Latest News – Page 218

  • Nile tilapia

    “Dramatic” growth in Egypt’s aquaculture


    Egypt has seen a “dramatic rise” in the number of smallholder farmers starting new Nile tilapia-focused aquaculture ventures driven by the country’s high population growth and an increasingly active agriculture sector.

  • GearingUp gets ready for growth

    GearingUp gets ready for growth


    The GearingUp project, set up as an online tool capable of being used to share technical fishing gear information in anticipation of the Landing Obligation, is now heading for a version 2.0 now that the crucial 1st January 2019 date has passed.

  • Valka service manager for Norway and Russia

    Valka service manager for Norway and Russia


    Magnús Jóhannsson has been appointed by Valka as its service manager for Norway and Russia.

  • Steven Rafferty appointed Cermaq Chile MD

    Steven Rafferty appointed Cermaq Chile MD


    Steven Rafferty takes up his position as Cermaq Chile’s managing director on 1st June, bringing a broad industry experience to Chile’s second largest aquaculture company.

  • AFMA

    Wez Norris is new AFMA CEO


    Wez Norris has been appointed the new chief executive officer of the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA).

  • Readymeal range for Russian market

    Readymeal range for Russian market


    The Russian Fishery Company (RFC) has launched a ready to cook range of products made with premium quality Alaska pollock, produced in co-operation with Agama Group and under the joint Agama-Nordeco brand.

  • Mørenot acquires Hepsø Notservice

    Mørenot acquires Hepsø Notservice


    Mørenot has strengthened its presence in Trøndelag with the purchase of all the entire shareholding in Hepsø Notservice, providing Mørenot with the base it has been looking for in Norway’s largest aquaculture region.

  • MT adds to Russian longliner series

    MT adds to Russian longliner series


    Marin Teknikk AS (MT) has secured a new ship design and engineering contract with fishing company LLC FC Virma, based in the Karelia region of north-western Russia.

  • Goolwa PipiCo is partnering with the Ngarrindjeri people to bring wild caught pipi to the global market Photo: Jacqui Way Photography

    Wild caught pipi on the global menu


    South Australian company, Goolwa PipiCo, has partnered with the indigenous Ngarrindjeri people to process and market its wild caught pipis around Australia and the world.

  • DNA analysis can help determine whether seafood has been fradulently mislabelled Photo: MSC

    Is your hake fake? DNA provides the answer


    DNA barcoding of more than 1,400 Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) labelled products has shown that fewer than 1% are mislabelled, compared to a reported average of 30%.

  • Ecuador’s SSP has signed off its first batch of SSP-approved premium quality farmed shrimp Photo: SSP

    Premium farmed shrimp hits the shelves


    Ecuador’s Sustainable Shrimp Partnership (SSP) has signed off its first batch of SSP-approved premium quality farmed shrimp.

  • PanaPesca is the latest company to be crowned an SPF 'Target 75 Champion' Photo: PanaPesca

    SFP announces new Target 75 champion


    The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) has announced that US and Italy-based seafood importer and distributor, PanaPesca, has become SFP’s newest Target 75 Champion.

  • The Fishermen's Mission is raising funds for charity by auctioning ceramic fish painted by artists and celebrities Photo: The Fishermen's Mission

    Celebrities paint fish for charity


    The Fishermen’s Mission, a UK charity offering support to active and retired fishermen, will raise funds by auctioning ceramic fish painted by artists and celebrities.

  • Artist's impression of the 'Apollo' Illustration: Marine Design

    Ocean Farm Services orders net cleaning units


    Norwegian technology company Multi Pump Innovation (MPI) will supply net cleaning units for Shetland-based Ocean Farm Services’ (OFS) first service vessel.

  • Taits heads home to Scotland

    New pelagic catcher Taits heads home to Scotland


    The Westcon shipyard at Ølensvåg in Norway has delivered the latest pelagic vessel to join the Scottish fleet, the Rolls-Royce-designed Taits, built for the Klondyke Fishing Company.

  • Environmental organisation, Oceana, warns of 'anarchy' if the UK leaves the EU without a withdrawal deal

    No deal Brexit means 'anarchy in the UK'


    The UK leaving the European Union without a withdrawal deal could lead to lawlessness at sea with serious consequences for fisheries and marine life, the environmental organisation Oceana warns.

  • The seafood industry is making progress in tackling ghost gear Photo: World Animal Protection

    Industry starting to tackle ghost gear


    Seafood companies are making progress in stopping lost fishing gear killing fish and other marine animals according to a new report by the World Animal Protection.

  • Rahim Hoosen

    New trustees join IPNLF


    Two new trustees have joined the International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF) to help guide its future progress, oversee its governance and inform its strategic direction.

  • The Spanish tuna fleet is helping distribution and processing companies to gain AENOR certification for responsibly fished tuna Photo: AENOR

    Spanish tuna sustainable from sea to can


    The Spanish tuna fleet has begun the process of enabling canned tuna distribution and processing companies to earn the label of responsibly fished tuna from certification company, AENOR.

  • Hoopers Island Oyster Co. has unveiled a new high-speed, laser-guided oyster processing system Photo: Hoopers Island Oyster Co.

    US tool grades oysters by laser


    Seed hatchery and oyster grower, Hoopers Island Oyster Co, has unveiled the first high-speed, laser-guided oyster processing system designed and built in the United States.