Latest News – Page 209

  • The fisheries APPG has been discussing how to recruit more young people into the seafood industry

    Fisheries APPG discusses recruitment


    Parliamentarians and representatives from a range of seafood industries have met in Westminster to discuss issues affecting recruitment into seafood careers.

  • Charity competition seeks best sea photos

    Charity competition seeks best sea photos


    UK maritime charity the Shipwrecked Mariners’ Society is once again on the lookout for photographers to submit their favourite images of the sea, for its annual competition honouring Britain’s proud maritime heritage.

  • shellfish

    Shellfood supplier secures cash backing


    Scottish shellfood supplier D.R. Collin & Son is set to increase its exports to Europe and Asia with seven-figure backing from HSBC UK.

  • Supporting new MPA mapping project

    Supporting new MPA mapping project


    Seafish’s Kingfisher Information Service is working with the catching sector and regulators to create the first ever comprehensive map of the UK’s marine protected area (MPA) network designed for use by fishermen.

  • Net cleaning system to Mowi Ireland

    Net cleaning system to Mowi Ireland


    Mowi Ireland has placed an order for a Racemaster net cleaning robot system for its southern site, near Castletownbere from Norwegian technology company MPI (Multi Pump Innovation).

  • Sainsbury’s first with Salmon Skin Crisps

    Sainsbury’s first with Salmon Skin Crisps


    Sea Chips – the UK’s first salmon skin crisp company – has made its debut in major retail by becoming one of the first products to be part of Sainsbury’s ground-breaking ‘Taste of the Future’ scheme, trialling its innovative snack among consumers for a three-month period.

  • ASC certification for bass and bream farms

    ASC certification for bass and bream farms


    Two farms operated by Sursan Su Urunleri AS have become the the first company awarded ASC certification for farmed sea bass and sea bream, along with two farms run by Greek company Niraeus.

  • AlgaPrime DHA is a sustainable source of omega-3 for fish feed Photo: Corbion

    Algae-based omega-3 boosts sustainability


    AlgaPrime DHA, an algae-based food manufactured by Corbion, has been successfully trialled in shrimp feed produced by Thai Union Group.

  • Ghost gear is given a new lease of life through the Net100-Net + Positive Project Photo: Satlink

    Chilean project sees ghost gear repurposed


    Satlink and recycling company, Bureo, have joined forces to collect 100 tonnes of fishing nets along the coast of Chile, through the Net100-Net + Positive Project.

  • Anchoring technology can help site aquaculture farms in previously unreached places

    Anchoring technology secures new areas


    A consortium of engineers in Scotland is developing a new anchoring technology for the aquaculture industry which could help support the sectors ambitions for long-term sustainable growth.

  • Skretting and Protix partner up Photo: Skretting

    Skretting commits to Protix insect meal


    Skretting has signed a deal with insect breeder, Protix, that could see up to 5.5 million salmon servings per year brought to market with insect meal incorporated into the feed.

  • Apprentice and winner of WA Seafood Apprentice Jiann Woei Yeo with head chef Alejandro Saravia Photo: WAFIC

    Western Australia announces award winner


    The winner of the Western Australian Seafood Apprentice Competition, which promotes the region’s seafood whilst showcasing apprentice talent, has been announced.

  • Salmon novelty in France

    Salmon novelty in France


    French retailer Supermarché Match has launched sales of salmon fed with Veramaris’ innovative natural marine algal oil rich in omega-3 EPA & DHA.

  • Marel to host Copenhagen tech showcase

    Marel to host Copenhagen tech showcase


    When Marel hosts its Whitefish ShowHow in Copenhagen in September, it will showcase the latest in hi-tech processing systems, bringing industry leaders together under the same roof with equipment and software specialists.

  • AENOR sustainable tuna is available in Spain Photo: AENOR

    AENOR sustainable tuna comes to Spain


    Tuna bearing the AENOR Conform Responsibly Fished Tuna seal is now available to Spanish customers.

  • LR Health & Beauty FoS certified?

    LR Health & Beauty FoS certified


    Leading manufacturer and distributor of cosmetics and nutritional supplements LR Health & Beauty qualifies for Friend of the Sea certification.

  • Increased visibility with illuminated nets

    Increased visibility with illuminated nets


    Scientists are testing nets illuminated with LED lights to see if increasing net visibility reduces sea turtle bycatch in gillnet fisheries.

  • New Sisimiut delivered to Royal Greenland

    New Sisimiut delivered to Royal Greenland


    Royal Greenland has taken delivery of the first of two new Skipsteknisk-designed factory trawlers from Astilleros de Murueta.

  • Fishtek Marine crowdfunds bycatch prevention

    Fishtek Marine crowdfunds bycatch prevention


    Marine bycatch prevention pioneer Fishtek Marine has netted its full £900,000 impact investment crowdfunding via the Triodos Bank UK crowdfunding platform, enabling Fishtek to develop its range of products, conduct more live sea trials and help enhance global awareness.

  • Campaign aims to attract young jobseekers

    Campaign aims to attract young jobseekers


    Misconceptions about the seafood industry are putting off young talent as the next generation sees the seafood industry as low skilled and unexciting, leaving seafood businesses struggling to recruit fresh, young talent.