Latest News – Page 217

  • Direct Seafoods is no longer selling wild halibut to its customers amid concerns over sustainability Photo: Direct Seafoods

    Use farmed halibut, says Direct Seafoods


    UK-based Direct Seafoods is urging chefs to take wild halibut off menus, and has pledged to only offer the farmed variety to its customers.

  • The Vietnam Tuna Association has joined the IPNLF Photo: VinaTuna

    Vietnam Tuna Association joins IPNLF


    The Vietnam Tuna Association (VinaTuna) has become the latest member of the International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF), the charity committed to supporting one-by-one tuna fisheries and supply chains.

  • News

    Ráðstefnan Fish Waste for Profit snýr aftur til Reykjavíkur 10. og 11. apríl 2019


    Markmið Íslenska sjávarklasans er að auka verðmæti finna ný tækifæri með því að tengja saman frumkvöðla, fyrirtæki og þekkingu í sjávarútvegi. Hús sjávarklasans er nýsköpunarmiðstöð og frumkvöðlasetur fyrir fyrirtæki sem nýta hafið sem auðlind fyrir vörur sínar, þjónustu og hugmyndir. 70 fyrirtæki hafa nú aðstöðu í Húsi sjávarklasans.„Á heimsvísu ...

  • News

    Fish Waste for Profit returns to Reykjavik from the 10-11 April 2019


    The Iceland Ocean Cluster's mission is to create value and discover new opportunities by connecting entrepreneurs, businesses and knowledge in the marine industries. The Ocean Cluster House is an innovation hub and incubator for companies that draw on the ocean as a resource for their products, services, and ideas. ...

  • The IOC and AOC are hoping to increase collaboration through the signing of an MOU Photo: IOC

    AOC and IOC sign collaborative MOU


    The Alaska Ocean Cluster (AOC) and Iceland Ocean Cluster (IOC) have signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at promoting collaboration between the two bodies.

  • UK fishing industry leaders are calling on MPs to not delay the UK's exit from the CFP Photo: SFF

    'Do not delay Brexit' say fishing leaders


    Fishing industry leaders have called on MPs not to delay the UK''s exit from the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

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    Þjónustustjóri Völku fyrir Noreg og Rússland


    Valka er leiðandi fyrirtæki við framleiðslu á hátæknivinnslukerfum fyrir botnfisk og lax. Fyrirtækið nýtir sér sjálfvirkni til að ná fram mikilli nákvæmni í vinnslu með lágmörkun úrgangs og hámarksframleiðni. Árið 2011 kynnti fyrirtækið alsjálfvirka beina- og bitaskurðarlínu, þar sem notast var bæði við röntgentækni og þrýstivatnsþjarka til að skera ...

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    T90 trollpokarnir frá Hampiðjunni, sem felldir eru á DynIce kvikklínur, hafa reynst vel


    „Okkar reynsla er sú að fiskurinn gengur mun hraðar aftur í trollpokann og lifir mun lengur í þessum poka en í öðrum gerðum og það hlýtur að skila sér í betra og ferskara hráefni.“Báðir skipstjórarnir á Berki hafa tekið þátt í þróun T90 trollpokanna sem felldir eru á DynIce ...

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    Fyrstu nýsmíðarnar væntanlegar í sumar


    Togararnir tveir fyrir Síldarvinnsluna eiga að koma í staðinn fyrir hina tíu ára gömlu Vestmannaey og Bergey, sem báðar eru gerðar út af dótturfélaginu Bergur-Huginn. Þessi tvö skip hafa reynst vera sérlega góð veiðiskip í gegnum árin.Þessir sjö nýju togarar eru hver um sig 28,95 metra langir og 12 ...

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    Valka service manager for Norway and Russia


    Valka is a leading supplier of high-tech processing systems for groundfish and salmon, using automation to enable highly precise processing with minimal waste and maximised yield. In 2011 it introduced its fully automated pin-bone and portion-cutting line, combining X-ray technology for locating bones and water-jet robots to portion fillets, ...

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    Hampiðjan's T90 codends on DynIce Quicklines perform well


    "We see that the fish pass down into the gear into the codend and live longer there that in other codend types, and that has to be a benefit in terms of better and fresher raw material."Both of Börkur's skipper have been involved in the development of T90 codends ...

  • News

    First of new trawler series due this summer


    The two trawlers for Síldarvinnslan are to replace the ten-year-old Vestmannaey and Bergey, which are operated by its subsidiary company Bergur-Huginn, and these two have been outstandingly successful fishing vessels over the years.The new trawlers in the series of seven altogether each measure 28.95 metres with a breadth of ...

  • MSC

    MSC audits tackle child labour


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has announced new requirements for seafood suppliers and processers including independent audits of labour practices for supply chain companies if a risk of forced or child labour practices is established.

  • Carsoe has signed a deal to equip Arctic Storm's new fishing vessel Photo: Carsoe

    Carsoe signs major US deal


    Denmark-based, Carsoe, specialist in onboard fish processing, has signed the first significant contract in the United States with the Arctic Storm Management Group in Seattle.

  • The Master Fishmonger Standard is seeking a young fishmonger of the year Photo: Master Fishmonger Standard

    Calling all young fishmongers


    The next generation of the UK''s fishmongers are being invited to take part in a competition that will test their technical knowledge, skills and passion for the trade.

  • Cermaq has launched True Arctic Salmon Photo: Cermaq

    Cermaq launches True Arctic Salmon


    Arctic waters are proving beneficial to salmon farmers as the intense cold means the fish grows more slowly, resulting in qualities that are attractive to consumers.

  • Members of Thai Union and Win-Chain celebrate the signing of an MOU to help bring Thai Union products to the Chinese market Photo: Thai Union

    Thai Union signs Chinese MOU


    Thai Union Group, has signed an agreement with Shanghai Win-Chain Supply Chain Management to become strategic partners in supplying Thai Union’s seafood products to the Chinese market.

  • Associated Seafoods has won two awards at the North East Scotland Food and Drink Awards 2019 Photo: Associated Seafoods

    Associated Seafoods celebrates double win


    Buckie-based Associated Seafoods Ltd (ASL) has won two awards at the North East Scotland Food and Drink Awards 2019 in recognition of the company’s investment in its staff and the wider community, as well as the success of its Scottish smoked salmon.

  • Green Life Foods has been welcomed by the ASC Photo: Aquaculture Stewardship Council

    Green Life Foods welcomed by ASC


    At the Seafood Expo North America, China-based Green Life Foods was officially welcomed to the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) by chief executive, Chris Ninnes.

  • Louisiana USDA rural development director, Carrie Castille (centre) and Deborah Atwood of the Meridian Institute visit the oyster farm of Jules Melancon on Grand Isle Photo: Ed Lallo/Lallo Photography

    Gulf Seafood announces new board officers


    The Gulf Seafood Foundation, an organisation formed to support and promote fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico, has announced a number of new officers for 2019.