Latest News – Page 219

  • Tersan launches ST-184 crabber

    Tersan launches ST-184 crabber


    The Tersan Shipyard in Turkey has launched its first crabbing vessel for Russian fishing operator Arktikservice to fish for Kamchatka and snow crab in North Atlantic waters.

  • Australia Post has released three stamps to promote sustainable fishing Photo: Australia Post

    Stamps promote sustainable fishing


    Coinciding with Sustainable Seafood Week 2019, Australia Post has released three stamps featuring sustainable fish species.

  • Tri Marine has achieved Fair Trade certification for its Solomon Islands yellowfin and skipjack tuna fishery Photo: Tri Marine

    Solomon Islands tuna now Fair Trade


    Global tuna supply company, Tri Marine, has achieved Fair Trade certification for the Solomon Islands yellowfin and skipjack tuna fishery.

  • A Chinese tuna fishery has already received MSC certification for its yellowfin tuna (above) and, for the first time, its bigeye tuna is also certified Photo: NOAA

    Bigeye tuna MSC certified for the first time


    A Chinese owned longline yellowfin and bigeye tuna fishery in the Federated States of Micronesia has achieved Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for its bigeye tuna catch, the first time that bigeye has received MSC certification.

  • Oyster farmers from around Ireland have met to discuss disease control Photo: BIM

    Irish oyster farmers discuss disease control


    The Marine Institute''s Fish Health Unit has held a meeting on Pacific Oyster health to discuss the latest research and knowledge on oyster diseases.

  • Blockchain technology could help boost aquaculture industry and consumer confidence

    Blockchain can boost aquaculture confidence


    Blockchain could boost the transparency of the aquaculture sector by providing a means to trace and record the entire fish supply chain, according to a new report by classification society, DNV GL, and consultancy firm, Deloitte.

  • Stock levels of striped bass and summer flounder have been assessed Photo: NOAA

    Flounder and striped bass stocks assessed


    New stock assessments of summer flounder and Atlantic striped bass are ready for use by fishery managers and show that whilst summer flounder is overfished, stock levels of striped bass are healthy.

  • First of shrimper pair from Vigo yard

    First of shrimper pair from Vigo yard


    The CNP Freire shipyard in Vigo has completed the first of a pair of Rolls-Royce factory trawlers designed to catch and process shrimp for owners in Greenland.

  • squid

    Squid sustainability better but goal remains


    The global squid sector has made notable progress towards sustainability goals in the past year, but much work remains to be done, a new report has found.

  • Prestige Oysters in the US is hoping to be the first oyster fishery in the Americas to be granted MSC certification Photo: Prestige Oysters

    US oyster fishery MSC certification hopes


    The first oyster fishery in the United States has entered the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) fisheries standard assessment.

  • NOAA Fisheries has implemented final measures to protect the Atlantic shortfin mako shark from overfishing Photo: NOAA

    New NOAA measures to tackle mako overfishing


    NOAA Fisheries has implemented final measures to help end overfishing of the Atlantic shortfin mako shark whilst ensuring fishing opportunities for recreational and commercial fishermen.

  • News

    Námsstyrkir 2019 veittir úr menntasjóði Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningarinnar


    Í kjölfarið á Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni 2014 gerðu forsvarsmenn sýningarinnar sér grein fyrir nauðsyn þess að fjárfesta í framtíð sjávarútvegarins á Íslandi og settu á stofn menntasjóð til að veita námsstyrki til efnilegra nema innan geirans. Fyrsti námsstyrkurinn var veittur árið 2017.Marianne Rasmussen-Coulling, framkvæmdastjóri Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningarinnar, veitti námsstyrkinni við hátíðlega ...

  • News

    Winners of the 2019 Icelandic Fisheries Bursary Awards announced


    Following the 2014 Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition, the organisers of the exhibition recognised the need to re-invest in the future of the fishing sector and introduced bursaries awarded to those currently in education within the fishing sector. The first bursaries were awarded in 2017.Presented by Marianne Rasmussen-Coulling, Events Director, Mercator ...

  • Orkla Health has gained the MSC blue fish label for its Möller’s cod liver oil Photo: Orkla Health

    Möller’s cod liver oil gains MSC label


    Norwegian cod liver oil producer, Orkla Health, will display the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) blue fish label on all bottles of cod liver oil sold under its internationally renowned Möller’s brand.

  • Aas Mekaniske Verksted has awarded PG Flow Solutions a deal to deliver pump systems Photo: Aas Mekaniske Verksted

    PG Flow delivers pumps to Sølvtrans vessel


    Norwegian shipyard Aas Mekaniske Verksted has awarded PG Flow Solutions a deal to deliver pump systems to a new vessel the yard is building for wellboat company, Sølvtrans.

  • The new report, released today on International Women’s Day, highlights the powerful roles of women in Ghana’s fisheries

    Ghana’s fishing industry needs women’s voices


    Women play a crucial role in Ghana’s fisheries and the current crisis in the country’s fish stocks cannot be fully solved without their input in decision making, says a report released by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) and partner Hen Mpoano.

  • Puertto Montt’s female welders

    Puertto Montt’s female welders


    More than twenty women in Chile’s 10th region are working in Norwegian aquaculture industry supplier AKVA Group’s workshops. Their training for this work is due to a programme of feminine inclusion that has been successfully in place for a year, promoting sustainable development.

  • Ending seafood industry’s gender inequality

    Ending seafood industry’s gender inequality


    March 8th, International Women’s Day, has become the day of the year to highlight what women do and review progress. Some workplaces have joined in celebrating this day, featuring heartening commitments to gender equality. But we also frequently see in the workplace the omission, forgetfulness or ignorance of what this ...

  • Fisheries and quota manager joins Waterdance

    Fisheries and quota manager joins Waterdance


    UK fishing company Waterdance has announced that Martyn Youell, currently Head of the Fisheries Management Team at MMO, will be joining the company at the at the end of April.

  • Associated Seafoods has been shortlisted for three North East Scotland Food and Drink awards Photo: Associated Seafoods Ltd

    Associated Seafoods shortlisted for awards


    Buckie-based Associated Seafoods Ltd (ASL) has been shortlisted for three North East Scotland Food and Drink Awards 2019 in recognition of the innovation and sales performance of its Scottish smoked salmon, as well as its commitment to staff development.