Latest News – Page 213

  • News

    Valka set to revolutionise salmon production


    The new system is the high-tech Icelandic company's first step in moving beyond whitefish processing and this is designed specifically to remove pinbones from salmon fillets. It uses X-ray technology to provide detailed 3D imaging, enabling bones to be located and the tiltable robot water-jet cutters to trim and ...

  • News

    ValuePump frá Skaganum 3X eykur afköstin


    Hugmyndin á bak við ValuePump er stór snigill sem myndar meginhluta kerfisins og gefur færi á að nýta margvíslegan búnað meðan fiskurinn færist frá inntaki snigilsins yfir í úttakið.„Það sem við erum með er dæla, sem að auki getur stytt blæðingartíma verulega meðan fiskarnir streyma í gegn,“ útskýrði Ingólfur ...

  • News

    Skaginn 3X's efficiency boosting ValuePump


    The concept behind the ValuePump is a large-gauge spiral that forms the body of the system, which provides opportunities to apply a range of functions while fish are in transit from input to output."What we have here is a pump, with the added capacity to shorten bleeding times significantly ...

  • News

    2020 IceFish


    The 13th Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition, is the longest running international Exhibition in Iceland. First held in 1984 this exhibition hosts the latest developments from the Icelandic and International industry showcasing new and innovative products and services, covering every aspect of the commercial fishing industry from catching and locating to ...

  • The One-by-One Indonesia Tuna Alliance launches at the Seafood Expo Global in Belgium Photo: IPNLF

    Indonesia tuna alliance launches at Expo


    An organisation aimed at improving sustainability and promoting legal, reported and regulated fishing in Indonesia has launched at the Seafood Expo Global trade show in Belgium.

  • Scrabster Seafoods' crabber will be retrofitted with a DuroWiipers Class 90 twin drive pantograph wiper system Photo: DuroWipers

    DuroWipers secures fishing vessel contracts


    DuroWipers has secured new contracts to supply wiper systems to two fishing vessels courtesy of its long-standing customer, Macduff Shipyards.

  • Applying blockchain technology to aquaculture

    Applying blockchain technology to aquaculture


    The Indian state of Andhra Pradesh is about to utilise blockchain technologies to address growing problems of antibiotics used in aquaculture, aiming to monitor the entire chain of culture and processing, reports JK Kumar.

  • Igueldo reaps benefits of WASSP F3X sonar

    Igueldo reaps benefits of WASSP F3X sonar


    The skipper of squid trawler Igueldo is more than happy with the WASSP F3X system installed during the recent refit.

  • 'Strand Senior'

    Pelagic newbuilds to feature Sonihull systems


    12 pelagic fishing newbuilds from the Karstensens Skibsvaerft shipyard in Skagen, Denmark have been fitted with NRG Marine’s Sonihull ultrasonic antifouling systems to protect their box coolers.

  • USV provides fleet fishfinder platform

    USV provides fleet fishfinder platform


    Kongsberg Maritime has unveiled a brand-new Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), a uniquely versatile craft designed and built to provide the highest possible standard of data acquisition.

  • Beyond Brexit

    Beyond Brexit


    Despite all the current uncertainty about how Britain and the EU will part ways, the UK’s seafood sector should still seek pathways to future market growth

  • Seafood Scotland has launched the 'Changing Tides' strategic plan for the Scottish seafood sector Photo: Seafood Scotland

    Strategic action plan for Scottish seafood


    Seafood Scotland has launched a strategic action plan designed to be a catalyst for change in Scotland’s seafood sector.

  • Generale Conserve's tuna brand, Asdomar, has been awarded Friend of the Sea certification Photo: Generale Conserve

    Asdomar given Friend of the Sea certification


    Asdomar, the canned tuna brand produced by Italian firm Generale Conserve, has confirmed its commitment to sustainability with Friend of the Sea certification.

  • MaxSea launches TZ v4

    MaxSea launches TZ v4


    MaxSea’s TZ Professional v4 has been released, bringing with it a number of new features that expand its functionality for fishing.

  • Turnkey deck installations from Slippurinn

    Turnkey deck installations from Slippurinn


    The Slippurinn Akureyri shipyard has contracted to deliver turnkey catch handling deck systems for fresher trawlers Kaldbakur and Björgúlfur.

  • Babord: Harbour to Home

    Babord: Harbour to Home


    Based firmly in the Norwegian port of Måløy with its long fishing tradition, Babord is a new venture with a number of interesting twists on the process of bringing seafood to the consumer.

  • Congressman Don Young Photo: Don Young

    Congress moves to ban ocean fish farming


    United States Congressman Don Young has introduced the Keep Finfish Free Act which places a moratorium on commercial permitting of marine finfish aquaculture facilities in federally controlled areas of the ocean.

  • The OFCF and FFA have been agreeing priorities for Pacific fisheries Photo: FFA

    FFA and Japan agree Pacific fisheries support


    Observer training, maritime boundaries and new training initiatives were on the agenda of a high-level meeting in Honiara between the Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) and senior representatives of the Overseas Fisheries Cooperation Foundation (OFCF) of Japan.

  • Chris Ninnes and Julie Kuchepatov signing the MOU at this year's Seafood Expo North America in Boston Photo: ASC

    ASC and Fair Trade focus on Indonesia


    The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) and Fair Trade USA have joined forces to drive improvements in the aquaculture sector in Indonesia, the second biggest producer of farmed fish in the world.

  • BluGlacier is joining the GSSI as funding partner Photo: BluGlacier

    BluGlacier joins GSSI as funding partner


    The Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) has announced that BluGlacier has joined the GSSI Global Partnership as a funding partner.