipyard Aas Mekaniske Verksted has awarded Hydroniq Coolers a contract to deliver its hull-integrated seawater cooling system to a vessel the shipbuilder is constructing for wellboat company Sølvtrans.

  • DailyNutra's NeptuneKrill oil has gained FoS certification Photo: FoS

    DailyNutra krill oil gains FoS certification


    Friend of the Sea has certified DailyNutra, a smart nutrition company, for sustainable production of products that contain krill oil for omega-3s.

  • Max Shearer Photo: Seafood Scotland

    Best of Scottish seafood comes to England


    Seafood Scotland is opening its pop-up restaurant ‘Fishermen’s Buoy’ for the second time with a trio of chefs, promoting Scotland’s seafood in the South East of England.

  • India is experiencing a comeback of black tiger shrimp Photo: MPEDA

    Black tiger shrimp makes a comeback in India


    Ending a decade’s slide in the production of black tiger shrimps, India is experiencing a comeback of the seafood, thanks to an initiative launched by the Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) earlier this year.

  • Scottish Sea Farms has been honoured by M&S for its work to reduce plastic waste Photo: Scottish Sea Farms

    Scottish Sea Farms wins M&S Innovation Award


    Scottish Sea Farms has been recognised at the M&S Select Farm Awards 2019 for its work to reduce polystyrene, one of the most widely used plastics.