Latest News – Page 211

  • All Greenland halibut caught by EU fisheries is now sustainable Photo: MSC

    All EU-fished Greenland halibut sustainable


    Following Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for the Doggerbank Seefischerei halibut fishery, all Greenland halibut in the EU is now being fished sustainably.

  • Doug Butterworth

    Fisheries scientist wins prestigious award


    A South Africa-based professor has received a prestigious award from the Emperor of Japan for helping ensure the sustainable use of marine living resources by Japan, in particular southern bluefin tuna.

  • Scottish Sea Farms is opening a new salmon farm off the island of Hunda Photo: Scottish Sea Farms

    Scottish Sea Farms brings boost to Orkney


    Scotland’s supply chain is set to share in a £3.2m boost to business following the news that Scottish Sea Farms has been given the approval for a new salmon farm off the small island of Hunda within Scapa Flow in Orkney.

  • Lerwick Port Authority's chief executive, Calum Grains, and Bank of Scotland's Carolyn Martin Photo: Lerwick Port Authority

    Green focus at new Lerwick fish market


    With support from a £3 million funding package from Bank of Scotland, Lerwick Port Authority is developing a new white fish market at Lerwick Harbour with sustainability at its core.

  • Low trophic aquaculture in the spotlight

    Low trophic aquaculture in the spotlight


    More than seventy scientists and industry professionals from 16 countries are gathering this week in Tromsø to launch the EU-funded AquaVitae project.

  • AFMA and SETFIA have entered into a co-management arrangement Photo: AFMA

    Co-operation key in Australian fisheries


    The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) and the South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association (SETFIA) have entered into a new co-management deal including the creation of a Seine and Trawl Advisory Group (STAG) providing advice on operational aspects of the Commonwealth Trawl Sector (CTS).

  • Dr Annika Clements Photo: Seafish

    Seafish appoints new NI manager


    Seafish, the public body that supports the £10bn UK seafood industry, has welcomed a new member to its Northern Ireland team.

  • Norway cleans up in Chile

    Norway cleans up in Chile


    Despite there being little in common, in terms of climate at least, between the cold Atlantic coast of Norway and the heat of Chile, the countries do share one major interest – salmon farming on a huge scale to meet an ever-growing global demand for fish.

  • The Research Plaza at Aqua Nor will focus on research, innovation and training

    R&D at Aqua Nor exhibition


    Research, innovation and teaching is on the agenda for the second time at the Aqua Nor aquaculture exhibition in Trondheim in August.

  • Benchmark has opened a salmon egg production facility in Norway Photo: Benchmark

    New benchmark in salmon egg production


    UK-based Benchmark has opened a new state-of-the-art egg production unit in Sørfold in Norway, focused on quality as well as quantity.

  • 'Okeanrybflot'

    Biggest factory trawler expected 2021


    The world’s largest purpose-built factory trawler is on track to be delivered on time and on budget by Tersan Shipyard in spring 2021 following a steel cutting ceremony attended by the vessel’s Russian shipowner, JSC Okeanrybflot and its Norwegian designer, Skipsteknisk.

  • Black Sea Common Maritime Agenda endorsed

    Black Sea Common Maritime Agenda endorsed


    The Common Maritime Agenda agreed by ministers of seven nations bordering the Black Sea is the first of its kind for the region and the result of a process initiated by the European Union.

  • Jens Vogler joins Rügen Fisch AG

    Jens Vogler joins Rügen Fisch AG


    Jens Vogler has been appointed by Thai Union as CEO of Rügen Fisch AG with its subsidiaries Hawesta-Feinkost Hans Westphal GmbH & Co. KG and Ostsee Fisch GmbH & Co. Produktions- und Vertriebs KG.

  • Salmon

    Drop in earnings for New Zealand’s Sanford


    New Zealand seafood company Sanford Limited has reported an 8% drop in earnings and 16% drop in profit following the death of a crew member alongside environmental challenges.

  • Plymouth crab company upscales

    Plymouth crab company upscales


    Plymouth seafood business The Cracking Crab Company has moved into new premises at Plymouth Fisheries, the second largest fresh fish market in England, after growing demand led to an expansion of the business.

  • 50 years of continuous innovation

    50 years of continuous innovation


    Cabinplant has been contributing to the international food industry for five decades and on 1st June celebrates its 50th anniversary. It was established in Haarby in Denmark in 1969, and still has its headquarters there.

  • Egg-unboiling machine takes on fish oil

    Egg-unboiling machine takes on fish oil


    The technology that unboiled the egg is being used to help improve people’s capacity to absorb fish oil, reports Jessica Bassano

  • Algal bloom hits Norwegian salmon sector

    Algal bloom hits Norwegian salmon sector


    An ongoing algal bloom event in northern Norway has left the country’s salmon industry just starting to count the cost.

  • Sea Delight has joined the Red Crab and NFI Crab Councils Photo: Sea Delight

    Sea Delight joins crab councils


    Florida-based company, Sea Delight, has joined the National Fisheries Institute’s Crab Council as its 33rd member and the NFI Red Crab Council as its 11th member.

  • Silla Co. has been awarded Friend of the Sea certification Photo: Silla Co.

    Silla achieves FOS certification


    The purse seiner vessels of South Korean company, Silla Co., have been found to comply with the Friend of the Sea’s sustainability criteria following a third party audit.