Latest News – Page 212

  • Loch Duart has appointed a new chairman Photo: Loch Duart

    Loch Duart appoints new chairman


    Scottish salmon farming company, Loch Duart, has appointed a new chairman. Alistair Erskine, a Scottish seafood industry expert, is taking over from Dr Andrew Barbour, who has chaired the company since 2008 having joined as a non-executive director in 2002.

  • Skretting's AquaSim tool is bringing the benefits of digitalisation to the aquaculture industry Photo: Skretting

    Aquaculture embraces digital age


    Skretting’s integrated digital platform is helping aquaculture business owners calculate expected performance and apply real-time production upgrades on a farm-by-farm basis.

  • Marin Teknikk is designing a new fishing vessel for Skår Senior Photo: Marin Teknikk

    Marin Teknikk to design Skår purser/trawler


    Norwegian engineering company, Marin Teknikk (MT) has secured a new design contract with fellow Norwegian fishing company Skår Senior.

  • M&S and Waitrose have joined EJF's fight against illegal fishing Photo: Environmental Justice Foundation

    UK retailers join EJF transparency pact


    Marks & Spencer and Waitrose & Partners have become the latest UK major retailers to commit to ensuing their seafood supply chains are free from illegal fishing and human rights abuses by signing the Environmental Justice Foundation’s (EJF) Charter for Transparency.

  • Kiwi technology approved for inshore fishery

    Kiwi technology approved for inshore fishery


    After seven years of trials, Fisheries New Zealand has approved the use of the Modular Harvest System (MHS) in North Island inshore fisheries for snapper, tarakihi, trevally, red gurnard, and John Dory, with specific conditions.

  • native European oysters

    Millions of oysters to return to Europe


    A plan to develop a ‘blueprint’ for native oyster reef restoration could see millions of native oysters (Ostrea edulis) returned to European waters.

  • Russian Fishery looks to African market

    Russian Fishery looks to African market


    Russian Fishery Company, one of the leading producers of pollock and Pacific herring, is looking to Nigeria and other African nations for sales of Pacific herring.

  • Going orange with Sæplast

    Going orange with Sæplast


    Icelandic fishing company Síldarvinnslan and its subsidiary Bergur-Huginn have placed an order for 3500 fish tubs from Sæplast, opting for a striking orange colour for the tubs.

  • Karstensens Shipyard is to build a new pelagic trawler for Antarctic Fishing Company Photo: Karstensens

    Irish pelagic trawler order for Karstensens


    Ireland-based Antarctic Fishing Company has placed an order at the Skipper Expo with Karstensens Shipyard in Denmark for a newbuild pelagic trawler.

  • Calysta and Thai Union have produced a shrimp feed made using fermented natural gas Photo: Thai Union

    Natural gas key to sustainable shrimp feed


    Alternative protein producer Calysta has joined forces with Thai Union Group to offer the world its first taste of commercially farmed shrimp fed with protein produced from natural gas.

  • Ideal selectivity combination

    Ideal selectivity combination


    Experience of a T90 mackerel codend rigged on DynIce Quicklines has been excellent on both mackerel and herring, according to one of Síldarvinnslan’s pelagic skippers.

  • Fishering Service: Pulling the strings

    Fishering Service: Pulling the strings


    The days of chasing fish and hoping for the best belong in the past, according to Andrey Fedorov, director of fishing gear manufacturer Fishering Service.

  • ASC certified salmon is now available in Swift supermarkets in Brazil Photo: ASC

    ASC salmon comes to Brazil


    Shoppers in Brazil can now buy Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certified salmon thanks to a new range of products in Swift supermarkets.

  • Stability monitor enhances fishing safety

    Stability monitor enhances fishing safety


    An innovative stability monitor that enhances the safety of fishing vessels is now available for fishermen throughout the UK, Ireland, and other European countries.

  • The Veramaris Solution

    The Veramaris Solution


    How sustainable squaculture will spark growth in a constrained industry; As the demand for salmon at the dinner table surges globally, so does the pressure on small ocean fish used in feeding them.

  • The 'Hydro Pioneer' Photo: Hydrolicer Production AS

    Fish handling system for delousing vessel


    The PG Flow Solutions group has been tasked with supplying a complete fish handling system, including delousing system and fish transfer pumps, to a delousing vessel.

  • Loch Duart's managing director, Alban Denton Photo: Loch Duart

    Loch Duart wins at Made in Scotland awards


    Independent Scottish salmon farming business, Loch Duart, which is based in Sutherland and the Uists, has been named ‘Exporter of the Year’ at the 2019 Made in Scotland Awards.

  • Scanmar’s role in Russian fleet renewal??

    Scanmar’s role in Russian fleet renewal


    Murmansk company Murmanseld2 is currently building four new vessels at the Pella Shipyard in Saint Petersburg - a contract with a value in excess of €160 million.

  • News

    2020 Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin


    Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin verður nú haldin í 13. sinn og hefur enginn önnur alþjóðleg sýning verið jafn lengi við lýði. Allt frá því hún var haldin í fyrsta sinn árið 1984 hefur sýningin verið með kynningar á því nýjasta í greininni, bæði hér á landi og erlendis. Kynntar hafa verið ...

  • News

    Valka stefnir á byltingu í laxeldi


    Nýja kerfið er fyrsta skref þessa íslenska hátæknifyrirtækis út fyrir hvítfiskvinnsluna og er sérstaklega hannað til þess að fjarlægja beingarð úr laxaflökum. Notuð er röntgentækni til að gera nákvæma myndgreiningu í þrívídd, sem gerir mögulegt að staðsetja beinin og vatnskurðarvélin getur síðan með hallastillingum skorið og skammtað bitana til ...